So I'm losing another tooth, the dogs are driving me mad, we've lost another cat (Tygger), more of Mother's greycells have hit the buglight, and with this rain I don't think we're too soon going to get the yardwork done.
Some good news is I've consumed most all of the crap I bought that's not good for me so it will be replaced by food that IS good for me, or at least not quite so harmful. I THINK we have enough to live on until the 3rd I tried desperately to see that we did. I think the dogs and cats will be ok not really sure yet. 7 days to go as of tomorrow. My cravings at the moment are stir fry and peanut butter. Both healthy so, in it goes. Unfortunately I want pizza and I'm relatively sure we're going to get it because, well, I want it and I'll have it. But it's ok, it's just the one time. I hope we can go without eating at Florida's I can't do that again. If so I'm getting the bbq sampler plate and that sucker is expensive.
The rain is pouring down it's been rather nervewracking. A lot of thunder and lightning. I kept smelling something that smelled like shorting wires, which ALWAYS freaks me out but so far no smoke and it's not noticeable anymore so I hope it's all done. So on that off I go to relax now that feeding is over with and she's about to tuck in. Here's hoping for a productive, active day tomorrow. Gonna try!
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