Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Thor . . . Revisited

Ok so the last you heard, our hero, me, was working hard watching Dark Shadows and trying to retrieve Thor, the 3 legged wonderdog.  At 3 a.m. Mother tells me, he won't come in don't worry about it.  I tell her, but he'll scratch on the door.  She tells me, that's ok it won't bother me go to bed.  So I did.  An hour later you'd think Jade Helm was invading our house from the ruckus Thor was making, Mother got up screaming curses and cursing ME, so I had to get back up and was up until after 6 a.m. making sure he didn't scratch on the door the rest of the night.  I got about 6 hours sleep.  Today I was determined to get him in, I just had to somehow outsmart him.  Well, he snubbed sausage, now, what dog in his right mind would snub SAUSAGE?!  As I was out anyway I did some domestic stuff around the yard, filled the squirrel feeders, filled the hummingbird feeder and just lounged on the porch and watered my plants.  As I was cleaning the hummingbird feeder Thor started hanging around me on that side of the porch, got into some high weeds, lost sight of me and I caught his tail.  He's in now!  We'll get some sleep tonight!  WOOT! 

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Thor . . . .

Thor is our 3 legged dog.  Some years ago something happened to him, we don't know what, that injured one of his front legs, we couldn't vet him and figured he would pass away from the injury, but being a true fighter, he lived.  The leg healed misshapen and he can't use it but he's just as frisky and feisty as any dog out there.  There's just one thing.

When he gets out, he will NOT come back in, not easily.  It's not like he really wants to stay out all the time either, he will scratch to get in, trouble is, you open the door and off he runs.  In order to get him in you have to open the door and walk away from it, ensuring ALL the other dogs get out while trying to get him back in.  He's out tonight and I'm in charge of trying to persuade him to come back in.  Last night it was fairly easy, I had a chicken wiener and he finally gave up and let me catch him.  I gave him the wiener.  So tonight with nothing to bargain with, I can't get him in, can't go to bed . . . so stuck.

Ever have a dream that you have to go to the bathroom and IWL you have to go to the bathroom and nearly have an accident?  Happened to me this morning.  I woke in time, but it was close.  Ick.

The weather is cooling, at least at night.  Tonight is full moon and she is GORGEOUS.  I was outside trying to catch Thor and heard something I've not heard in about a month (since our last rain).  Wind.  FABULOUS!  Can't WAIT till Samhain and full moon in October!  I wish it was windy all the time!  Going to go now, going to take another stab at getting Thor in.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Another Interview

I interview at Pizza Hut Wednesday at 4:15 for a delivery driver position.  I hope it works out.  I read bad things about it but hear good things.  I pulled cards on it and got a very positive reading, and used my aventurine pendulum and was told I would get the job and it is a good thing so I'm going with that.  I don't have a lot of choice.  I have to do something I have to regain my autonomy and do something about getting this property secured, barring that finding my own.  Which is what I'm leaning toward.  But we'll see, the main thing I am trying to accomplish is get out of debt and STAY out of debt.  It's enough already!

More sadness, Mother, as usual, let all the dogs out this morning and now Tippy is missing, she didn't come home all day and is still not home.  I drove around and didn't see her dead, so I'm hoping someone took her in, that's fine as long as they are good to her.  Also while the dogs were out being pests someone took a shot at them.  So there's that.  I didn't mind Mother putting most of the dogs out but I wish she'd held Tippy back and tried to keep her in, she was gone a long time yesterday but finally came home, tonight she didn't.  But, typical.  We still have Oreo and she's more mine now so.  We will see how it goes with the job, I know my first day at WhatABurger, though my last, was a disaster on the home front.  Came home to chaos which I expect with this job too but if I'm on the road I can call her a couple of times a day and check in that's something at least.

But going for now, just updating my life, and all it's ups and downs.  More on the morrow, have to go to town hope to see Tippy come home.  But won't hold my breath.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

I Was Excited But Now . . .

I had to quit, could not stand on my feet that long, had no idea my back was that bad.  Do you think I could get disability?!  OH HELL NO!  So on that maybe delivering pizzas will give me the funds I need.  It's just a little scary.  But it's sitting in a car all day and that's good.  Mother is driving me absolutely batshit.  Anyway going to go do some looking.  More later maybe.

Monday, August 10, 2015


Today was a day of 'good'.  The interview turned into a job, the car has been taken care of, and all, this far, is right with the world.  I will be working at WhatABurger here in town, so that's good, orientation is Wednesday so there will be that, I have my shirt and cap I need to purchase a pair of pants and they are charging me $30 for the shoes :|.  Anyhoot I have a job and people can stop calling me a freeloader now.  Though it's only part time I sense I will get many hours, very close to 40 a week, and it's more than minimum wage so that was very good.  I will be getting off public assistance, at least as long as the job pans out and I don't know why I would possibly lose it.  My only fear is Mother she is already making waves about her doctor's appointments as if my company is supposed to work around HER schedule rather than us working with THEIRS.  I got news for her, she's about to get all the doctor care she can stand.  But that, in time.  I'm feeling very productive at the moment so I'm doing a lot of catch up, tomorrow will be doing a lot of physical stuff.  I have to do something about getting the tv turned back on.  Anyway going to go nearly time for Ba'lith's broadcast.  Later!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Win10 . . .

At nearly 2 a.m. this morning after two days of trying I finally got Windows 10 to upgrade.  I like it ok, it's better than 8.1 for sure.  Kind of a mix of 7 and 8.1.  When I put it on Mom's computer it was pretty much hassle free, but mine was a pain in the arse, I guess because I have so much more on my computer.  I was worried about my media player but it seems to be intact.  I better check it.  Yea it's still there.  All my playlists.  Awesome.

Otherwise we're waiting on word to go pick up a 10,000 btu air conditioner for the living room, the 6500 we have in there just isn't cutting it on these triple digit afternoons.  I got cold last night with mine on but slept well once I went to bed.  Woke up with a slight headache, hate when that happens.  I'm going to prepare for Suddenlink to come in sometime in September.  More later.