Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Monday, March 31, 2014

Arrrggghhhh . . . Back To Work

I don't know if I posted it before, but I'm temporarily re-employed, with my last boss.  Great because we can really use the money but hard because I'm not used to working.  He wants me to work 10 hour days, so I'm 9-8 with an hour lunch.  I love lunchtime especially this time of year.  Spring has sprung big time here, we even have hummers here at home.  I need to water the remnants of my garden soon, I don't know how I will other than on my way out in the morning.  But I'll figure it out.  Today I was out to lunch and I've been bringing my transistor radio to work and I was WAILING!  I felt so good.  I do hope it lasts but if I want it to, I'm going to have to step it up I've already made really stupid mistakes.  I do know this, I don't trust him enough to rely on him for a good reference.  I'm going to have to use him, but I don't think he's going to be very nice.  But we'll see.  It's going to be a little while before I'll need that anyway.

Ok going to go and upgrade my games until dinner is ready, another downer, LATE dinners.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Who's Employed?

This gal!  Yesterday out of the blue my ex boss called wanting me to come back for a while!  I was thrilled!  Not thrilled that I'll be working 10 hour days, but hell, it's a paycheck.  I signed up for one of those prepaid debit cards for my check to go to, I'm not sure how he intends to pay me I assume it's going to be by check but I can cash it and put it on my card.  So I'm about to hit the shower and the road again, didn't hurt as much to get up as I thought it would.  It was a nice vacation.  Now I can better lose the weight!  YAY!!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Busy Busy Busy

Busy, busy, busy.  Got a lot to do tomorrow.  Gotta put chicken wings in bags.  Gotta clean.  Gotta scope our new digs.  Gotta do stuff.  Start of something interesting.  We'll see how it goes.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Spring Cleaning

Cleaning a little here and there trying to get the house in better shape.  Had a headache but it broke a little while ago feeling a lot better now.  Sunshiney day making me feel more like doing things.  My bottlebrush is making buds I'm so excited.  I'm going to wait to plant her until we see what's going to happen with the property.  Bad moon rising, just waiting to see.  Hope for the best is all I can do.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

A Good Start To Spring . . .

I got a bottlebrush plant, another one and I'm going to call her Emily in memory of the one that got mowed down.  I'm going to plant her in a better area and surround her with protective fencing to thwart any accidental mowing down.  I couldn't face that again.  I also got two packets of Bluebell seed, can't wait to plant my garden it's going to be glorious!  I need to get started though, time's a wastin!  I may plant the bluebells on Ginger's grave.  I need to deweed and prune it, cover it with potting soil and plant the seed.  She's like that :)

More later.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Juggling Many Balls Now . . .

In games:  Astro-Garden, Forbidden Garden, Hemp Tycoon, Atlantis Fantasy, still piddling with Farmville2 from time to time but not lately,  can't get anywhere on it without spending real money, Neopets, starting over. , .

In life:  Trying to diet, trying to exercise, trying to get and keep the house clean, trying to take over more of the cooking, trying to read and trying to write.  Oh and planning my flower garden.  Trying to get a job.  Trying to get a life.  Some think not, but truly, am.  It's just not that easy especially at my age.  I don't see my age as a problem, I don't FEEL 52, I can't help that I've turned 52 (53 in Sept), but there it is and employers don't like it.  Guess what?  I'm retiring at 61 so I'll still have time to do everything I want!  I'd do it now if I could but I can't.  Can't even get disability.  By the time I got it I'd be able to early retire.

Life goes on though.  The sun rises, I am breathing and able to see, hear, speak and feel, so all in all, I'm good.  I have a roof over my head, such as it is, and a better one on the way.  But we'll see.  Lately, every day is a new one for me, I never know what's gonna happen.  More on the morrow.