Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Thor . . . Revisited

Ok so the last you heard, our hero, me, was working hard watching Dark Shadows and trying to retrieve Thor, the 3 legged wonderdog.  At 3 a.m. Mother tells me, he won't come in don't worry about it.  I tell her, but he'll scratch on the door.  She tells me, that's ok it won't bother me go to bed.  So I did.  An hour later you'd think Jade Helm was invading our house from the ruckus Thor was making, Mother got up screaming curses and cursing ME, so I had to get back up and was up until after 6 a.m. making sure he didn't scratch on the door the rest of the night.  I got about 6 hours sleep.  Today I was determined to get him in, I just had to somehow outsmart him.  Well, he snubbed sausage, now, what dog in his right mind would snub SAUSAGE?!  As I was out anyway I did some domestic stuff around the yard, filled the squirrel feeders, filled the hummingbird feeder and just lounged on the porch and watered my plants.  As I was cleaning the hummingbird feeder Thor started hanging around me on that side of the porch, got into some high weeds, lost sight of me and I caught his tail.  He's in now!  We'll get some sleep tonight!  WOOT! 

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