Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Monday, July 2, 2018

1st Day Back and We Get Drunks ...

So last night was my first night back at work since Mom's passing and wouldn't you know it ... drunks.  First was a couple that went to blows, we had to call the cops.  Second was about 4 people one extremely vulgar loud mouthed hobag making a spectacle.  Unless they started throwing stuff we couldn't do anything.  Blissfully they finally left and the night quieted down.

Today is hot and miserable as it is with summers in southeast Texas.  I'm contemplating a writing schedule and about to go back to work on my novel.  I'm hoping to have my little bistro set put together tomorrow, I am going to be way short on money I have to pay back my friend that helped me get my uniform and stuff to start work in and we have bills, but I think I'll have one month of Mother's social security I can pay the bills with that.  I'll find out at midnight tonight.  Anyway on to bigger and better things, like, cooling off somehow.

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