Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Too Cool!

So the other day I was playing Neopets and I received some kind of a token.  As I was shopping for food I noticed people with similar tokens were selling theirs for 5 digit points, so I put mine up for sale for 25,000 points and immediately someone bought it!  So on that account I have 27,000 points!  Woot!  Pets will want for nothing for a while!  I love that game.  I get good money for codestones too.  Off to find more!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Goin and Goin and ... NOT!

Still stagnant on the life front.  BUT I'm up to the I's on NeoPets.  That's an accomplishment.  Hope to have them all fed up by mid next week.  One day I don't do it blows everything.

Hoping the first of the month to interview and test with a placement agency in Conroe, we'll see.  Mom wants a new heater, I don't know if I can forge a day to myself or not.

More on the morrow.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Space Dilemma . . .

Ok so, we go to the grocery and buy food.  When it comes to cold food, we have to be really careful.  The only freezer we have is the one on top of the refrigerator.  That one is as full as it can get with frozen vegetables someone gave us from THEIR freezer.  I keep telling Mother we either need to start cooking it or throw it the hell away.  There is NO room in the fridge and we can't buy frozen food any more.

In other news, there isn't any.  But I'm working on newsworthy projects.  My garden has pretty much all died, I knew it would.  More on the morrow.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Ridiculously Cold . . .

Currently it's 29 degrees outside and windy.  I fear my garden is lost.  I hope not but, it's going to be 17 degrees for a low tonight and it was 19 this morning so, I don't hold much hope.  I am extremely worried about the car.  But we'll just have to wait and see.  It's not been this cold for about 15 years.  And it sucks.

Otherwise things are the same, still no work, still bored as shit, still wishing and hoping.  More of that while I work on a story or two.  It's time.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Ugghhh . . .

Well, what I thought was a bad allergy attack has turned into a cold.  Mother is assured I'm going to have the flu and wants me into a clinic somewhere.  I just want to go to bed and not get up until I can breathe and stop sneezing.  I'll look for something to take tomorrow.  She suggests Alkaseltzer Plus which is what I usually take, but we'll see.  It's not a life or death thing.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Year 2014.

Not that great a year beginning.  We found out our phone has been unplugged all morning so if you've been trying to call we're live now.  Mother is having a crappy day because we have a female dog in heat and the males keep tying up in fights over her.  I just put one out about to put out another one so we can get some peace.  The day is gorgeous though sun is out and that's good.  I uncovered the garden so the plants could get some sun, good thing I did because they would be too hot and would probably wilt.  Oh for springlike weather to descend upon us.  But not till February.  And with February comes NASCAR!!!!!!!!  Can't wait I'm soooooooooo bored these weekends.  I gotta go, gotta shower and clean house, or vice versa.  More later.