Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn
Friday, May 26, 2017
Trouble . . .
Have to get someone out next week to fix another broken water pipe I hope it doesn't mess up our water bill. Fucking Snoopy gets under that house and gets all that stuff undone. We need to have that line moved but it can't be easily moved I don't think. I'll call Earl to call the same guy that fixed the broken line when it froze. I have to go to WalMart I'll pick up a $4 tarp that might help him I don't know if it's going to dry out by then because it's supposed to start raining. I am so tired of this mess I don't know what to do. So I guess I'll just try to breathe and deal.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Morning of Chaos . . .
So my bff had a pepper plant she wanted to give me we agreed to meet at WalMart as she and her mother were coming this way to go to Woodville. So she calls and is nearly TO WalMart so I jump up and quickly dress and stop at mom's bedroom door and tell her "that was BFF, I'm going to WalMart, I'll be right back." And off I went. I came home to a woman who thought there was another british invasion going on. She was freaking was saying there were people here, the phones were ringing she didn't know where I was couldn't get me (I'd forgotten my cell) and was just beside herself. But she has calmed now, while at WalMart I replaced the nonworking mouse so I could have my pc back, replaced a set of headphones the dogs ate, got more laundry detergent and most importantly got a new phone for the living room so we again have our beloved caller ID. So we're set for now. I had to go into our stash, but, it wasn't good this month anyway. But I got a nice pepper plant and a pretty shrublike plant with speckled leaves, really neat!
Monday, May 22, 2017
Black Monday . . .
Dark outside and pouring rain with no sign of letting up. Flood warnings in the area, the whole 9 yards. No thunder, no wind, just rain. Has cooled it some so that's good. Mother is sitting there with the heater on. I didn't feel well when I got up but I took some ibuprofen and an allergy pill so I'm much better. Actually I just realized I'm much better :). Had some strange dreams last night no recall. Didn't sleep well though. I'll make pulled pork bbq sandwiches with fries for lunch. Quick and easy. Rain is supposed to let up on Wednesday I guess that's when my schedule will kick in to action. Nothing much I can do when it rains.
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Busy Day Tomorrow . . .
Definitely will I have to do laundry tomorrow. Hope to do a little more, some outside if I can muster the energy. I need to fill the bird feeders and clean and fill the birdbath. I guess I'll need to water plants too. One of our gardenia trees is in full bloom, just white with blooms and smells so good. I noticed a bloom on our flying dragon bitter chinese orange tree too, will go out tomorrow and take a closer look. At last count 3 persimmons remain on the tree, 1 more than last year. Still a bunch of figs on the fig tree but we sure do have a lot of bluejays hanging around. Never a good thing but fortunately enough there for everyone. Rest of the garden is faring well, I put pictures up on my garden blog, I can report, I do believe, my tuberous begonia is beginning to bloom again after her 2nd torturous fall! So happy! 2 blooms I do believe! We'll see. On that I'll go, about to tuck in and fall asleep to Jessica Fletcher solving more murders.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Lack of Sleep . . .
I feel like I got all of 2 minutes of sleep last night. I could not get comfortable, the puppies drove me nuts, first I was cold then hot, it totally sucked. Our security light has been out, I called the light company to get it fixed. They are sending someone out to fix it. I don't know anything about them so wasn't sure how to approach it but I must have done well, someone will come out to fix it.
I have a lot to do and very VERY little motivation to get anything done. It's too hot, there is too much, and I just can't get up and go. The not sleeping certainly doesn't help. My shoulders are sore I don't know what's up with that I THINK it's the way I sit up before falling asleep. I need one of those pillows with arms people get to lean against to watch tv or read. I'm also thinking seriously of taking my desk lamp back from Mother's room she's not using it and I could be. If it ain't one thing it's another.
I better go though, see about doing SOMETHING, I'm eyeing my coloring books as if I might start another coloring project, I've 2 that I've abandoned already.
I have a lot to do and very VERY little motivation to get anything done. It's too hot, there is too much, and I just can't get up and go. The not sleeping certainly doesn't help. My shoulders are sore I don't know what's up with that I THINK it's the way I sit up before falling asleep. I need one of those pillows with arms people get to lean against to watch tv or read. I'm also thinking seriously of taking my desk lamp back from Mother's room she's not using it and I could be. If it ain't one thing it's another.
I better go though, see about doing SOMETHING, I'm eyeing my coloring books as if I might start another coloring project, I've 2 that I've abandoned already.
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Not Sure About Today . . .
It's rained and is apparently not done. So laundry is out. I'll do breakfast and go from there. Had a disturbing dream that has prompted me to stop procrastinating. My back is sore, that's pretty much a morning thing now I don't know what the deal is. But I'll have a productive day today, I'm just bored enough to do it.
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