Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Good News . . .

Shortly after midnight last night Snoopy came home.  He slept peacefully with me the rest of the night in spite of Oreo being there and in heat.  She's in a cage right now because Tiny Tim and Sparky are fighting over her.  I had them outside but Mother keeps letting them back in so this is the only option.  Mother also let Snoopy back out this morning so he's gone again.  I hope he comes back soon I don't know where he disappears to.  But thank Cerridwen he always seems to come home.  I'm making dinner now and soon will begin the TO DOs that I posted earlier.  Gonna do it!  Really gonna do it!

2:59 p.m.  Snoopy has come home thank goodness I'll try not to let him get out anymore today.  About time for me to tackle that To Do list though.  I think I'll procrastinate and wait till tomorrow.  Shit.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

I Just Can't Believe It :(

Pretty sure we've lost Snoopy this time.

I wish now I'd not photographed him.  I knew in time he would disappear and now it's happened.  There is nothing I can do, we can't afford a reward even if he's still alive and someone has him.  I wish things were more harmonious and far less chaotic here.  There is no sense in living like this . . . with so much loss and pain.

Sunday, September 27, 2015


Sparky and Snoopy finally came home last night.  I wasn't horribly worried but was a little.  I'd drove around looking for Snoopy and found no trace of him.  He finally came home I guess around midnight.  Sparky was out there and allowed me to pick him up and bring him in.  Sparky ate, Snoopy didn't.  As for today, well after the box died last night I thought we'd be without cable until the 5th but low and behold, it started working again this morning after I reset the box.  Praise Cerridwen!  Thank you Goddess!  Just as if it were nothing Mother had asked, 'do they come out here or do we take this back in?'  I stared at her dumbfounded.  She said 'we HAVE to get it working again'.  She doesn't even WATCH tv, so WHY could it not wait?!  Ah well the 5th they'll be out here and we'll get switched over and the equipment will come in my room so its safer, there will be a box in Mother's space but we'll fix some other place for it to go rather than keep it there where she can ruin it.   Otherwise I'm going to go later on and get us some chicken for dinner, looks like rain.  So more as developments develop.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Early Night . . .

Thor came in early and Snoopy had gotten out after they ate but he's in safe and sound now so I'm a little sleepy so I'll be tucking in early.  Found out today we have two new channels on our tv, good ones:  ID and Oxygen.  We're still switching come the 5th.  I'm a little worried, but, we'll see how it goes, we can always come back.  More later, sleepy and I hit one of them.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Random Thoughts On A Boring Monday Afternoon . . .

Ok so since I've gotten my tv back on in here and can watch absolutely whatever I want I've been keeping it primarily on SyFy and Chiller.  I swear they have not made a decent horror movie since 1975 (Trilogy of Terror).  All they do these days is see how much fake blood they can splash on the screen.  I don't get it.

I don't get the room these days either.  I'm checking out some other pagan chat sites if I can get reestablished in another room I'm leaving Occultus.  Pomegranate runs those rooms, not the admins that created it.  We can't keep people decent in there because of her.  I'm sick of it so, like Allison, I'm leaving.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Cable Trouble . . .

So both Friday and Saturday RIGHT AT 50 laps into each race, we lost our cable AND internet.  Come to find out it's our boxes, not an area thing.  Friday I also missed a Stephen King interview.  I removed the cover I had on the cable box to see if the issue might be overheating.  But it's peculiar that 1) it happens at the exact same time every night and 2) that is takes out both cable AND internet, when in the past only the cable was affected and 3) it won't reset on its own until the following morning.  The man associated with the cable company was COMPLETELY RUDE so in order not to have to deal with them in the future we're going to move to Suddenlink, we have to anyway because we have to have FS1 which our cable company refuses to provide.

In racing news, Kasey didn't make the chase that means he can't go for a championship this year but he's still a good driver in my book I don't know what his problem is when it comes to getting points.  He had one REALLY good season back in 'o4 and it's just really been downhill from there so, maybe his heart's just not in it.

Monday, September 7, 2015

The Daily Dog . . .

I guess it's going to be a thing every day that the dogs get out she lets them out without thought every single morning.  Even little Gypsy and we're going to lose her if that keeps up and that WILL keep up.  Prayerfully Cerridwen will continue to smile and allow me at some point to capture Thor.  Rusty scratched last night and when the door was open he came in so not much fuss there.  There is nothing I can do about it.  The man is back to hopefully finish the day I told him we couldn't afford to pay him more than 8 hours so I hope he doesn't go over 4 today I've already paid him for 4.  Mother is of course back out there chewing his ear off, pretty expensive conversation.  Anyway I've not had coffee yet so I'll do that and start the neofeeding, THOSE pets I can keep alive.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Well . . .

I was pretty sure it was a bad idea to hire someone to mow our lawn for two reasons.  One, we can't afford it and two, she won't leave them alone long enough to get the work done.  The man today was here LESS than 4 hours and spent at least one and a half talking to HER but I had to pay him for 4 hours anyway.  She also let the dogs out, I got them back in then the bitch turned around and let them out AGAIN and this time I can't catch Thor.  I am so furious right now it's not even funny.  I can't take this anymore, I just can't.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Ah Shit . . .

Mother let EVERY dog out this morning.  As is I had to get out today and try to capture Rusty, but now THOR has been thrown into the mix.  I'll see what I can do, I can't sit up all night again.  Thank Cerridwen Gypsy didn't leave, she was on the porch to come in when I opened the door and figured out what she'd done, and she's not even the slightest concerned.  Ah gods.

12:08 p.m.:  Thor came up on the porch as I was coming out to look for Snoopy.  He paused long enough to pee on one of my flowerpots and I pounced with catlike grace and captured him!  He's back in!  Now to get Rusty . . .

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


I'm so furious right now I can barely see straight!  I applied for a job through Snagajob for an administrative assistant in a town close by.  Sounded good, $19 an hour no experience necessary.  I received the following email from them:

Nicholas Walker  Sep 1 at 3:30 PM
Dear Applicant
Zenith Healthcare Limited Employment Experts & Recruitment terms, Received your Resume Application to our Database and we are pleased with your qualification,we believe you have the required qualification to undergo an online interview with us Tomorrow Morning 8am.(INTERVIEW POSITION :Administrative Assistant).

Your resume was shortlisted for an online interview with the Personnel Hiring Manager Mr.Nicholas Walker.You are to set up a screen name with yahoo instant messenger at (WWW.messenger.yahoo.com) OR (WWW.Gmail.com)and add up the Personnel Hiring Manager Mr.Nicholas Walker,Booth via Yahoo IM OR Google hangout with the following email address(Nicholaswalker070@yahoo.com OR Nicholaswalker070@gmail.com)Add to your buddy list ASAP,He will be online waiting for you to conduct your interview.
Your verification code is (Z630),this would serve as your identification number throughout the online hiring process. Your timely response matters a lot.
We Look Forward To You Joining Our Team.
Interview Scheduled : Online.
Time/Date: (8am-4pm)Wednesday, 2 September 2015
Venue: Online Via Yahoo IM OR Google Hang out ..they are mostly needed ..
Training is Available
Human Resources
Your swift and timely response matters a lot in this beneficial position.
Please feel free to contact the Hiring Manager if you are not comfortable with the DATE and TIME also for any questions or comments. Thanks.
Kind regards:
Thank you for your consideration,
Hiring Manage

As there are NUMEROUS spelling, grammar and punctuation errors I was INSTANTLY suspicious, so I googled the company.  Guess what?  JOB SCAM!  I'm SO FUCKING PISSED OFF RIGHT NOW FUCK YOU FBI WHAT THE GODDAMNED HELL GOOD ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PLEASE be leary of crap like this.  Matter of fact ONLY use LEGITIMATE employment agencies!  I will in the future!  AAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Every Day Something New . . .

But not always good.  Mother had to go to the doctor today to get bloodwork done (I think they are about to admit her to hospital).  I put Snoopy, Tiny Tim and Sparky out because though they run around outside the yard, they come home and eventually come in.  Ok so I have to bribe Sparky but still, he allows me to capture him and bring him back in.  So on the way out to the doctor's, I heard a dog that sounded  a lot like Sparky barking at my car as I drove down the street.  Sure enough, it was him following us.  I tried to get him but he kept running, sometimes in front of oncoming cars.  I wanted to stay and attempt to capture him but Mother started her whining so I had to leave him, I was sure when we returned he'd be dead in the street.  Though he wasn't, he still isn't home.  But there is hope he is with Snoopy and when they come home he will.  I'm not really worried, not YET, but I am apprehensive, that is as far away from home as he's ever gotten.  From now on if he DOES come home, he can't be out if we leave.  I'm getting him a harness I think and he's only going to go out with me.  Shit.

Also, Mother's keyboard stopped working so we're sharing until we can get a new one for her to ruin.  It just keeps coming, you know?

12:11 p.m.:  One sausage later, Sparky is home and inside safe.  Praise Cerridwen!!!!!!