Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

A Bad Day Indeed . . .

It came to our attention last night that Max was sick, VERY sick.  I've called a vet here in town I thought would let us bring him in and pay them the 3rd, how absurd that is.  I knew Dr. Theil wouldn't do it I tried that with Gypsy when she got pregnant.  Area Wide or whatever that place is flat said no, so, if he gets better he gets better if he dies he dies, we are flat broke and no one will help us.  I can't believe people these days.  I have to go to town in a little bit I'll get some apple cider vinegar if  I can some people have said they've given that to their cats when they got UTIs and it helped them so I'm praying I can do that and it's effective.  He did show interest in water this morning I don't know if he drank, I had to leave him to get the litter pans clean.  We tried to get an extension on our loan but we can't do that until the 3oth and mother wants every cent they'll loan us rather than just going for the $500 I was going to get to get Max vetted and the refrigerator fixed.  But oh well whatever happens happens.  We manifest our destinies, but when we are coupled with a dead weight we can't fly very high.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Ok So . . .

Watching racing, sort of.  I've been updating some of my facebook games, they have shut down Hemp Tycoon and are closing down Atlantis Fantasy which I HATE.  I've restarted some of them on a second facebook account I have that is friends only, no family so I can be ME without repercussions.  I've not been in chat all day and I'm about tired playing games, I may start cleaning or . . . not I don't know tomorrow is looking good for that kind of thing.  The rain has stopped for a while, no more expected till Thursday, everyone is flooded, it's trending on Texas FBs.  We're broke again but seeing what we can do.

This week I started broadcasting for the chat, I'm enjoying it I hope to keep stuff to talk about.  I've generated interest in tiger's eye and orange, I think I did quite a lengthy tirade on both this week.

Everything is green and leafy out here I'm going to try to get my ass in gear this week and get some seed planted and stuff moved around where I can garden.  Going to take a lot of work but about time I used my muscles.

Anyway more later, going to check on this game they are long to load or crashing outright don't know what's up with that.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Monday, March 9, 2015

It's Raining . . .

And apparently appears to be set in until at least tomorrow so sayeth the weather channel. It's been raining steadily since night before last.  SO I'm about sick of rain.  BUT, after this it's planting time!  Lots of good stuffs for me I'm so excited!

In other news either the cats pulled the cable connection device out of Mother's television or it finally came out on it's own, either way we're screwed for television in there.  1st of the month we'll get a flatscreen it may have to come into my room and the one in here to the living room, the cats will kill a flatscreen.  But we'll see.  In the meantime I have to make lunch.  More later.