Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Accomplishing Much . . .

Waiting on today's first batch of dishes to dry before I get started on the next, my drainboard is full.  More usable dishes up for cleaning, bowls and silverware mostly.  We never can find a clean knife or fork.  Well, those days are over :).  It's a good feeling to accomplish tasks set out.  It's a battle, and accomplishment means winning.  I'm winning!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Well, It's Movement!

I'm little by little cleaning the kitchen.  Trying not to offend the Gods of the Back.  There is a very black cloud outside and thunder has ensued, so I hope for a violent storm, we need one.  I've swept the floor and cleaned the counter, I brought in my rinse pan and will soon separate the dishes to wash and get that part of it done then I can begin on the hallway and the back part of the house.  THAT, my friends is going to be fun.

Once that is done all that is left is the living/sleeping area, that's not a big deal other than we have to move the furniture and we actually need to move each piece to get underneath.  I was fishing under the couch and so much is crammed under there I couldn't move the broomstick.  But we'll see how it goes.  For now, ONWARD!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Blue Monday

Life's not so easy these days, so much to do and my back is still fussing. Some days good some days, like today, not so good but I have stuff I have to do and can't put it off anymore so will be smiling though it. I can do that. I foresee some rough seas ahead and I'm trying to cope and muddle through but my path is very very dark right now. In the end, it will be super fine and idealistic, but getting there may nearly kill me. 

But what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, no? 

So onward I go to my new destiny.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sadness . . .

         Uncle Doyle died yesterday.  They called us at 10:00 to tell us the news.  Supposedly they are shipping his body back to Texas for burial.  We’re waiting to see.  In contacting the funeral home to find out any details they may have Mother found out her friend Snookie, had also passed away and no one told her.  THAT is sad.  Uncle Doyle was 88 years old.
          On a lighter note I’ve lost again, 8/10s of a pound to 252 even.  I’d written Richard a couple of days ago and he never wrote me back and I’ve tried to get them to reinstate my membership and they haven’t so I don’t know what the deal is there.  But we’ll see I suppose.  Just glad to still be losing.  I could be mid 240s by this time next month, wouldn’t that be great.  I’ll see 230 by December 31st at this rate!  I’m so proud of me right now.
          Trying to get the kitchen cleaned up I have to do a little bit and stop, it tires me out, so much to do.  I’ve swept and picked up all the garbage and bagged it, I need to replace the garbage bag but need to wait till the garbage can gets brought back up here, which I will probably do in a little bit, haven’t seen the garbage men yet.  I do hope they are coming.
          Going to go now and get stuff done.  More later, I’m sure.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Empty Promise . . .

I was pleased Jeff called me this morning for my birthday.  He said he would send me some money but we haven't heard from him anymore so I guess that's not going to happen.  That's too bad we could really use it.  But whatever.  I haven't felt well, don't feel too well today I have an infection in my mouth and it hurts.  I just took some ibuprofen, that usually helps.  I hope it's over soon I'm getting tired of it, it causes me lethargy, makes it hard for me to sleep, and is just damned uncomfortable.  But onward and forward, that's what I always say.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Might Be Going Dark . . .

We are about to lose our phone, cable and internet so I'll probably be getting a lot of writing done.  We're unable to pay the phone bill and all of it is interconnected.  Seemed that it would be cheaper that way but it hasn't worked out that way.  I don't know about this life, it's just so unfulfilling.  There is nothing I can do about it either.  My future looks very very bleak indeed.