Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Monday, August 29, 2016

Another Day of Retrospection . . .

Whenever I plug in Julie & Julia it's a day of retrospection.  Of how instead of having to clean the house, cook a meal I'd rather not eat, and listen to my mother whine, I'd rather be writing.  And should be.  A recent event has prompted yet another beginning I've titled The Phoenix and I have two directions I can go with it.  One is the Oprah Winfrey way and I despise that way and the other caters to a lesser audience and will set my path in the right direction for me.  But it's only a paragraph old yet, and so on I go.

Not that I'm adverse to cooking.  I love to cook, and indeed on my newly formed Amazon wish lists I now have 11 cookbooks waiting for me to plunk down the green.  I also have a recipe box I've been keeping for several decades that is too full to even slip one more clipped recipe in.  I have a few cookbooks also, some I've actually cooked from, and a recipe folder on my hard drive brimming with good eats.  I continually dream of the day Mother is comfortably ensconced in the nursing home and I can garden, cook, and write to my heart's content, because really, that's all I want to do. 

Monday, August 22, 2016

Bleh Kind of Day . . .

On this rainy day I've made some decisions:

1)  I am not going to watch the season opener of  The Walking Dead (listening to Spicks and Specks as I type).  I'll follow the Twitter feed to see who we lost.  I just can't take watching it.

2)  I'm working hard to get a job.  I was going to get up today and start making phone calls but realistically I can't.  I have some preparation I have to do before I can be presentable to people.  The rain is a deterrent.

Other than that there isn't much else going on in my mind other then why does all this shit have to happen to me and at a time when we have absolutely no money to deal with anything.  The air conditioner went out in the living room and we can't replace it.  So on we go.

Monday, August 15, 2016

On A Dark Rainy Day . . .

They finally came out to repair/replace our washing machine.  They couldn't fix it so they replaced it until they could fix ours.  But it's raining so we can't wash anyway, maybe it'll break a little tomorrow and we can get a couple of loads in and dry.  We'll see.  My bedspread is in dire need of cleaning.  So is my comforter.

About the rain it started a few days ago.  It's been on and off raining since but such nice temperatures.  Not out of the 80s.  Watching a Twilight Zone that had to do with the burning times.  Fun.  One more episode and it's a marathon of Hoarders.  Perhaps it'll get me up and cleaning my own home.  Down in my back this morning though, slept wrong or something.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Waiting . . .

For the phone company to come and fix the phone.  For better or worse they gotta come.  I just want it to get over with so I can hit the store for FOOD.  Out of everything.  Woke again hating the world, was doing fine then Mother threw one of her fits and I had to get up and endure, but good I got up a little early so I could get the tweaking done.  Once they leave probably in a day or two I'll move everything out of that corner and get it all cleaned up and finish the rest of the house, give it a nice polish.  That way not so much of a hassle to keep it up.  I need a soda now and to check on the current incense stick, might need to start another one.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

I Really Need To Do Something

About Mother.  She is just so miserable and there is nothing I can do about it.  I want to look into respite care.  I talked about it with her once, but when it came to calling them she didn't want to do it.  There is an Adult Day Care around here but I know we won't be able to afford it and I don't know that her insurance covers it.  I'll keep looking.  I don't know what to do I wish I could just shove her in the home and people would leave me the hell alone.  But I just have to ride this until that IS what happens or something I don't know, I just do not know.