Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Monday, September 15, 2014

Why Mondays SUCK . . .

Mother will not be getting her computer, we're just hoping they give us a refund.  I'll be surprised to see it.  They are about to sell our property for $78 back taxes.  I fell and busted my head open.  Life's grand, ain't it?

In other news I adopted a pink tuskaninny and the best ever, a white cougra.  I have 668 Neopets.  Yes, I do. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Well . .

It's come to my attention that Sears has lost the computer we ordered and will not help me on it.  SO, I'm going to call them one more time tomorrow and if I've not seen satisfactory results by Friday I'm turning it over to the Attorney General and filing theft charges on them.  I'm not laying over and playing dead on this one this treatment ends here and now.

Chatroom is pissing me off as well a fucking 18 year old nitwit is badgering me to teach her green witchcraft online.  She can learn the shit the same way I did, READ.  Fuck her, fuck the mods and fuck that room.  I'm going in as other names and STILL being pestered by the bitch.  I'm about to learn how to permenantly ban someone and boot her ass BUT GOOD.  I'm sick of this shit.  More later I'm mad and getting madder.

Monday, September 8, 2014

First Urban Exploration!

While I was working, every morning and every evening I passed by this particular house.  There were usually cars there, a pickup sometimes.  Then one day there seemed to be a flurry of activity, then the property looked like it had been abandoned.  I'd drive by the house would be open.  It just stayed that way.  I wish before now I'd explored it but today my friend and I was out just tooling around the countryside and came up on it and she said "do you want to go in" and well, of course I did!  So here it is, this poor house someone just walked away from.  I want it so badly.  It was either a house of prostitution or a den of illegals. The property, the house was filled with mattresses.  Dozens of them.  I still want to go back and take a look at the back.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Man, Is It HOT!

Ok, so we got mom a computer today, it's being shipped and will be here the 15th so that will shut her up about not having anything to do.  She had to talk to the food stamp people today and we think that they may discontinue my food stamps.  They did more this time than they usually do and didn't tell me at the end of the interview if I'd still be getting the same amount or what and the website isn't updated for my case either.  I wish I could find a local little office here that just needs an assistant and would take a liking to me and hire me.  I cannot work retail I can't stand on my feet all day.  All I've ever done is office work and the only good jobs in that are in Houston and that's too far.  Dunno, we'll see.  Problems arise and are usually solved.  Surely this one will be too.  Life goes on.  Oh and the hot part, my air conditioner in my room quit working.  It comes on and air comes out but no COLD air comes out so I don't know what the deal is, but now it's almost too hot at night for me to sleep, hence why I'm up till 2 a.m. most nights.

Damn a NA song just scared the shit out of me!

More later :)