Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Another Interview . . .

Monday I have another interview at the prison.  I'd like to get the job just to be employed but I don't really think it's the job for me.  So much darkness there.  But I need it badly, should I get it I'll make the best of it.  Mother on the other hand is absolutely beside herself thinking I'm going to get it.  Talking as though I'm already working there, calculating my paychecks.  I got some big news for her should I get the job, things are gonna be a WHOLE lot different.  But that's in the future.  I'm still looking for other jobs and will go back to Express as soon as we get paid to get reassigned with them, they are really advertising jobs now.  So I'm a little bit uplifted on the job front for now.  We'll see how it goes.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Back In The Game . . .

Ever since I got my new to me computer I've been updating my games.  In Spellbound City, a new one I'm playing, the game moves along by supplying buildings with food and life force.  I'd forgotten I needed to plant plots to obtain food and was neglecting that game till I remembered how to do it now it's swimming along.  I sure need crystals though.  Those, of course, you have to actually pay for.  So I wait till I get more in leveling up.  Otherwise I'm playing Potfarm, Dragon City, Astrogarden, Forbidden Garden, Candy Crush occaisionally, Pet Rescue occasionally, a few others.  Zombinis.  Life goes on, I'm waiting to hear from the prison for my interview but not holding my breath.  They asked for a couple of papers I didn't provide, so they probably won't call me.  More later though I'm about to have to go to town Mother wants fast food and I think today I'll have Taco Bell.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My Own Place . . .

I have a job interview in a little while.  I wish if I get the job (which I'm not likely to), I could get an RV to put on the lot, or one of the prefabricated cabins we saw that I could furnish and live on my own yet still be here in case something happened to Mother, which could happen any time now as she is royally pissing me off.  It's even worse when I have a job interview.  Last night she wanted to take my blood pressure and again this morning because she thinks they are going to give me a physical and I'm going to not pass because of my blood pressure.  I don't have high blood pressure, unlike her I don't blow up at every little thing, I am trying to cut back on salt and sugar, and am trying to get more exercise and get back on my weight loss program.  Most of the times that I've gone to a doctor for one thing or another they tell my BP us "slightly elevated" which could be because I'm nervous when seeing a doctor.  She told me hatefully that as overweight as I am I probably have VERY high blood pressure.  I think if that were true I'd be dead by now (I'm not that lucky) and I'm so overweight because she makes it harder for me to stay on program.  But, whatever.  This too shall pass.  Just not soon enough.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

It's Cool!

Woo Hoo a man installed our air conditioner!  It's awesome already!  Yay!  No more hot sleepless nights!  In other news I just pulled a hangnail and it hurts like hell.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Grocery Day . . .

Went out today to buy groceries, bought mostly junk.  I will be dining on mostly pizza and hot pockets this month.  Also got some chicken tenders, and some fish sticks.  Forgot eggrolls.  I'll remedy that in a day or two.  I love eggrolls.  With sweet and sour sauce and hot Chinese mustard.  Mmmm!

In other news it rained today a little.  Thundered mostly.  Cooled things off outside a little.  We're going to be very uncomfortable until the first of the month.  But I'll persevere, I always do.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

New To Us TV Surprise

My cousin's wife helps out a cat rescue and is helping to rehome the kittens Sylver had last month.  So we went there to bring her the kittens, and we had to bring Sylver so they could test her for potential diseases she could pass to her young, and my cousin gave us a 19" tv, which is significantly bigger than the tv we've been watching, so that's a nice surprise.  Mother is trying to get the old one set up in her room but the telephone company has to come out and program a remote for her.  We'll see how it goes.

Friday, June 7, 2013

They Were Right . . .

It rained hard yesterday and cooled off excellently.  I didn't sleep well last night but I was at least cool.  I was watching creature features on TCM (thank you guys!) until about 1 a.m. including The Creature From The Black Lagoon, which I know I've not seen in 20 years.  Excellent memories.  In other news nothing new same old crap, although I am losing weight again.  This is good.  Hoping to keep it going down this time, I'd like to see 230 sometime soon.  That would prove to me I can really do this.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Ups And Downs

I finally found the backup disk I made so I have my journal up to 2012 but I have to recoup the last year of my life (as it's so eventful dontcha know).  Sad part is I didn't move my Tales file over dammit to hell.  But I'll talk to that guy tomorrow probably about the recovery, we'll see how it goes.

Later. 3:41 p.m.  OH MY GODDESS IT'S HOT IN HERE.  Cool outside but temperature rising.  Storm coming they say.  Bullshit I say.  We'll see who's right.

Monday, June 3, 2013

New To Me

Got my new to me computer today.  Might have been a mistake but we'll see.  Anyway, it's a computer, slower than mine so I wonder if I'll be able to play my games.  So far, no.  Not fast anyway.  Now to get my shit moved back over.  Nice change, this one plays dvds!

Later, 8:53 p.m.  I'm liking the thing better and better.  Pot Farm is ssssssssssssssssllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww loading, but not bad when loaded and playing.  All games load slow.  I wonder if I can add more RAM or something to make it faster, or update the processor.  I'll ask when I go get the information retrieved from my old hard drive.  Mother's learned to play Solitaire already, she'll have to do it a time or two to get the hang of it.  'k I gotta go.  Getting late.