Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Flattened . . .

Thought I was going to be called in to work last night, wasn't so I intended to go to sleep early but didn't, not until 5 a.m..  Didn't get up today until after 4 p.m. and was going to go to the store to get some soda but couldn't make myself do it.  Hopefully tomorrow, and I do need to do laundry, if it doesn't rain.  We have rain chances just about daily for the next couple of weeks.

The kittens are getting closer to me, two of them slept with me last night, Prissy all night Onyx most of the night.  Or day as it were.  I think the light company must have come out and fixed the security light it no longer blinks, that's good that was freaking annoying.

I had my first hot meal in a while tonight, a stroganoff hamburger helper.  It was good, I put the remainder in the freezer and will reheat tomorrow.  Maybe make a couple of sides with it.  I hope I have some more rutabagas.  Love those things.

I have a small container that I used to keep my pendulums in.  It's the size roughly of a small square Kleenex box.  All 4 kittens are crammed in there asleep.  The sucky thing about that is when my pendulums were in there, hence how I USED to keep them in there, they knocked it down and the dogs got the pendulums and my set of blue onyx runes.  I recovered 1 pendulum and 16 of the runes.  The rest are history.  I have replacements in my carts at Amazon and at DiscountNewAgeBooks.com but right now both orders are at $42 and I don't know when I'll be able to get them.  We'll see I am catching up some, made a lot of sacrifice.  Full coverage on the auto insurance, Hulu and Netflix, but we'll see I'll persevere.

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