Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Wednesday, December 28, 2016


me too I want to lose a little weight, as much as I want, I want to read more, write more, color more and grow a gorgeous garden 😀
I want to grow spirtually and be a beacon to those seeking, even if they are fucktards 😀

These are new year's resolutions I'm making and intending to keep.  I've actually started working on them.  I want to do more of the things I WANT to do and also be diligent about doing the things I NEED to do.  I just need more hours in the day but I'm working on it.  Seriously I need to go to bed earlier and get up earlier.  That would give me more hours.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Another Shitty Christmas

Wouldn't be so bad if I could get out and get away somewhere but nope I'm stuck here.  Can not wait until the day I can throw all this shit out the window.

I'm going to start tomorrow (can't today, Mother is going to be whining and crying all day until she goes to sleep tonight) becoming more "me".  Living more like I want to live being more like I want to be doing more what I want to do.  Times they are a changin' and I'm going to have a better 2017 and beyond.  

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Busy Today . . .

Have to get breakfast done and eaten and get started.  Laundry and the kitchen today.  Top to bottom clean and decluttered.  Tomorrow, THE LIVING ROOM.  Actually it's not that bad right now just one corner is going to be hard to do because it's where all the electronics are that govern the internet and cable.

Nice sunny and warm day today I burned up last night.  I think we're going to have near mid 70s as a high.  70 says the little weather thingy.  Maybe the winter will continue to be mild this year.  We'll see.  So much to do payday.  Have to get Mother another tower, try to get another microwave, get an electrician in here . . . ugghhh don't even want to think about it.

Anyhoot, more later maybe got to get going.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

A Sad Time . . .

Mother's only remaining sibling, Tommy, died yesterday and it has just been absolute chaos.  The stress has sent more greycells to the buglight and she's just so badly getting on my last nerve.  On top of that the 3 pups that were born 2 months ago are dying, one died a few days ago, the other 2 will be gone within a day or two, Jr. overnight tonight I'm sure.  I am going to get Peanut spayed if I have to rob a bank I'm getting that dog spayed.  Our dog population will begin to dwindle.  I know Rusty and Tiny Tim can't hold out much longer those are both fairly old dogs.  I am just sick of this shit from one side to the other I can't stand it anymore.  It's hot today and she has had BOTH the heater and air conditioner on, she'll turn on the heater until it's too cold then she will want the heater on then back again with the air conditioner.  I don't know what to do.  I've no clue.  But this is just getting to be too very much.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Well . . .

On top of everything else mother's computer went feet up, so we'll have to get another one.  I hope to find another cheap refurbished for around $150.  In the meantime I can use the laptop.  If I need to pawn anything it will have to be the television.  I guess I better start shopping.  More later maybe.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

How It's Going . . .

Not great.  There are problems with the house, the usual problems with the dogs, and it just being this time of year in general is just sucky.  Great day to wash but can't do it till Monday.

Yesterday was blustery and dark and cold and my friend and I went to a Wolf Sanctuary in Montgomery and had to leave early, it was just too cold and I didn't have  a jacket.  I had thought it was going to be sunnier and warmer than it was.  But the wolves we did see were lovely and interesting, mostly they were wolf/dog hybrids but were still very interesting.  The shitty part was Mother was supposed to go with me so she wouldn't get into trouble here by herself but she wouldn't go so I nearly lost Gypsy.  But she is safe and sound now, in the future I'll lock her up I guess, I'm going to lose her if I don't.

Here are the pictures I took at the sanctuary, I didn't have my vivitar with me, well I did but I'd forgotten the sd card so I used my phone:

Saturday, December 3, 2016

A Dreary Fall Day . . .

It rained all night, and is dark and cold.  I still have to go to Walmart, pay out my layaway and get the crockpot we ordered.  I'm gonna freeze.  One thing I have to do when the sun comes back out is wash mother's jacket.  I need to get us both coats I hope to do that in January but don't know we're going to try to pay off our title loan then, we'll be lean one more month.  But after that we're home free.  Jack had come home but he is not happy here too many other cats and dogs so he comes around to eat and then skedaddles back to home #2 which I think is Eddie's at the end of the street.  I want to give him $20 for fixing our mail box for us.  I'll do that on my way out.  One night we're supposed to get a low of 29, it's starting early for us.  I'm glad it's cooler I just wish I had more warm clothes.

More later I have to get my coffee drank.