Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Rest In Peace Thor . . .

My darling boy, you could be a pain in the ass but you were ever sweet and ever vigilant in your job guarding us from evildoers.  Go in peace my little man and run free on all fours :(.

Thor 2008-2016 Rest In Eternal Peace :(

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Things Old and New . . .

Mom is complaining that she's out of food, I get that, but we only have a week to go.   I have to go to the store tomorrow with VERY little money to try to get dog food and food for her to eat for the next 5 days.  I THINK I can do it, though not sure.  We'll see.  I'll need a loaf of bread, a couple of cans of cream and a roll of sausage :|

I can't sell cans till Monday, though I may pawn my computer just for a few days until we can get groceries.  I suppose I CAN pawn it they don't HAVE to know it's still being paid for :|  The biggest thing is we're out of soda.  She's addicted.  I miss it too but damn, I can chill for 5 days.  Get SO tired of this.  This is EVERY month.  Might be changing though, I applied for a job at Family Dollar so if they call I am going to try my damnedest to get the job.  It's for customer service rep.  I can do it, and I will do it if they let me.  SHOULD I get the job though I am keeping it hush hush till it's been solid a month or so.  I'm going to put Mother in respite care if I start working so she's not left alone to burn the house down.  I simply have nothing else I can do.  In the mean time I guess I'll apply at the casino, still haven't sent in that app.  But I really don't want to work there.  Time to get things moving for the future.  Before long, I won't have one.

Finally up to the Bs on Neopets.  Bleh.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Trouble . . .

So I'm losing another tooth, the dogs are driving me mad, we've lost another cat (Tygger), more of Mother's greycells have hit the buglight, and with this rain I don't think we're too soon going to get the yardwork done.

Some good news is I've consumed most all of the crap I bought that's not good for me so it will be replaced by food that IS good for me, or at least not quite so harmful.  I THINK we have enough to live on until the 3rd I tried desperately to see that we did.  I think the dogs and cats will be ok not really sure yet.  7 days to go as of tomorrow.  My cravings at the moment are stir fry and peanut butter.  Both healthy so, in it goes.  Unfortunately I want pizza and I'm relatively sure we're going to get it because, well, I want it and I'll have it.  But it's ok, it's just the one time.  I hope we can go without eating at Florida's I can't do that again.  If so I'm getting the bbq sampler plate and that sucker is expensive.

The rain is pouring down it's been rather nervewracking.  A lot of thunder and lightning.  I kept smelling something that smelled like shorting wires, which ALWAYS freaks me out but so far no smoke and it's not noticeable anymore so I hope it's all done.  So on that off I go to relax now that feeding is over with and she's about to tuck in.  Here's hoping for a productive, active day tomorrow.  Gonna try!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

A Sincerely Bad Day . . .

Starting with a shitty dream.  But I'm not blogging it, I'm not giving it power.  The neighbors are pissing me off and I'm about to go major pagan on their asses, I've had just about enough of them.  Mother is on my last nerve as well today, but nothing I can do about that in ANY capacity.  It's supposed to rain and oddly, I can't wait for it to, it needs to STORM.

So yesterday I transferred my music file over to the laptop, I downloaded a book I want to read and I want to transfer it over to the laptop and start spending time outside reading, coloring, listening to music and being serene.  I know I can't do that and it's really sad, but surely sooner or later there will be something I can do along those lines.  We'll see.  Know what's neat?  My pink cala lily is blooming!  My little garden is growing exponentially!  I need to take some pics but out of batteries for my camera.  I'll remember them next month.  Watch batteries too.

 So disappointed in the Comeback Kitchen show, the woman I wanted to win didn't.  But them's the breaks.  The pretty girls get em all fuck the real girls.  But I'll still watch Food Network Star, I already have a fav and will cheer them on, even though they probably won't win either.

More later maybe I've begun to ramble.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

12 Day Countdown . . .

12 days to payday.  I think we have enough food, we have enough dry dog food, plenty of dry cat food, so we'll see how it goes.  I hate going broke midmonth but we always do.  So on we go.  I always hope the following month will be better than the last.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

More Rain . . .

It's raining again, not hard but enough to be annoying.  I brought my blanket in I hope it's dry I want to put it on my bed tonight, I think it is it felt dry and it's a thin blanket.  Worried about Snoopy though he went out and hasn't come back he doesn't usually stay out when it rains.  Annie's with him so, they could be in Austin by now knowing her.  The new washer is working well up to this point, I wanted to do a load of clothes but it started to rain so flushed that out.

Otherwise the day is uneventful and useless as is most days here lately.  Still trying to get  the Indians to look me over for a casino position and WalMart for a night stocker position.  I see the local Sunoco station is hiring but I really don't want to go there again.  Too much of a hassle.  I can't handle it.

I love my lappy I hope I don't have to pawn it but likely I will.  We're running short and Mother is on one of her tears so . . . there that is. Well I better go call for Snoops to come home maybe he will.  More later maybe.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Life's Little Annoyances . . .

I hope I have this set right, on the laptop and it's not as forgiving as the PC.  So I was trying to set up my broadcast on the laptop, ain't gonna work on it.  Don't know why.  I left it to come up for broadcast and took a shower and it still wasn't up when I got back so I guess I'll set it up on the PC again.  Sucks, that would have worked out so much better.  But I can still do the uploads to YouTube that I want to do so sooner or later I'll get started on it.  But there it is and here I am dripping and kinda bored.  When the hair dries a tad I'll so something not sure what.  I'd like to color a little but the eyes are still bugging me and its annoying having to wear glasses all the time.  More later, gonna piddle.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

My Eyes . . .

Having the worst trouble with my eyes.  Very blurry vision today, having to wear readers just to see on the computer, the script ones don't work, and for the PC readers don't work.  Need drops.  Hope tomorrow finds them feeling better, hell even later today if you don't mind!  They are gummy when I wake in the morning and usually clear in a little while, but not now.  Not at all.

Annie had come home but she's gone again as is Snoopy mother let her out as she is apt to do so I'm hoping they come on back home, I don't know where they disappear to but one of our neighbors is an asshole and will shoot them, or make trouble for us so they need to come home.

Getting going on some of the projects I made for myself yesterday but not as wholeheartedly as I'd hoped, the eye thing is the biggest bother, just kind of worried.  But I'm doing lunch now and after that I have to make a dollar store run for coffee and bread and will settle in after that for a while.  It's been raining so I DO hope they deliver our washing machine tomorrow we HAVE to have it, that reminds me I need to get detergent at the dollar store.  I'll see what they have cheap.  More later gotta check on the microwave.

Friday, May 13, 2016

A Good Day LUCKY Friday 13th!

So, I went to the mailbox to get Mother's gowns that had been delivered FINALLY today, and there was this hot pink flyer in there.  I was about to toss it when I decided to open it.  Turns out the rental place we use is having a customer appreciation sale today and tomorrow and not only were we able to procure a washing machine but a laptop as well!  I'm hoping to hear soon if the laptop can be picked up today the washer will get here Monday before 3.  In the meantime my athame and stones also got here and I'm plotting a permanent outdoor altar.  Full moon is next Friday so hoping to have it up by then.  AND I won on lotto the third time in a row, $5 so won our money back, parlaying it back into 5 more tickets, even though we didn't win the 1.2 mil, $200,000 would go a long way for us!  So on to finish out this LUCKY Friday the 13th! 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Winning The Lottery . . .

Last night we won $7 on the Texas Two Step, the time before that $5.  Parlaying the tickets into 5 more Texas Two Step and a Mega Millions and a Lotto Texas.  Nice to be on the winning side for a while, now for big bucks please!!

Otherwise it's me who has to clean the house today so after breakfast, on with it.  More later perhaps.

Sunday, May 8, 2016


I finally found (or she found me) my long lost BFF from high school.  Got home today from Mother's outing at the state park (which went wonderfully, by the way) and logged in to the fam FB to upload the pictures and had a message from her.  I nearly fucking DIED!!!!!!!  OMGs!!!!!!!!!!  Unfucking real.  So I forwarded her FB to our OTHER high school friend so the 3 muskateers are together again!!!!!!!! Ohhhh myyyyyyyyyy!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Woke Up Annoyed, But Energized . . .

As I was sleeping I was dreaming about that APS bitch coming back so I'll be housecleaning to beat the band today, suits me because I'm restarting logging my calorie intake and trying to get at least an hour of exercise every day.  So we'll see how it goes.  My goal this month is 5 pounds and DAMMIT I should have weighed before I ate but hell, I didn't.  I was finally shaken from a light sleep by my bff sending me a picture on my phone, I'll have to waddle over to facebook to see everything she's put there.  My plants are doing lovely all of them now to get my planting done, time's a wasting!

Just went to check the mail, the nightgowns I ordered have arrived, now to get my amazon order.  Part of it will be here Tuesday, but that's a gift but I can't SEND it till the rest of the order gets here.  I'm gifting part of the citrine I ordered to Ba'lith, and some of the sodalite depending on how much I get.  Off to start my day will sleep beautifully tonight!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Lights Out!

Lights just came back on from being out for a few minutes, maybe a little over half and hour.  Amazing how like a week it seemed.  I instantly picked up a half finished short story collection but was too sleepy and it was too dark to read it.  Tried to nap but Mother was restless.  When Snoopy and Annie came in they stank, and stink, to high heaven, of fish . . . I could kill these people around here.  Surely there is a more secure place to put your fishtrash so dogs can't get into them.  Yea I know we should keep our dogs penned up but you know the answer to that one.  So I lit a simmerpot and am hoping for the best.

Our washing machine was pronounced dead today and so literally for the month we cannot do laundry until we can get another one at the rental place.  To the folks around the Livingston Texas area WalMart . . . so sorry, when we get a new washer we can do laundry.  Until then, deal with it, we're poor.

So that's all the news fit to print, so I'll go on and do bigger and better things, like, a broadcast for my chatters.  C'ya on the flipflop!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


OMGs we just ate at Florida's Kitchen again and I think I'm gonna bust.  NOTHING is small there even if it SAYS small on the menu.  I got the usual stuffed potato, and they delivered this HUGE potato I've never seen one so big, and half is now in the fridge.  So I thought just this once I'd get a slice of cheesecake, thought it would be a dainty slice and it was a HUGE hunk.  So I'm about to bust.  We overspent a wee tad at dollar general but got a good deal on soda.  I thought we were going to be a bit ahead but no, we have to get the washer repaired at that's $60 just for the guy to come LOOK at it.  If it's going to be a lot to fix it we won't be able to so I'll be back to the laundromat until we can.  We will still indulge in $5 lottery tix, big jackpots on 3 games we play so hell, ya never know, right?  So on that I shall make my preparedness to go to WalMart and get the doggy, kitty, squirrelly and birdy food and food for us to last till the 9th.  Onward and forever forward.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Hopeful . . .

Here's hoping June comes out like I'm hoping.  If so I'll have a purple HP laptop and we'll be a lot better off.  I'm trying to find something comparable at WalMart but it ain't happening.  Theirs start at $199.  Anything cheaper than that is the small Acers I don't want that.  As is I'm still trying to throw my Amazon cart into the Order Now mode.  I want that citrine and the athame!

In other news it rained last night and today, it's been wet ever since.  I've been house cleaning I'm about to finish the living room and the hallway and bathroom.  Sick of everything being in such a mess.  Anyway more later maybe going to browse some stuff.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Another Week Bites the Dust . . .

Didn't do much today, really didn't do anything.  Tomorrow is the go to day to start projects for me.  And many do I have to do.  A lot of activity going on Tuesday so the house has to be ship shape.  Well, as ship shape as I can get it which ain't much.  The mosquitoes are already quite bad so I don't know about outdoor activity like I planned.  I'm plotting something but not sure yet what to do to bring it to fruition.  But I'm working on it.  It starts with seed planting!  Anyway going to go now and I think color more mushrooms.  I color them 3, 6, 9 at a time and have to stop for interruptions.  So more later perhaps.