Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Saturday, September 3, 2011


One thing that is totally aggravating to me is all the damned buffering on YouTube. Is that my computer??? Specially my Robin McNamara vids.

Another thing that is totally aggravating is this consistent bickering between my mother and my brother. He hurts her feelings and for days she's like a walking raw nerve, EVERYTHING pisses her off. We have a couple of 3 and 4 month old kittens and one cat that is about 9 months old so he's still a kitten himself. The two little ones (not litter mates) are playing and Max the big one wants to get in on the gig, and plays too rough with the little ones. Mother is threatening Max's life because he won't leave the little ones alone, and he's not even hurting them.

Something else that is aggravating the shit out of me is the fact that I will not get my act together and get this novel on steady legs, will not get my food and exercise program more consistent, and I'm wasting precious time. But I'm a Monday starter so I'm going to do what I can to get my shit together come Monday. I feel tomorrow is probably going to be a bad day, Mother will still be pouting, and will likely make my life a living hell with her bitching and threats. But I'll persevere.

We did get nice weather today. It was overcast and cooler most of the day and it actually rained. It's 74 degrees now and the outdoors smells fantastic. The mile and a half deep pile of leaves is very rustic looking. No sense raking them we can't burn them. We don't have a mulching lawnmower so that won't fly either, so we just leave them there. 'S ok, I like it.

Going to go and do some more blogging elsewhere.

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