Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Chores . . .

It's a little late but I started a load of laundry.  Some sheets, some of our nightgowns, some of my clothes.  I have to go to town in a few to get dog food thank Ceridwen only 2 more days to payday.  Going to be a busy one.  First I have to take Mother to the title loan place and get that taken care of, we pay it off in March YAY, and then up to Cleveland where we'll eat at Hartz and then to the Ledbetters for a tv they are giving us.  Then back home to drop her off then I'm back at WalMart for preliminary grocery shopping.  Hopefully they will have some cutting plants I can get, I think I have all the seed I want for the time being.  I do have to get a couple of bags of potting soil in the worst way and will, it's just so heavy.  But I'll deal.  I'm reheating the turkey breast for lunch, not sure if Mother will eat that or if I'll reheat the hamburger helper for her.  What I was GOING to do was reheat the hamburger helper for her and grill me a steak but I rethought it, I really like the turkey.  Love smoked turkey it's so good.

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