Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Sunday, June 24, 2012

This Is Not Good . . .

It's Sunday and I can't watch racing.  I don't really care for the road race, but still, it's racing.  SO I have to keep up using lap-by-lap on nascar.com.  What the deal is there is something broken in the connection in our subdivision, our cable company is switching to all digital (as is everything electronic) and there is a fault somewhere in our area and they probably won't have it repaired until mid next week, if then.  I will tell them this:  if it's not done by Friday they will lose a customer.  The only real problem we had with Lake Livingston cable/internet is that it went up too high on the bill, but we've not caught a break with either Satellite or Suddenlink, so we may go back.  I don't care either way I just want my damned television back.

In other news, well, there isn't any.  It's hot, there is a tropical storm in the gulf (Debbie), and our temps have begun to tease the triple digit mark.  Ain't life grand.  It's not so bad in the morning but starting at around one o'clock it starts getting hotter and the acs help but not as much as I wish they would.  Anyway going to go now and find something to do, more blogging elsewhere, likely :).

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Procrastinator Extraordinaire . . .

I had designs on getting up today and getting stuff done but pooped out mid-day.  Oh well tomorrow's another day.  I did go out and check the garden and watered the back part and my mini rose, we're not due more rain for over a week now so I better get regular about watering or I'll lose everything.  I really need to get something going NOW for winter.  I'm not losing another garden to frost.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I Wish . . .

I wish I were left alone more.  I'd like to be able to take Mother somewhere for a couple of hours a day, a couple of days a week, so I could just have some time to myself.

I wish I could get myself to do more with the time I've got.  Finish a novel, get this weight off, landscape the property.

I wish life was much more uncomplicated.  I wish for more money and more freedom.

If wishes were horses, dreamers would ride.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Bleh . . .

I'm so disgusted lately.  All I'm doing is getting fatter, I'm not doing shit, I feel like shit.  But I'm working on it.  I can't sit here and do nothing forever.  For one thing I'm going to clean this room again.  Get outside in the evening and walk.  Eat cleaner.  Lose this weight.  Finish my novel.  Market it.  Sell it. Start my life, again.  And on that, on to getting it done.