Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Different Types of Cold Fronts:

There are two types of cold fronts:

The mind-blowing cold front.  This front comes after what feels like the hottest day EVER.  It comes on the tail of a storm.  In this front, the temperature will drop from HELL HOT to crispy cold in about an hour and a half.  It comes with a lot of wind, rain, and hail.  This is my favorite front.

The second is the sneaky cold front.  That's what is coming in over the next few days here.  This front sneaks in over night, waking you to a pleasantly cool morning and with its gentle north breezes makes the day comfortable and enjoyable.  The sneaky cold front tends to be short lived and doesn't drop temps as low as I like them, but trust me, over what we've been experiencing, I'll take it!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Life Around Food . . .

Mom was in earlier playing Solitaire.  She's so bored because we don't have food.  I'd like to have snacks, but at least I like a lot of things on tv, I can entertain myself for hours on the internet, and I like to read and have many unread books here.  There is also my poor novel that sits unworked on for the last few days.  Mom has the news channels, eating, and playing solitaire to fill her days.  Her most active hobby is feeding the squirrels.  I sympathize.  I hope this teaches her a valuable lesson in shopping.  You have to plan for lean times.  Buy stuff that is packed by the dozen and that keeps.  Don't eat everything up in one week, go lean a couple of days a week to stretch the munchies out a little longer.

I have got to stop drinking the water here, I believe it's making me sick.  Can't afford more bottled until the first of the month I imagine.  We'll see how it goes though, I think things are going to start to change around here.

Friday, September 23, 2011

It's Just Another Day . . .

I'm feeling alright going into October.  Blessed Mabon, by the way.  Onward to Samhain and then to blessed Solstice.  I hope to be a good 20 pounds thinner by then, we'll see.  And at least 100 pages into my book.  Right now I'm blessing that we still have a house to live in and a little food to eat.  The next two weeks are going to be long and hard.  Did some wandering around in the yard this evening it was nice but I have a sore achilles tendon for some reason.  Can't imagine doing anything to it I barely get off my fat ass these days.  But that will change as will the weather, it's nice now morning and evening still a tad too warm in the afternoon.  But onward to things more fun.  Good evening.

My YouTube Obsession

So there are pros and cons to going through the effort of setting up playlists on YouTube and favoriting other people's videos.  Pros:  There's BUNCHES of 'em out there just about anything you'd like to see on vid.  Cons:  If a person yanks their account the video is yanked, and videos get yanked for copyright infringment.  So if you're out there and you know how I can preserve some of these videos I've added to my favorites outside of YouTube speak up and me love you long time!

Other than that I've not done much, still looking for a job and have applied for public assistance which I hate and hope I get turned down for.  The weather is nicer I get out more and work with my remaining plants every other day they are doing alright I guess.  Fruit trees look distressed I hope they come back strong in the spring.  I think I need to start looking for another confederate rose.

Getting sleepy eyes.  Going to bed.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


I'm happy to report, it's raining! Dark, misty, thunder, lightening and RAIN RAIN RAIN! I'm so thrilled it's so beautiful. Sad to be so happy about something we should be getting regularly. But we're not. This is the first rain we've seen in weeks, and prior to that MONTHS. Drought sucks. So many trees around here have died. I hope they come back in Spring but I'm told they won't once they die in drought they're dead. Hope not or it's going to be so sad around here.

Sadie has gotten so heavy but because of her injury I guess, you can't tell until you try to pick her up. I hope she doesn't get pregnant. Blondie died a couple of days ago. She was very old.

Well I'm going to go enjoy the rain!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Day of Change . . .

I'm killing off ALL my LJ blogs and coming fully over here. LJ is making me watch a commercial before I can blog over there so fuck em. Ok so today is nice, I got to get out and garden a little, got my hands dirty, a wasp landed on me, I got wet from the waterhose, got dirt under my nails, it was nice. That reminds me I need a garden blog guess who's starting a garden this spring! Yep me is. LOVE IT. Ok I'm going to go write.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Wishing Things Would Get Better . . .

Today was a hard day. But I managed to end it on a more positive note. I just wish things would get a little better here but I don't know what to do to help that happen other than getting a job and I'm trying.

Weather is changing, it's cooling slightly so it's not as uncomfortable for me to get out and walk so that's what I'm doing. I'm trying to improve all aspects of my life, no one can do it but me. High time I took back some control.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


One thing that is totally aggravating to me is all the damned buffering on YouTube. Is that my computer??? Specially my Robin McNamara vids.

Another thing that is totally aggravating is this consistent bickering between my mother and my brother. He hurts her feelings and for days she's like a walking raw nerve, EVERYTHING pisses her off. We have a couple of 3 and 4 month old kittens and one cat that is about 9 months old so he's still a kitten himself. The two little ones (not litter mates) are playing and Max the big one wants to get in on the gig, and plays too rough with the little ones. Mother is threatening Max's life because he won't leave the little ones alone, and he's not even hurting them.

Something else that is aggravating the shit out of me is the fact that I will not get my act together and get this novel on steady legs, will not get my food and exercise program more consistent, and I'm wasting precious time. But I'm a Monday starter so I'm going to do what I can to get my shit together come Monday. I feel tomorrow is probably going to be a bad day, Mother will still be pouting, and will likely make my life a living hell with her bitching and threats. But I'll persevere.

We did get nice weather today. It was overcast and cooler most of the day and it actually rained. It's 74 degrees now and the outdoors smells fantastic. The mile and a half deep pile of leaves is very rustic looking. No sense raking them we can't burn them. We don't have a mulching lawnmower so that won't fly either, so we just leave them there. 'S ok, I like it.

Going to go and do some more blogging elsewhere.