Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

An Entertaining Blast from the Past . . .

Hulu and YouTube are so great in finding old, rare programming.  Hulu has the old Dark Shadow series from 1966 and I'm rewatching them, haven't seen them since I was a child, running home from school in time to catch it.  It was so thrilling!  Even today it's an interesting time killer, I'm trying to catch all the flubbed lines, stagehands walking onto set, the little screwups so common in such a show back then.  Hulu also has the Masters of Horror series I just watched one I hadn't seen before 'Pelts' man that was gross.  And the one I liked with Fairuza Balk about all the serial killers, reminds me of a story I tried to write a while back titled Night of the Knife about two serial killers that just happened to victimize each other.  Of course I love the selection of movies I can watch on Hulu as well, the old Elvira's Movie Macabre.  Fun!  So as I continue to try to feed up my neopets (I've started at the bottom and working up), I find wonderful things to keep me entertained!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Not Good . . .

Calling and calling until your throat is sore then getting in your car and scouring the streets in the vicinity of your house looking sadly for a dog you realize FAR too late, never escaped to begin with.  My mom's dog Gypsy, it looked to me like she got out when three of our other dogs escaped.  Two of them came back, I got one other in, but she was not among them.  I called and called, took up vigil in a lawn chair on the porch, my eyes glancing first at the huge quarter moon, then to the gate where surely any minute she'd come bouncing though.  Got in the car and drove around where I thought she'd be wandering around, saw nothing but cats, black and white cats.  Finally, heart broken, I opened the door to the trailer next to ours, in case she came home and wanted to go in there to stay sheltered, then came into the house, only to find the little fart on the couch wagging her tail and glad I'd come in.  I was not mad, just so GLAD to see her.  My heart can stop thumping in my throat now.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

OOooofff So Totally Full . . .

Just wolfed down a Texas Double Whopper with fries and drink and am STUFFED.  I actually fed about 1/4 of it to the dogs and cats, I just couldn't eat another bite.  I was so disappointed with the service at that shop MAN how rude!  I'm about to go to their site and give them an eyeful.  On Twitter as well.  I want to stop buying there completely, it's just not worth it.  I prefer WhataBurger, it just costs more.

My thing now is chips and dips.  I've always been a chip lover but I've gone hog wild on dips.  Must have dips these days.  So Brookshire's actually had their large bags of chips 3/5.00 so I got those and three jars of tasty dips.  The sweets drawer is full as well.  Hostess has flavored twinkies; strawberry, banana and chocolate.  So I got one of each, and candy, and pinwheels.  So snackwise, I'm all set for  awhile.

I have to send some stuff to my bro tomorrow, not a problem I think I have everything.  I've started doing the hanging out of the clothes, Mother just can't hold out to do it so that's my afternoon sunbathing.  Well, early afternoon anyway.  Anyway off I go, to the Cs on Neopets.  We'll see how far I get now.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Well . . .

Since discovering the purple jubjub morphing potion, I've discovered faerie eyrie morphing potion, and now have a faerie eyrie.  Beautiful!  AND today I bought a tyrannian paint brush and painted a scorchio tyrannian.  It's neat looking!  Different, anyway!  So I now have many colorful painted and morphed pets!  I'm working on a spreadsheet that lists my pets, their species and color so that when I want to find one I can easily find it.  Sad, huh?  Well that's OCD for ya.

In other news I finally got squirrel and bird seed around here so I can watch the wildlife munch.  All I've seen so far is a baby fox squirrel and man did he eat.  THE BIRDSEED!  Little fart.  I think he finally found the squirrel feed jar though.  He sure made a mess of the table though.  I heard redbirds out there so I suppose they found the birdseed.  I also left a large bowl of clean water for them at the base of the tree.  Need to mow back there though.

The race last night was great, but the wreck at the end was horrible.  Austin Dillon came close to being killed when his car flew up and into the catchfence.  13 spectators were hurt.  He was bruised but otherwise fine.  Jr. won, Kasey, I do believe, DNF'd but did lead 5 laps.

Friday, July 3, 2015


Ok so today was payday and we went to Cleveland to buy groceries.  I KNEW Mother shouldn't have gone, she just can't hold out to do it.  Tomorrow I have to get some prescriptions filled for her and already we're running out of money.  It cost $162 at WalMart just to buy enough food to last us to the 9th.  We're going to need more midmonth.  Sooner more than likely.  I did order Mother another monitor though that we just had to do.  It was shipped same day so hopefully it will be here next week.  I added a tarot deck for me and a movie, both drastically reduced so it wasn't much.  I came home so tired and my back just killing me but I'm a little better now and glad I have snacks.