Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sadness . . .

         Uncle Doyle died yesterday.  They called us at 10:00 to tell us the news.  Supposedly they are shipping his body back to Texas for burial.  We’re waiting to see.  In contacting the funeral home to find out any details they may have Mother found out her friend Snookie, had also passed away and no one told her.  THAT is sad.  Uncle Doyle was 88 years old.
          On a lighter note I’ve lost again, 8/10s of a pound to 252 even.  I’d written Richard a couple of days ago and he never wrote me back and I’ve tried to get them to reinstate my membership and they haven’t so I don’t know what the deal is there.  But we’ll see I suppose.  Just glad to still be losing.  I could be mid 240s by this time next month, wouldn’t that be great.  I’ll see 230 by December 31st at this rate!  I’m so proud of me right now.
          Trying to get the kitchen cleaned up I have to do a little bit and stop, it tires me out, so much to do.  I’ve swept and picked up all the garbage and bagged it, I need to replace the garbage bag but need to wait till the garbage can gets brought back up here, which I will probably do in a little bit, haven’t seen the garbage men yet.  I do hope they are coming.
          Going to go now and get stuff done.  More later, I’m sure.

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