Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Friday, August 31, 2012

Her Royal Majesty

We went out today and got another cellphone, my current phone bill has gotten so out of hand we can't pay it so we got a prepaid one.  Mother just called our friend and said it was "her" phone.  The bitch can't even dial the thing.

I've been sick lately I have an infection in my gum and it's seemed to spread like a virus over my body.  I feel like I'm coming down with something but the only real problem is my mouth so whenever that goes away I guess I'll be ok.  As is it's nothing short of torture for me to eat.  Think that stops me?  HELL NO.  But I don't think I've done badly today.  We'll see in a day or two I'm not ready to weigh again just yet.

Onward to other things, I got a little Vivitar digital camera, nothing fancy mostly something I can snap garden pictures with.  I now need to get is a SD Memory card whatever the hell that is.  More on the morrow.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Not A Great Day . . .

Not feeling well today.  Mouth is sore, tummy is tender.  Back still giving me fits in the morning but I do think that's getting a little bit better.  This morning I made my own breakfast, almost didn't make it but did it finally.  It just hurts so much to stand in the morning.  I did a little housework, swept the living room, will tackle the kitchen tomorrow maybe, maybe not as we'll be going to town.  I know this, I will be in a wheeled vehicle in the store, I can't walk that long.  I just wish it would get better, you know?  I get so tired of not feeling well, and I know it's just that I need to get up and get out more.  I'll see what I can do about doing that.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I'm so uncomfortable.  The only real place I have to sit is in a lawn chair brought in from the yard with a pillow across the back.  It's SOOOOOOOO uncomfortable.  It's not bad when you are sitting at the computer and using it, but when you've done everything you want to do and you want to watch tv it's a bear.  So I've started sitting on the couch more but it's not good for my back, it's been getting worse lately.  

Remember the talk we had about autonomy?  I am getting a prepaid debit card to put money on in my name :).  When I get a job they will load the money on to that rather than mess with a bank account.  Amazing how many people are going this route, I love it myself.  My card actually allows me to move money aside in a savings.  Doesn't pay interest but it will help to put money back and have it for emergencies.  Can't wait till it gets here, will probably break it in at Amazon or something.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Back In Motion?

Going to make attempt to reorganize my area and clean the living room and kitchen.  Wash the dishes, clean the floors, but try not to offend the gods of the back.  This morning I got up and as usual my back was screaming, but not as loudly as it usually does.  It's not getting completely well, and nothing I take by way of pain medication seems to help. I thought I'd try ibuprofen just one more time before I get started on the cleaning project just to see if it will help some. Otherwise I'm going to have to live with the pain and try to learn how, it's not going to be easy.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Autonomy is pretty important.  Having a phone in your name, having mail that comes addressed to you alone.  Your name being "out there" is pretty important.  So I sit here losing my autonomy day by day, really.  Everything associated with this house and property is in Mother's name.  I've lost my cellphone because the bill got up so high there is simply no paying it, so we are going to a prepaid plan the first of the month, Mother wants the phone in HER name.  Fine.  Fine, fine, fine.  Everybody wants me to get a job.  BEWARE!  I just may!  And when I regain my autonomy, watch out!

Interesting Astrology

Mars, the warrior of the zodiac, has hardly felt at home in diplomatic Libra, where it has impatiently set up camp for the last month or so. However, all the passive-aggressive behavior caused by this transit comes to an end on August 23, when Mars moves out of Libra and into Scorpio (the sign it co-rules with Pluto), bringing relief. "Relief" could be a slight exaggeration, though, given the Mars-Scorpio tendency toward vengefulness and an inability to forgive and forget. Fortunately, this pairing also produces relentless determination, which, if focused on worthwhile projects and goals -- rather than paybacks! -- can bring impressive results!

However, before Mars and Scorpio can shift into high gear, dreamy Neptune will come along for a couple days of indecision and inaction. First, on August 24, Neptune pits itself in direct opposition to the practical, no-frills Virgo Sun, at which point your spirituality, artistry, and compassion will butt heads with reality! Then, on August 26, Neptune sidles up to Mars, a transit that can lead to panic if your resolve fails you. However, if you can turn your attention back to those Neptunian traits dulled by the Sun only two days before, you'll enjoy a surge of Mars-fueled energy!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Tis a Day in the Life . . .

I'm trying to not offend the back gods, mine seems finally to be on the mend, it feels fine right now, finer than it has in days and days.  I hope this nightmare is behind me.  Now to pay the medical bill.

I'm just chugging along, I stopped looking for work because we can't afford gas for me to go to interviews.  Plus the one agency that I really want to hear from hasn't contacted me so I don't know if they will help me or not.  I need to go back to using a relative's address in Houston when I apply for work, I'm pretty sure no one is going to hire me living out here in the boonies.  But we'll see.  I don't give up.