Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Friday, December 4, 2015

Was Hoping for a Good Day But . . . .

I got up this morning thinking . . . no problem gonna get the stuff done today I couldn't do yesterday.  So I set out to do two things, go to WalMart and go to Pizza Hut.  I preordered the pizza, and off I went.  Decided to go ahead and see if I could get the car inspected and registered so I went out to the car inspection place and the inspection went way easier than I thought, then went to town to get the registration.  They don't take debit cards so I had to go get cash then come back.  Got that done and the sticker affixed and started off to WalMart.  At a redlight the vehicle in front of me rear-ended the vehicle in front of her.  Got around that and finally hit the WallyWorld.  Got a phone card and paid for it and it fairly quickly added the minutes and I phoned home to check in . . . the phone rang a LONG time.  Finally Mother answered and she let me know she was outside, she'd nearly burned down the house (again), and had let all the little dogs out.  I feared for Peanut.  She is new to our home and if she leaves the premises, she's history.  Freaking out and mad as hell I left the stuff in my cart and ran home.  Peanut was inside safe but Gypsy had been let out.  I put her and the big dogs back in and left to get our food.  I brought the pizza home and fed Mother then left again to complete the errands.  I had to then get gas, go to pay our title loan, go to WalMart and get the stuff I started to get earlier.  By then I had a headache the size of Houston and was just burnt.  I drug around the store and got the stuff I'd been sent there for and ended up spending $185 dollars.  That is just ridiculous.  All I got for me was another coloring book and a $5 movie (Wrong Turn 6, the only one I've not seen yet).  So we'll see how the rest of the month plays out.  Tomorrow I'm going to lock Peanut up in my bedroom with a bowl of water and some treats for when I go to Spring with my friend, which I need to cancel on.  I'm HOPING Mother will go with me and keep Pat's mother company.  I'm gonna pretty much insist on it. 

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