Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


What I wouldn't give for my olfactory back.  I can't smell, I can't taste and I just bought Southern Buttered Pecan coffee creamer.  Oh well maybe it will come back before it's all gone.  I've had a cold for a week, which I hate to begin with, and it's just not going away.  I'm eating but it's like going to a museum blind.

In other news it's about to freeze again.  Tonight I'm covering the garden and not uncovering it for 6 days.  I hope it doesn't kill my plants but the freeze certainly will.  I just don't feel like going out every day to uncover them only to go back out before dark to cover them again to save them from frost.  But one day the low will be 27 so they must be covered.  What I wouldn't give for a greenhouse.  Seriously.

Other then that all is quiet, I was going to sign up with a legal employment agency in Houston and sign up for work but Mother is dead set against me going back to Houston so I sit here.  Maybe something will come along more local.  And maybe monkeys will fly out my butt on the next full moon.  (sighsnufflesigh).

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Yay . . . Maybe . . .

I got a call today from a legal placement agency I'd sent a resume to some time ago.  I think I've finally talked Mom into letting me take the interview, we agree I have to get back to work and soon, or my social security will suffer.  I hope this gets me a good job, if I get it I WILL play the game and hold on to it.  I'm just looking forward to getting out of the house.  I hate going back to Houston but that's where the work is so, off I go.  I just hope they find me something.  I'll speak to The Lady tonight for reinforcement.

Monday, February 25, 2013


6:00 this morning I had a scare.  I've caught cold and have been taking OTC meds for it and not eating, well this morning my chest hurt BAD.  Never felt a pain like it and it wouldn't let up.  I woke Mother because I was afraid I needed to go to ER but I settled down after getting sick, she made me a bowl of soup and I took two aspirin, in a few moments it got better and I'm fine now.  Still have the cold but the chest pain is gone.  Man that scared me I have got to start taking better care of myself.

Monday, February 18, 2013

What's the Problem???

I'm not able to play Pot Farm lately, my internet keeps crashing.  Wonder what's up?  I don't hardly play it anymore because I have to restart it so often.  (sigh) I love that game too :(.  Oh well I'll persevere.  Hoping for an active busy day tomorrow, we'll see how it goes.  Spring is springing and time for a change.  I'm ready!

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Gypsy was sick and not eating.  She started eating cat food last night, this morning she ate a good amount of dog food, and she's back to hopping around and playing and barking.  Thank goodness I was so worried!  I guess she just had a little tummy bug, she was throwing up but is just fine now!  It's a nice day I'm SO glad the NASCAR drought is over, first race tonight at 7 p.m., the Shootout.  I'll miss the Duels on Thursday because we don't have SPEED but that's ok, the first Nationwide series race is Saturday and the Daytona 500 is Sunday so I can wait with the Shootout to tide me over.  Can't wait go Kasey!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Another Dark Day . . .

Got some sun today not much though. It's about to turn cold again.  Sick of cold.  Never thought I'd say that because I've been a self proclaimed chyld of wynter for the longest time.  Now I simply can't tolerate it.  Gardening has changed me I guess.  All I want to do is grow things.  Can't easily do that in the middle of winter not even here.  I've been thinking about my situation lately, actually for lots of months now, and not coming up with anything but wishes.  But we'll see what happens, one never knows.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Disappointed . . .

Ok so as you all know or maybe you don't, I NEED a portable dvd player.  Well, I have a dvd player that I hook up to the tv, and that's great but, my roommate HATES horror movies and anything sexually explicit SO a lot of my movie collection I can't watch (and I just bought two collections, 28 movies in all, that I'm still waiting to watch!).  I thought I had a solution with my computer monitor.  I could have sworn it had the connectivity I needed to hook it up to my computer but it doesn't.  So I still need a portable dvd player, the least expensive I've found is 80.00 which I don't have and as yet cannot earn.

In other news I've gained weight and am being too lazy and hoggish to start losing again but I am trying to get back on track.  I'm not overly concerned about it as is.  I do wish I could get another job though it's ridiculous no one will hire me and if it's just because of my weight that IS pathetic because I'm such a good worker.  Their loss though.  I  don't know what I'm going to do.