Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Cat Issues.

Having an issue with this cat.  She has decided the best place to sleep is in my arms when I'm at the computer.  I beg to differ.  However, convincing her is another matter.  If I try to get her to leave, she starts knocking everything off the table next to the computer (a lot of electronics).  So, I don't know I guess I'll figure that one out later.

Today though it rained a great deal, just over 3".  I'm glad it's good for the garden, the hibiscus we have in the front yard is doing beautifully now it has been doing very poorly.  But now it's wet and muddy and uncomfortable to walk.  But it is ushering in a front that IS going to make it more cool than it has been, as in 70s for highs and 50s for lows.  I'm gonna be loving that.

So on that I'll go and find something constructive to do.  Later.

Friday, September 27, 2013

O.D, Feelin'

Some time ago HBO (when I used to have HBO) had a series called The Hitchhiker.  One of the episodes was titled O.D. Feelin' and starred Gene Simmons and Sandra Bernhardt.  It's about this bag of heroin or coke that has a mind of it's own.  It's a really freaky frolic with an 80s portrait, and I just found it in it's entirety on YouTube.  Thrilled thrilled thrilled.  Love it when I find gems like that.

In other news my bff stopped by today and gave me a bunch of cuttings.  I have them in soil now I think most of them will make it, we'll see.  It is right here at frost.  Hopefully it'll be a while coming yet.  Although I will be glad when cooler weather gets here.  I'm very uncomfortable.

Life is the same otherwise.  More later just wanted to post those two enhancements.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Hurry Scurry

BFF is coming here Friday morning I have to clean the house tomorrow.  We'll see how that goes.  When Mother finds out she's gonna freak.  BFF is bringing me some cuttings, some more cuttings.  I've only been able to salvage a few of the last ones she brought.  When I give people cuttings, I pot and root them for them.  I so want to fix that area up back there but it would take money we will never have.  I wanted to use some of the material we have just lying around but I'm not creative like that I guess I can't get a vision of what I can do.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Ruined . . .

I hate to see anything go to waste, particularly books.  Well, we've been getting some much much needed rain and unfortunately, I forgot to bring in a bin of books I'd left outside, the cover of the bin had broken, now all the books inside are ruined.  Rather than trying to salvage them I'll just dump the water out and toss the books in the garbage.  I hate it.  It was a bunch of Danielle Steele books someone gave me so monetarily I'm not out anything but I do mourn the loss of the books.  Lesson learned.  Sadly.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Long Day . . ..

Got to chat some today, it's been a long time since I've been able to communicate with anyone online like that it was really nice.  A guy is supposed to buy a subscription to the chat provider and make a new P1 I hope the others come to it and we get back to "our place" I so miss that.

Otherwise man it rained a lot today.  The garden will have no trouble now.  It's been not that bad, the worst thing about it is Mother doesn't have anything to do so she just sits in her chair and stares out the window.  I get up once in a while and let her play solitaire but I have a lot to do so I'm on the computer all day.  She wants to get a laptop I like that I can do a lot with it.  It will be especially helpful should I get another job.  We'll see.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Ok so I had to go to Lowe's today because WalFart didn't have the smaller bags of sunflower seed.  Well, it's not safe for me to go to Lowe's garden center and sure enough, a little plant needed me to rescue it.  I saw a plant (sanseverua) that was in a broken pot.  I asked them if I could just purchase the plant without the broken pot.  Of course not BUT I got the plant for half price because it was broken so I got a NICE sanseverua for 2.50!  It's actually three plants, two good size ones and a baby.  SCORE!  Oh and I got the sunflower seed too :)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Up to the E's in Neopets.  I'll get there.  So glad I have my files back, now to get them backed up to disk.  But, should something happen to this computer that is  not repairable,  what good would a backup do me.  But at least if I COULD replace the computer I'd have a backup.  What I need to do, and this would take a ton of paper, binders, and time, is print out all my beginnings, completed, novel beginnings and even my journals and every time I update, make a new printout for that thing.  I can't do that.

Sick of this hot dry weather.  No rain in sight but the forecast is predicting not quite so hot days and cooler nights.  October can't get here fast enough.  Most of my plants are still doing well, but you know, the Christmas cactus we had, even the little pieces I've been trying to keep alive, just don't stand a chance out there for some reason.  I'm wanting to order some hylocereus, some Rangoon creeper, and some night blooming jasmine from Almost Eden, they have just about everything I ever wanted, also some stapelia.  Hopefully in the spring we'll be doing better on funds, maybe I'll even be working.  We'll see.  Something has to turn around, it just has to.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Getting Back in the Routine

Up to the C's in Neopets.  What was I thinking creating so many?!  Oh well I'll get em fed up soon enough, but for today I've done ok.  I get tired of everything and have to divert myself.  But this too shall pass if I ever get a job.  I was hoping this would be the month but now I wonder if this will even be the year.  We'll see.  I'm still trying.  I just need to try harder.  I'll get there.  In the meantime, I'm still writing.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Game Addiction . . .

As I get farther along on games I get more and more into them.  Farmville is coming along nicely for me, now MonsterWorld.  MonsterWorld, though, is a problem because so many of the things I need it's going to be a long time to acquire without spending actual money (that I don't have).  But on I go they are fun anyway.

In other news life goes on, I intended to weigh today and didn't, might be an omen . . . I've not been very good lately.  But I think thinks might be coming out alright, I just need to take stock and get moving again.  Hopefully Summer is on her way out and fall is just around the corner.  We'll see, it is somewhat cloudy today would be nice to get a nice rain.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Puter's Home . . .

Got the computer back and it's got all my info from my dead computer.  I'm going to make my own disc backup next month when I can get some discs.  In the meantime I'm back in business, now if I can just get the fuzz out of my head maybe I can get something done.  Right now I'm making a good dinner.  Pork chops that will be covered with corn/tomato/okra mix and on the side turnip greens.  Mmm.  Speaking of I need to get back to it.  More later on.