Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Thursday, August 2, 2018

New Babies, Autumn, Getting Back in Life . . .

Yesterday I was outside and heard kittens crying.  I looked over the rail and there was a tiny black kitten and I could hear another one on the other side of the trailer.  I picked up the black kitten and took it to the other side and looked under the trailer and saw a little calico.  I crawled under and got her and brought her and the black one in in a bin, putting them on an old shirt to keep them warm.  I knew Candi was the one who birthed them so I put her in with them and she began to nurse them (thank goodness!)  I didn't see or hear any more.  This morning I was out again and heard kittens crying.  Looked under the trailer and found another calico and farther up found a little black and white one. I HOPE that is all of them.  I reunited them with their mother and she is being a good mom and nursing them.

Though it's still overtly warm, it is not as hot as before.  Nights are very pleasant.  This morning I made my first pot of coffee in over 2 months and WOW ... the caffeine rush after 2 cups was invigorating!  But perhaps our cooldown is about to begin I surely hope so.  I'm feeling more like doing things and I hope to do more stuff as time goes on and the weather permits.  Right now I'm just living day to day and enjoying each one as I can.

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