I am going to spend more time outside.
I am going to begin a daily meditation routine.
I am going to be more active in my spirituality.
I am going to read more (inside and outside).
I am going to write more.
Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Thursday, December 24, 2015
OMGs REALLY????????
Alright so I went to town to sell some cans and get cat/dog food with the spoils. Called mom and asked her to remove a sleeve of ground beef so I could make us a hamburger helper when I returned as I knew it would take some time. She did. I come home and smelled something had been cooking I didn't think anything of it and went to my room to rest. Kept hearing something like a sizzling noise so got up and asked if she was cooking something and the closer I got to the kitchen the louder the sound became. She had put the sleeve into a skillet with water, which I knew she would do, but had turned on the heat which I didn't know she was going to do and of course forgot about it. FORTUNATELY it didn't burn nor ruin the beef, so I'm simmering the hamburger helper now. I SO have to watch what I tell her or this is what happens and I just never know. Otherwise it's been pretty crappy as usual I just hate this time of year I dread it so. Maybe next year will be better, I know after February our finances will improve.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Strike One . . .Denied
They denied our loan app for the trailer, kinda figgered they would. My whole train of thought, and I'm about to magickally back this up, is to get a job and just get Mom into care and take back my life. It's all I can do at this point, it's gone as far as it can. I've gone as far as I can, I cannot do it any more. So hopefully by month's end I'll be reemployed, for good this time. I have an app out I hate to start another one till I hear from the first one, but I'll keep ya posted.
Monday, December 14, 2015
Shoppin' . . .
About to go look at trailers, this one has outlived it's usefulness. New home for us yay. Pain in the arse, though the last move wasn't TOO bad, this one could prove to be, well, we'll see. I'm sick of chaos and ready for peace. So mote it be.
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Day Trippin
I really can't afford to go places, though I need to get out now and again. My bff and I went to Old Town Spring to look at the shops out there and the new Luciferian church, yanno, just to see it. Best part about that was there is a metaphysical shop next to it and I bought a couple of black candles, something I'd have to order online otherwise. I really couldn't afford the money I spent there and regret it. I just hope everything turns out ok. I nearly cancelled but at the last moment decided to go ahead and go. This will probably be my last outing unless I can get a job. Still going to try for Domino's but I don't know, I can't even go to the store safely. We'll see. Something may turn up.
Friday, December 4, 2015
Was Hoping for a Good Day But . . . .
I got up this morning thinking . . . no problem gonna get the stuff done today I couldn't do yesterday. So I set out to do two things, go to WalMart and go to Pizza Hut. I preordered the pizza, and off I went. Decided to go ahead and see if I could get the car inspected and registered so I went out to the car inspection place and the inspection went way easier than I thought, then went to town to get the registration. They don't take debit cards so I had to go get cash then come back. Got that done and the sticker affixed and started off to WalMart. At a redlight the vehicle in front of me rear-ended the vehicle in front of her. Got around that and finally hit the WallyWorld. Got a phone card and paid for it and it fairly quickly added the minutes and I phoned home to check in . . . the phone rang a LONG time. Finally Mother answered and she let me know she was outside, she'd nearly burned down the house (again), and had let all the little dogs out. I feared for Peanut. She is new to our home and if she leaves the premises, she's history. Freaking out and mad as hell I left the stuff in my cart and ran home. Peanut was inside safe but Gypsy had been let out. I put her and the big dogs back in and left to get our food. I brought the pizza home and fed Mother then left again to complete the errands. I had to then get gas, go to pay our title loan, go to WalMart and get the stuff I started to get earlier. By then I had a headache the size of Houston and was just burnt. I drug around the store and got the stuff I'd been sent there for and ended up spending $185 dollars. That is just ridiculous. All I got for me was another coloring book and a $5 movie (Wrong Turn 6, the only one I've not seen yet). So we'll see how the rest of the month plays out. Tomorrow I'm going to lock Peanut up in my bedroom with a bowl of water and some treats for when I go to Spring with my friend, which I need to cancel on. I'm HOPING Mother will go with me and keep Pat's mother company. I'm gonna pretty much insist on it.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Should Have Been Housecleaning . . .
But just had to get out for a while, ended up spending MOST of the day outside feels so good! I messed around where my garden is going to be this spring, clearing and preparing and gauging. Going to be a great growing season. I hope. You know the handicap I have. I think it will go well though she seems to be getting her groove on that way. I'm working on everything very slowly trying to get into habit of doing certain things. Doing things in spurts helps me get more accomplished. I actually get more done. Tomorrow is going to be pretty busy, we're not going to get going until late, she has an appointment with her kidney specialist at 2:15 so we're not getting out until after 1, will go to WalMart on our way back from the doc. I want to eat pizza tomorrow but don't know we may just eat burgers. I'm sick of burgers though I'd really rather have pizza.
Man there is a breeze blowing that is blowing straight in here from the hall window! I love it! :D
To mark this day in history, mass shooting in San Bernadino, California. Yes, another one. I guess this is just a thing now. Makes me fear the malls, and WalMart. But can't live life that way.
Man there is a breeze blowing that is blowing straight in here from the hall window! I love it! :D
To mark this day in history, mass shooting in San Bernadino, California. Yes, another one. I guess this is just a thing now. Makes me fear the malls, and WalMart. But can't live life that way.
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