Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Day Off . . .

It was wonderful not to have to get up this morning.  And I've had a nice day.  Had breakfast, am drinking coffee now, thinking of lunch which will be chili dogs.  Went out and looked at my mimosa and gardenia blooming, so wonderful this year.

Yesterday at work was just watching videos all day, I got to have lunch with the General Manager, he treated me and another new hire to get to know us.  It was nice.

The problem I'm having is money.  I still owe auto insurance and  still have to have money for gas ... I should get paid this weekend but I don't trust them so I suppose the thing to do is pawn the camera and make sure I can do both.  Although the auto insurance may be too expensive until I get paid I'll have to wait and see I'm not worrying about it today.  I'm not worrying about anything today.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Starting Anew . . .

Got a new job today, it pays $1 an hour more than the last one and looks like nicer people.  Just a question of getting the routine down and being able to do the job.  I already like my manager, a hispanic woman in her 30s and about to have a 4th child.  There is a woman my age I'll be working with she's very nice.  It's just a matter of getting to know everything and being able to think on my feet, we'll see.  But it's a new day and a new way so we'll see where this journey takes us, hopefully to a new house on this property.  I can hold money back now easily.