Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Monday, September 16, 2019

Feeding Time Again . . .

Got the pets fed, very basic tonight.  The baby got canned the adults got dry and fought over it and spilled it all over they are still picking it up.  Always chaos.  Cats got canned they are good till tomorrow.  Tomorrow I'll go to Walmart and restock, just placed another sizable Amazon order I hope it ships soon, it's a lot of stuff for my workings.  Have some more in my cart for next time.  I ordered King's The Institute, Pat wanted me to order her one so I added a copy for her.  She'll be in Abilene by the time I order it and it gets here.  I may place the order next week we'll see, I really want another laptop.

Work goes well the new manager is warming to me I think.  Either that or she's just given up and decided to let bygones be bygones.  Either way it's more peaceful in the mornings.  I feel better about my job.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Chaos . . .

So tired.  They have me on days this week and it's tough, mostly I don't have as much to do as I do overnight.  All I can do is wander around making sure the freezers are full, dishes are washed, there are bags of ice.  More customers, but not enough to keep the place hopping, which is good because I can't handle it.  They are going to start me back line which I can't do, but I'll give it my all.  They are not allowing me to progress at a stable level, they expect me to get it all in one fell swoop.  Can't do it.  I will have more videos to watch so for a while it will be easy, but that's not going to last long.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Time To Play the Game . . .

Got a 45 minute ass chewing saying when I leave people who come in behind me complain about work not being done.  I spoke up for myself for once.  Time to play the game.

I am making a list of everything, to my understanding, I have to do.  I will have the list approved by my manager.  I will perform every task on the list every night, if it kills me.  In the morning I will seek out the manager/shift leader to approve my work before I leave.  If they refuse, I will note it.  If they ok my work and turn around and later speak against it, I will bring it to their attention that they ok'd it, and I will write that down.  If they fire me I will pursue a harassment lawsuit against them.  I have had enough.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Well, At Least I Have A Computer

The dogs killed my Gateway so I ordered me a refurbished HP to get me through until I can save up to get a new one.  So far I've not been able to download IceChat and Chrome isn't looking much better, but we'll see.  I have internet and I can get to chat one way or another, I'll figure it out.  Mostly  I have to get my information off the old one on to this one AND onto flash drives.  I'll grab a few next paycheck.  In the meantime I can't say how good it is to be back online.  WHEW.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Day Off . . .

It was wonderful not to have to get up this morning.  And I've had a nice day.  Had breakfast, am drinking coffee now, thinking of lunch which will be chili dogs.  Went out and looked at my mimosa and gardenia blooming, so wonderful this year.

Yesterday at work was just watching videos all day, I got to have lunch with the General Manager, he treated me and another new hire to get to know us.  It was nice.

The problem I'm having is money.  I still owe auto insurance and  still have to have money for gas ... I should get paid this weekend but I don't trust them so I suppose the thing to do is pawn the camera and make sure I can do both.  Although the auto insurance may be too expensive until I get paid I'll have to wait and see I'm not worrying about it today.  I'm not worrying about anything today.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Starting Anew . . .

Got a new job today, it pays $1 an hour more than the last one and looks like nicer people.  Just a question of getting the routine down and being able to do the job.  I already like my manager, a hispanic woman in her 30s and about to have a 4th child.  There is a woman my age I'll be working with she's very nice.  It's just a matter of getting to know everything and being able to think on my feet, we'll see.  But it's a new day and a new way so we'll see where this journey takes us, hopefully to a new house on this property.  I can hold money back now easily.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Blustery . . .

Cold again, there is a strong wind blowing and I'm wrapped in a blanket about to freeze to death and hating I have to get out in it to go to work.  Got home this morning very sore and tired got a lot of sleep I hope to recuperate between tomorrow morning and my day off.  I have to do laundry but no big deal I have to grocery shop and buy more dog food and I have to pay my auto insurance and am praying it's not cancelled I should have already paid it.  We'll see. 

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Ill . . .

I am so sick.  Sore throat, can't breathe, body aches I feel so horrible.  And it's still so damned cold.  I just can't get up and get things going I'm so uncomfortable.  As is I'm about to go back to bed for a little while.  I still have to work tonight but only 4 hours if that long, I was asked to leave early last night.