Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Dodging A Bullet . . .

The meeting has been called off praise Ceridwen!  Lovin' just staying home, watching racing, will be coloring and maybe writing 100 words or more!  Happy Sunday everyone!  I have to go to town and get as much for us to eat as possible, Mother just wants soup and that's ok that's doable.  I'll get me some ramen I think, only three days after today.  Gods let payday get here soon!

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Another Day . . .

Been coloring.  Continuing the work on the gel pen project, it's looking ok.  I just took back that purple large bin I'd given Mother for her medicines, she's not using it and put all my gel pens, markers, chalk and extra pencils in it.  Kind of a mistake, I should have kept the pens in their original containers but it's done now, no going back.  I'll just have to find the ones I've been using I should be able to tell, they do lose ink really fast.  I'll still get the smaller one I found at WalMart payday and perhaps separate my markers and pens at least.  That'll help.  I need to just throw out that chalk I guess I can't use it.

I've had two nights in a row of restless dreams and this morning had a nightmare.  Very disturbing.  I hope after tomorrow they all subside, I know it's the anguish of having to face my narcissistic brother.  I wish I could just drop Mother off and leave, but hell no.  I don't know how my life turned out like this.  Actually I do, I should have hit LA when I had the chance.  My bad.  I just wish it would get better.  I'm looking into going back into temping but I really can't because of the car.  Will keep looking for something here.  Never know, miracles do happen.

The day is gorgeous, warm and a small breeze.  The dogs are hell and gone have been since early this morning.  I guess they'll be back around dinner time as usual.  I just hope they don't bite anyone.  Annie is supposed to be kept confined.

I need to shower but no clean towels.  There is one on the line but it's just been put out so still wet.  Don't know what's happened to all our towels, will have to get a few more.  The clean one will dry soon enough, I'll shower then.  In the meantime, back to the colors, I think.  I need the peace.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

It's Raining . . .

Do nothing day today.  The Daytona 500 ran, Denny Hamlin won by a nose, Kasey raced without incident, Jr. wrecked out, and there never was a 'big one'.  So I think that says a lot about the good driving skills these days.

There is an imminent meeting of my new sister-in-law coming next week, I can't even imagine why she'd even want to know us, she probably doesn't but I think my brother just wants to give us another public beating.  But it's something I have to endure.  At least I don't drink anymore.

I found the perfect bin I want to pick up for my coloring supplies.  I don't plan on expanding them much further, I have a 50 ct and a 72 ct pencil sets I am looking at but only because the prices are good and I will ultimately need them.  I'm working on another little tree at the moment and not doing well.  I'm kind of in a funk.

It's really foggy outside, I'm trying to get Tiny Tim home and in but he's being an ass and now Mother is whining that he's gone, we'll never see him again wahh wahhh wahhhhh . . . I get so tired.  I'm hoping I have enough food now to last them until payday, I think I do.  We'll see, I'm hoping WE have enough food till payday.  It's going to be interesting.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

The Puppy Puddle . . .

Whenever I sit down at the computer, my feet or at least one foot becomes the pillow to at least a couple of puppies.  They insist on sleeping on my feet.  I guess they need that closeness.  The icky thing is they constantly LICK my feet and toes.  So gross.  So I try to sit still so they will fall asleep, and very carefully unwedge my covered foot when I have to get up so I don't wake them.  I notice they aren't sleeping as much, and exploring more.  Sassy is the cutest one, she loves to run and wag her tail, she's a very happy puppy.  We're keeping her, but I don't know what we're going to do with the other 4, we can't keep them we have too many as is.  But we'll see.

Friday, February 19, 2016

It's Summertime . . .

And I'm still working inside.  See, I feel guilty working outside when I know there are things to be done inside.  My eyes are burning from the bleach as is.  So today, inside, tomorrow outside.  LOTS to do!  Going to take the yard in quadrants and get it picked up, raked a little maybe, and ready for mowing.  Then screw these people that want an arm and a leg just to mow a lawn I'LL mow it!  Woot!  I do need our mower worked on though I think.  But we'll see.  I'm ready to plant, and finally make me an area outside to read and color at.  That's going to take some work but it will be happy work.  So on to it as it comes along!  ONWARD!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Annie's Home!

Just brought Annie home from the vet, she's not having a lot to do with her pups I didn't much think she would.  But she looks good, remembers us.  Is acclimating.  We'll keep her in a day or two before we let her roam again, at least she's vaccinated, and I think we'll keep them up to date.  Just in case.  We should do all of them that we keep outside, especially Snoopy.  But that's a lot of money.  Otherwise the day is beautiful and I have a lot to accomplish yet, starting with laundry, so I better get to it.

Monday, February 15, 2016

On It Goes . . .

Started getting the house back in order a little while ago, the kitchen is mopped have to mop the living room then sweep the hallway, Mother's room and the bathroom.  Once those areas are mopped I have to attack my room.  I got the 5 remaining scutterbutts in here (the weak one died, I buried her this morning), so that's going to be loads of fun cleaning around them.  But I'll do it, I must for it must be done!  I've been having a good time on Twitter, I've been using dongers and some of them are magick themed and they keep getting retweeted.  I love it!  I hope to work more on my picture tonight.  Anxious to get it done and get back to work with pencils.  Markers are too hard.  Anyway this isn't getting it done, so, more later.

Friday, February 12, 2016

On Puppies, Housecleaning and the Daily Grind . . .

I am being bitten by a 4 week old puppy.  They just got their teeth and I guess are trying them out.  I am Mommy until theirs comes home, they told us it would be Tuesday because of President's day.  So here we are.  Fortunately they are eating well.  I fed them at bedtime and didn't hear a peep out of them all night I was so happy.  No way were they sleeping with me again.  I have to get my ass moving on cleaning in a bit I'll start with rewashing my comforter, it's a mess now.  I have to close my bedroom door because the little scutterpoops want to follow me around.

Mother is ill she has been since we both got food poisoning from eating fast food.  I'd tweeted the issue (because I do) and someone from the company direct messaged me, and then I got a call from a corporate someone, they are sending a letter of apology and some combo vouchers for free meals, so well, I guess we'll give them another chance.  Anyway she's ill and I'm dealing with THAT so maybe I'm off the hook for cooking today, perhaps we'll just have soup, I like soup days.

Otherwise I do believe we are into Spring.  Bring on the equinox!  Sunny, warm, about to start seeds!  Wonderful!  Mother is still cold but will be until it's like 110 outside.  And it will be, soon enough.  My air conditioner is making funny noises I hope it lasts through the summer.  It does still cool, I used it a little yesterday and probably will again today, the high will be in the upper 70s.

Funny thing, when I was in WalMart the other day, I noticed in the book aisle they had some more of some small coloring books they had run out of before, I picked 4 of them out and started off with them.  Got to the Craft aisle and they were just putting up a HUGE display of Color Art coloring books, of which I already have 5, but there were so many more there!  So I got the woman to hand me four of THOSE and I'd put the others back, well I got back to the book aisle and realized I couldn't get any at all because I have to get enough dry dog food to last us the month, so rather than putting them all back, I hid them.  I hope they remain hidden until the 3rd.  PLEASE let them!!!!!!

So with that on I go and forward, I need to make my breakfast sandwich and get moving.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Puppies, Housework and the Desire to Color . . .

At least my desire to be creative has come back I was worried there for a while.  Finished my jungle piece, a lot of people on my groups liked it so I'm glad it came out ok.  Got some of the house swept I need to mop pretty badly but will do that in a bit down the road.  I'm hoping people start coming around tomorrow to get some of this stuff done.   Get the yard in the range of being picked up, get the trash hauled off and cleared.  I'll do some of that myself I'm loving getting outside these days it's definitely going into spring now, no more freezing temps.  Sunshine and warmth the whole way.  About the puppies.  Well, you know Annie had six, and she bit a social worker so she's quarantined until Monday.  Well, her pups need to be fed.  They are going into their 4th week.  They are doing well, there was one that was failing but I think I have her on the mend she got up this morning raring to go and for the first time ate at the plate with her brothers and sisters.  I know this is a shitty thing to say but, I wish we could keep her and her sister that was born bobtailed.  I think she is going to be a lovely and loving little dog and her sister will be so cute without her tail. We'd have to get them spayed, but I do believe there is a place here that does low cost spay/neuter for $48.  I hope so I'm going to call them and ask them.  More later I do have stuff to do now!

Saturday, February 6, 2016


I finally beat level 24 of Panda Pop!  WHEW that was pissing me off.  Life is going on slowly but surely, both Mother and I are sick with food poisoning obtained from food from Jack in the Box.  Last time we eat there despite the coupons.  I hope other than light cleaning I don't have much to do tomorrow I just want to laze around and get back to coloring and reading.  I now have 11 coloring books, 96 gel pens, a new 36 pencil set, second set of craz-arts, and a 30 count marker set.  So on to more vibrant colorings.  I'd like, once we get things settled, to invest in a set of PrismaColors but gods they are expensive.  So I wait.  I'm so sleepy.  Bed early tonight.

Friday, February 5, 2016

This Has Been Such A Bad Time . . .

From one county official to another this has been the shittiest time since late January.  Mark this as the WORST year yet.  We have to take Annie to the vet tomorrow to check her for rabies because she bit a freakin county employee, just nipped her but oh she was on duty so it had to be reported bleh bleh bleh now we have to vet her and quarantine her for 10 days.  So the mess I cleaned up so the social worker could see an improvement will just start all over again.  Most days these days I just want to throw up my hands, pack my coloring books and pens and markers and pencils and just walk into the sunset, never to be seen again.  Mother's mind is getting so vapid she is the biggest nuisance of all.  I literally have to repeat information over and over again in 10 - 15 minute intervals for several hours.  I just don't know.  I saw this playing out differently, better.  But that's what I get for thinking.  We'll see how it goes.  I just want to continue moving forward.  Ever forward.

Continuing Down Life's Road . . .

Things are looking good there is a helping hand on the horizon out there and some friend support I'm hoping to keep up.  I don't know what's going to happen but I know when this is over I plan on some MAJOR MAGICKAL REPERCUSSIONS!  I've had enough of being everyone's carpet so, time to square my shoulders and fight back and fight back hard.  ENOUGH!!!!!!!