Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Friday, November 25, 2011

Post Thanksgiving . . .

For thanksgiving we didn't have a huge dinner and we won't be going to my aunt's either.  I was all set to have my money deposited today we were going to go to town and get groceries and get the stuff to get started packing to get ready to move and lo and behold, the government has been off Thursday and today, so, I won't get my unemployment until next week.  Had to call my brother and grovel for him to give us some money and wasn't THAT a blast, still waiting for him to call and let us know it's been wired.  I can't believe our luck.  But hopefully it'll be here soon and we can get on with life.  I wish I could win the lottery JUST ONCE.  (sigh)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Outliving Classmates . . .

Several years ago, I found out one of my classmates, Stardi Spurlock, had died.  At the time of her death she was 42.  I've no idea how she died but was very sad to hear it.  A couple of nights ago I dreamed of another classmate that was always very nice to me that I liked very much.  I found out tonight she, Leonor Navarro, died in 2007 at age 46.  I don't know what to think, these are two very beautiful people now gone from this earth, when so many hateful people still roam it.  And I wonder where is the justice in it all?

Sunday, November 20, 2011


I got air conditioning!  We took my air conditioner out and stored it and took Mother's air conditioner out and put it in my room and it's cool in here once again!  Bliss!  No more sleepless nights due to heat!  Woo!

Friday, November 18, 2011


Currently Reading:  No Rest for the Wicked by Kresley Cole, A Dark Matter by Peter Straub, Bell, Book & Dyke (A Bella After Dark collection)

Currently Listening To:  A Fan Blowing Behind Me

Current Title in Works:  Wyndhaven
They finally took out the Burn Ban and we can burn again.  We immediately set a small fire that consumed most of the loose paper in the house and some I collected from the yard.  Wonderful turn of events.  Everything else is still going.  I think Mother is convinced I still need to take this class though it's expensive, but what the hell maybe it'll help.  Can't hurt, it is, after all, a degree.

I really need to get my shit together and begin anew on my journey to fitness.  I get fatter every day, pretty soon I'm going to be a size 26 and wow, what then, can't even get clothes at WalMart.  Tomorrow's a good day to get started with that, it's Saturday, some weekday pressures will be off, I'll start out with a healthy breakfast and go from there.  I'm really motivated to exercise still, not really done it other than meander around the yard a little but I'm motivated!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ho Hums . . .

Rained a little bit today, an inch so they say.  Cooled things off that's nice.  I'm trying to start an online college course but if we're going to be responsible for most of the 36k it's going to cost, I'm afraid I'll have to pass.  We're going to do good to keep a roof over our head.

I need to get Mom's air conditioner in here.  Maybe it'll dry up some tomorrow and we can, but also it's supposed to get cooler yet so maybe won't need it until Saturday and our friend can come out and exchange it for us.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Happy Day !!!!!

Currently Reading:

No Rest For The Wicket by Kresley Cole

A Dark Matter by Peter Straub

Bell, Book & Dyke (A Bella After Dark collection)

Currently Listening To: 

Sports Center So I Can Hear About Kasey's Win A Dozen Times!

Current Title in Works:  Wyndhaven

Kasey Kahne wins at Phoenix !!!!!!! WAY TO GO DUUUUUUUUDDDDDEEEEE!!!!!!!!

Otherwise it's freaking hot and I'm going to cry tonight trying to sleep.  But I'm stuck with it till winter is safely tucked into our space and it cools off for a few months.  Tomorrow is going to be another miserable day but Tuesday it's going to rain and will be much cooler Wednesday night.  I can't wait.

We've been talking more about the cabin and the ups and downs of getting it wired, plumbed and finished.  I hope we aren't too uncomfortable too long once in it, it's really an excellent new start and I for one can't wait until it gets here and we get started on it.