Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Friday, July 20, 2018

Summertime . . .

So goddamned hot.  Over 100 degrees.  For like the next 4 days. I'm so tired of it I can't believe how miserable I am.  I can't look forward to a trailer if I even get one till the fall.  My luck man I tell you.  Before dark I need to get out and water my garden I'd like to see it thrive if I can.

I'm off work till Saturday night, then off again Sunday, go back on Monday.  I'd like to quit.  I hate that damned job. Looking for another one but good luck with that.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Getting Out Finally . . .

I had hired a woman to come today to clean up my yard and I didn't realize Social Security had grabbed what was left of Mother's money.  So all I had left was my paycheck which covered the contract but now I can't pay my credit card bills or get the new tv I wanted till next payday.  I have to go tomorrow and get dog food and canned cat food.  I'll get some more of those bagged meals I still have some pizza and some roasts and mashed potatoes, mac and cheese and canned vegetables.  I need to eat better, more veggies.  I went today to Schlotzsky's thinking I'd get one of their fabulous reubens, but alas they don't have them so I got a turkey club and wouldn't you know it they put onions on the goddamned thing.  My eating out days are coming to a close pretty quick ... it's not necessary to put skanky onion on every goddamned thing out there.  I'll just cook for myself.

Anyway thank the Gods I'd gotten all the bills paid besides the credit cards so I'm pretty scott free this month.  Will begin anew next month and see how I fare.  I won't ask you know who for handouts.

It's been raining all day, pretty hard for a while there it's very cool.  I'm cold as a matter of fact but won't shut off the air conditioner, it will warm up too much.  Very comfortable.  I'm being terrorized by a tiny tiger that has taken over my desk.  She is so obnoxious.

I have to get my PC set back up in here I don't know if it still works or not they knocked it off Mom's desk about 3 times I finally laid it flat so tomorrow I am going to try to clear some space and get it back in here.  I have to wait for daylight.

Having to wait for a soda to thaw so I can eat my other sandwich and take my allergy med.

Monday, July 2, 2018

1st Day Back and We Get Drunks ...

So last night was my first night back at work since Mom's passing and wouldn't you know it ... drunks.  First was a couple that went to blows, we had to call the cops.  Second was about 4 people one extremely vulgar loud mouthed hobag making a spectacle.  Unless they started throwing stuff we couldn't do anything.  Blissfully they finally left and the night quieted down.

Today is hot and miserable as it is with summers in southeast Texas.  I'm contemplating a writing schedule and about to go back to work on my novel.  I'm hoping to have my little bistro set put together tomorrow, I am going to be way short on money I have to pay back my friend that helped me get my uniform and stuff to start work in and we have bills, but I think I'll have one month of Mother's social security I can pay the bills with that.  I'll find out at midnight tonight.  Anyway on to bigger and better things, like, cooling off somehow.