Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Another Bland Day . . .

Well, it started out bad, actually.  Starting at about 5 a.m. I had to pee so up I got and got it done and went back to sleep.  Since then every hour I've had to pee.  I guess because I've reintroduced caffeine back into my diet with morning coffee.  Sad though that is, the worst came when I woke the final time at 11 a.m..  The cat had knocked my speakers off the desk they were just hanging there and had knocked my mouse off and the dogs had chewed the mouse off the cord AND one had gotten up on the desk and tore up an entire box of tissues.  Could have killed them.  Thank goodness I had a spare mouse and it works (so far).  I hope for great change in the fall.  Counting on it. 

Today's plans are laundry only then work tonight.  I'll be off two days after today.  I have to go Thursday and see about a day job I don't want but have to get because the way it is I cannot continue with what little I make.

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