Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Saturday, January 30, 2016


Some time ago we were going to buy a small cabin and have it finished out into a small house.  Well I didn't remember how much they were going to charge us, but BANG, $479 a month for 60 months.  Which, were it finished to begin with I wouldn't mind but for us to have to finish it ourselves is a bit much HOWEVER . . . should I get a job I could have that done a bit at a time, living primitively until I get a good amount saved and find someone who'll do the work.  IT COULD WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!  I own a propane stove.  A camping toilet would work for me.  I'm going to keep grousing on this.  If worse comes to worse.  And it just might.

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