Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Little Got Accomplished . . .

For starters, I got the kitchen mopped.  Clorox has a floor cleaner that is a "spring" scent, man that stuff smells GOOD can't wait to get the living room cleaned with it.  But that may have to wait till tomorrow, and even then, we have to take our puppy Charlie to the vet he appears to have distemper.  I hope it's something treatable, he's so adorable.

In other news it's totally a crappy day out there, there is a front coming in so it's cloudy, it's rained some this morning and by 6:00 a strong rainstorm is supposed to come in so it's going to get good and muddy.  But that's ok other than to the vets tomorrow I don't think we'll be going anywhere.

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