Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Chores . . .

It's a little late but I started a load of laundry.  Some sheets, some of our nightgowns, some of my clothes.  I have to go to town in a few to get dog food thank Ceridwen only 2 more days to payday.  Going to be a busy one.  First I have to take Mother to the title loan place and get that taken care of, we pay it off in March YAY, and then up to Cleveland where we'll eat at Hartz and then to the Ledbetters for a tv they are giving us.  Then back home to drop her off then I'm back at WalMart for preliminary grocery shopping.  Hopefully they will have some cutting plants I can get, I think I have all the seed I want for the time being.  I do have to get a couple of bags of potting soil in the worst way and will, it's just so heavy.  But I'll deal.  I'm reheating the turkey breast for lunch, not sure if Mother will eat that or if I'll reheat the hamburger helper for her.  What I was GOING to do was reheat the hamburger helper for her and grill me a steak but I rethought it, I really like the turkey.  Love smoked turkey it's so good.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Thank Ceridwen For Spares!

My pc died or is dying or something, it won't boot up.  Thank Ceridwen I have the laptop.  I will have to simply replace the PC I can do that easily with a refurb from WalMart.  But we'll see it might right itself.  It's weird because it boots up, has a picture on it, but will not pull up the sign in screen.  I was using it fine and it just shut down, when I got it back up it allowed me to sign in but said it couldn't log me in at this time and prompted me to reboot and when I did that's when it denied me the signin page.  Fuckin computers I  regret ever getting one of the damned things.  I'm totally not using it for what I originally bought one for, that is WRITING.

Monday, January 23, 2017

New Stove . . .

So we got a new stove today.  The maiden meal was seared chicken breasts with broccoli/cauliflower/carrots in cheese sauce and if I do say so m'self, it was delish.  I only hope Mother doesn't go back to her usual fire setting self, I'm watching her more closely these days.  Come payday we'll have to get her another television hers went out I don't know why other than it's old, one of those concave ones, she'll have to learn to deal with a flatscreen now what fun that's going to be, I'd put mine in there for a while and she just freaked completely out even though it's no different than using her concave one.

But that's for the first of the month now we just have to get through this month and at least I can cook.  Now to get food to actually cook.  Hmm.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

It's Windy . . .

40 mph+ gusts.  Ugghhh.  Moved my plants last night so they wouldn't get beat to death or blown over.  Now I have to ready the kitchen for the new stove.  I have to move the old one out and clean out that space.  Yuk.  But I'll be so glad to have that new stove GODS we need it badly.

I still need to go to the vacant lot and dig some of those chinaberry saplings up and plant them over here.  I WANT chinaberry trees.  Too wet right now though.

I need windchimes in the trees on this side of the house.  I love the music they make.

I'll be so glad when Shadow goes out of heat I won't know what to do but man that's 21 days.  I'll go bonkers by then.  We so need to invest in one of those crate type cages, she's too big for the carrier we have.  Peanut is already knocked up nothing I can do for her.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Year Starting Badly:

UPDATE: Suspect had gun in luggage at baggage claim, AP reports -

Yea, another shooting. 13 shot 5 killed. We'll be dealing with this several months a year from now on I guess. Everyone having a bad day that can get their hands on an automatic weapon can just be a douche and kill people that had nothing to do with their misery.

Reheating jambalaya for lunch getting hungry. Cereal is my breakfast these days, Capt'n Crunch, bought 2 huge boxes of it (had a craving).

Nothing new to report other than it's sleeting and very cold, I'm about to have to bring in my plants draw up water and turn ours off and drain the pipes so they don't freeze. Going to be very cold tonight, like 24. I used to love winter. Can't stand it now.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Dying . . .

Just got back from getting my tv out of pawn, preliminary grocery shopping, and getting dinner (take away chicken).  I'm exhausted.  The adventure actually started when I woke up, had to go to Jack in the Box to get our breakfast and then had to take Mom so we could get our title loan refinanced and then bring her back home THEN go back to pawn shop, walmart then chicken express.  So tired.  So.  Mother couldn't wait for me to get the shopping in from the car to start eating, it's bizarre her appetite its like every hour she harps 'did we eat anything' even soon after eating a large meal.  Don't know, I imagine it's just she doesn't remember eating I can't imagine her being hungry, we eat a lot of protein.  But whatevs.  Right now I have to put the stuff I bought for me in the drawers and just chill a moment.