Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Saturday, January 30, 2016


Some time ago we were going to buy a small cabin and have it finished out into a small house.  Well I didn't remember how much they were going to charge us, but BANG, $479 a month for 60 months.  Which, were it finished to begin with I wouldn't mind but for us to have to finish it ourselves is a bit much HOWEVER . . . should I get a job I could have that done a bit at a time, living primitively until I get a good amount saved and find someone who'll do the work.  IT COULD WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!  I own a propane stove.  A camping toilet would work for me.  I'm going to keep grousing on this.  If worse comes to worse.  And it just might.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Life and Times . . .

All Gypsy's pups died, the chihuahuas.  All 6 of Annie's are still kicking just over a week after birth, they seem ok, but are whiny.  Peanut hooked up with Rusty so I'm praying the first of the month to get her spayed so she doesn't have puppies, have Gypsy spayed the next month and try to get Sparky neutered the month after, that will help.  Mother is absolutely fighting it tooth and nail, I don't get it she's the one that bitches the loudest about these animals but will do nothing to help thin the herd because it costs money.  I'm tired of it.  I used to think "I want a place of my own where I can have as many animals as I want."  Well, live and learn, I only WANT no more than 4 dogs and 3 or 4 cats.  Currently we have 5 cats (most of which we hardly ever see since they've become outside cats), and 9 dogs.  This is actually an amount we can handle, especially considering the advanced ages of Thor, Rusty and Tiny Tim, those are all pretty geriatric dogs, still able to reproduce though.  Mother thinks the SPCA is the perfect birth control, it isn't.  The six we have of Annie's I bet we're stuck with.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Ah Gods . . ..

Annie had pups last night, at least 6.  Could be as many as 8.  Can't really get a good count.  I have a lot of cleaning and re-cleaning I have to get done today, already started some laundry, my gowns and comforter.  Will have to do 2 loads even if one isn't hung out, we need sheets.  Life's a bitch these days I tell you.  Sick of puppies and dogs, these are going to the SPCA as soon as we can get them there, Annie too if Mother doesn't allow me to get her spayed.  I hope our 'visitors' don't come any time soon but they will probably at the weakest possible moment.  But I'm trying to be ready for them.  This is so exhausting.  So much needs be done.

Finally get home from town at 4:20 p.m. to read this:

Glenn Frey
Glenn Frey speaks at the 2014 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony on Thursday, April, 10, 2014 in New York. (Photo by Charles Sykes/Invision/AP)

Updated 4 mins ago
NEW YORK -- Eagles guitarist and founder, Glenn Frey, has died, the band announced Monday afternoon. He was 67.

The band posted that he died in New York City of complications from rheumatoid arthritis, acute ulcerative colitis and pneumonia.

"Glenn fought a courageous battle for the past several weeks but, sadly, succumbed," the statement read. "The Frey family would like to thank everyone who joined Glenn to fight this fight and hoped and prayed for his recovery."

Gods damn.  Just . . . FUCK . . .

7:06 p.m.:  Snoopy and Sparky are both AWOL.  Don't know if we'll see them again.  Just had to add insult to injury.  Swell.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Ok So I Lied . . .

I just created 3 new wish lists ( after deleting all my old ones ) and have 5 coloring books and a 50 ct pencil set in my shopping cart.  So fuck it, I'm an addict!

4:02 p.m.:  Whew I'm tired.  Got the kitchen floor mopped still have the rest of the stuff to do in there but it's almost done.  Hopefully I'll have a quiet day tomorrow so I can finish the rest of this in just the day.  I have plans!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Times, They Are a' Changin' . . . .

With all the recent excitement I now have to have a routine.  So it will go as such:  

Get up drink coffee eat breakfast (optional)
Read FB until breakfast is consumed.
As soon as bottom of coffee cup appears, begin tidying up.
Once tidying up is done, do anything you like for the rest of the day, preferably get outside more and work plants.
I have 9 coloring books and that is all I will have for a while unless we're doing reasonably well and I run across one at WalMart I don't already have and want badly enough.  I have many books to be read so scheduling outdoor reading/coloring time is vital on ALL good days.

In the midst of all this is to see that Mother gets her meals in a timely fashion and keeps herself reasonably clean.  I'm supposed to be getting help with her but I've yet to hear a knock at the door.  Other than YOU KNOW WHO.

I'm going now.  I'm busy.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

She Didn't Make It . . .

Gypsy's littlest pup died last night :(  I was so heartbroken this morning.  I will bury the little thing later on, I can't bear just throwing it out.  I didn't figure she would make it she was just too little.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Had No Idea She Was Going To, But . . .

Gypsy is having puppies.  I doubt they live.  Looks like she's eating the first one.  What a pain in the ass, Annie's due any time.  I hope she doesn't have very many . . . We'll see.

3:46 p.m.:  Looks like 3, maybe 4.  One is white and black like Oreo.  The others are black with white tips like her, one is very very small.  Mother took it well.  Onward and forever forward.  We'll see how it goes.

Friday, January 8, 2016

As Lunch is Heating . . .

I just got back from the Dollar Store and well there was a woman there with 4 little puppies.  I did NOT bring one of them home.  So sad.  Annie is about to give birth so that is the last thing we need.  I got trash bags, and laundry detergent.  I looked for coloring books but they didn't have any and they didn't have a good selection of coloring pencils or markers either and no chalk at all.  But there's time for all that later.  I'd received a coloring book in the mail, a nice one so now just to settle in and color and write.  I added 100 words to the story I'm working on that felt good.  So on that I'll go and check the stove.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Irresponsible Dog Owners . . .

Of course after they ate last night Sydney insisted on going outside, even though our low was going to be below freezing (yes I fear my plants have perished), he is now up a tree.  At some point our dogs threw a phenomenal fit waking the entire house.  I got up to quiet them and saw two huge dogs in our yard on the other porch.  I didn't realize until this morning one was actually entangled in debris and stuck on the porch.  The one that was loose must have chased Sydney up the tree.  They must be litter mates as the one loose never left the side of the one entangled.  I went out with scissors and cut the debris from the dog's leash and I guess they've left, but now to get Sydney out of the tree.  I've no idea how to do that, the last tree people we called charged us $150.  Surely he'll come down on his own eventually.  NO firetrucks, NO tree people, too traumatic.  I'll figure a way up there if I have to.  I can't believe the crap that comes up at this place!  At the WORST times too!

Little later, 10:41 a.m.:  Got Mom back from the doctor, just got Sydney out of the tree, he'd gone to a lower branch, I couldn't get the neighbor, so I thought of holding a ladder up to see if he'd climb down it, it worked he got on the ladder but I couldn't hold it so it tumped him onto the ground, but at least he's out of the tree and unhurt.  He's in now getting warm.  Got down to 30 last night, amazing he's still alive.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Still Trying . . .

I'm so BORED these days.  A few days ago, a loan shark called my brother about a debt I owed back in 2010, threatening to have me arrested blahblahblah as they are wont to do, and he called here and told MOTHER about it, she wouldn't listen to me, and lo and behold I had to call the jerk back and set up a payment arrangement to pay off a debt whose statue had run nearly a year ago now, that I cannot be sued for nor am I even responsible for anymore.  The jerk called again this morning now my day is ruined, I can't get motivated to do anything.  I'm about to go to the store to get trash bags and laundry detergent.  Mother has a doctor's appointment tomorrow MORNING so tomorrow is going to be a burn as well I'll be furious by the time I get home with her after fighting to get her up, dressed and out the door at the asscrack of dawn.  SO looking for Wednesday to be the first day of peace . . . we'll see what I can get going by then.  Something has to give here I can't keep going like this.