Know what makes me happy? The song Chewy Chewy by The Ohio Express.
Know what's good? Chicken. Chicken is good.
Know what sucks? Commercials.
Know what beauty is? A full moon.
Know what love is? A puppy or a kitten. Or both.
Know who is a good author? Stephen King.
Know who my newest bff is? Pat.
My head hurts. More when I'm unscrambled.
Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Grinding To A Stop . . .
I'm so bored these days. I'm definitely moving my bin in as soon as I get the energy to do so (it's heavy and hot outside). First I have some rearranging to do around the couch as that is where everything is going. I have a new writing project started, not sure what's gonna happen but someone's about to do something to someone :). Otherwise I just have got to find something to do. I have an interview tomorrow with the food stamp people I assume they are either diminishing my stamps or cutting them out completely. Nothing I can do about it and I certainly can't find a freaking job. But I am going to give it another shot next month. We'll see how it goes.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Not Feeling Well . . .
Not feeling well today. I just went out to see about spending some time reading, I actually got the chaise lounge cleaned off and was relaxing out there after watering my plants. The dogs decided to dig for something under a tarped pile of stuff we have stored in the yard for lack of any other place to put it, and I found one of my old CDs . . . Every Mother's Nightmare. I didn't know if it would still play so I brought it in, cleaned it off and put it in. It plays. Missed the music sounded so good I'll be hearing more tonight when it's quiet time. My new life needs to begin soon, time's a wasting!
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Thinking About Things . . .
I'm thinking about writing longhand. For a couple of reasons, mainly, the computer thing. I lose a computer, I lose my work. If I have to keep a hard copy around I may as well be handwriting. I may try it for a while, I have to restart Wyndhaven unless I can more quickly restore my information from my old computer. If I can't every single story I've ever written or started is gone. Scary thought. Very. More later, more thinking to do.
Friday, August 16, 2013
More Work On The Turd . . .
Stephen King once wrote " you can't polish a turd." Well, that's our house. But it is getting some much needed work done to it. So far a hot water heater has been installed, so showers have ensued. A banister is being installed so Mother stops falling off the porch. The water going to the house has been repaired to an extent. Today the kitchen faucets are being replaced and fixed. So that's nice. About the only other thing that could be done as repair would be the floor, but that would require rebuilding the whole turd and that's too cost extensive. So we tread lightly. Oh and the breakers need to be replaced. All of them.
I was just out tending the garden. Pat gave me some cuttings I planted some to see if they'd take, I hope so, one is Swedish ivy that I've been trying to get more of for ages. When times are better I'm going to get some more hylocereus and angel's trumpet. None of the brugmansia though no matter how badly I want it, I just can't get it to grow here. I might cave at some time though. Miracles happen all the time, right?
In his endeavor to repair the sink the workman let Tygger out she is about to have herself a dove lunch I'm afraid. I don't know how we're going to get her ass back in. I guess she'll come back in time. Like dinner time. More later I'm bored.
It's 5:42 p.m. and Tygger is back in. When the workman came back to do the rest of the repair I put her in a carrier so she wouldn't get out again, and Sylver got out (sigh). But she was an easy catch. So all felines present and accounted for, the sink is fixed and a new toilet seat has been installed. Nice. Things are going to be a lot fresher around here I do believe. :)
I was just out tending the garden. Pat gave me some cuttings I planted some to see if they'd take, I hope so, one is Swedish ivy that I've been trying to get more of for ages. When times are better I'm going to get some more hylocereus and angel's trumpet. None of the brugmansia though no matter how badly I want it, I just can't get it to grow here. I might cave at some time though. Miracles happen all the time, right?
In his endeavor to repair the sink the workman let Tygger out she is about to have herself a dove lunch I'm afraid. I don't know how we're going to get her ass back in. I guess she'll come back in time. Like dinner time. More later I'm bored.
It's 5:42 p.m. and Tygger is back in. When the workman came back to do the rest of the repair I put her in a carrier so she wouldn't get out again, and Sylver got out (sigh). But she was an easy catch. So all felines present and accounted for, the sink is fixed and a new toilet seat has been installed. Nice. Things are going to be a lot fresher around here I do believe. :)
Thursday, August 15, 2013
What A Great Day!!!
A friend of mine called yesterday wanting me to accompany her to a plant nursery, she wanted to get a couple of crepe myrtles for her mother. I agreed as there is nothing I love more than browsing in a plant shop unless it's BUYING the plants :). So today we went, I was apprehensive at first because her mother was going to go and they tend to argue, but her mother was ill so it was just she and I, I'd weighed when I first got up and have lost ANOTHER pound :), and we went to the nurseries, and along the way stopped at a roadside resale shop, and I was looking at a television the woman had for $10, the woman said if you want that you can just have it I want to get rid of it so I got another tv! I got it home and the remote I use on my current tv works on the new one so now my mom can get a bigger set for her room. So I'm down a pound and got a free tv! Great day!
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Bleh . . .
I have a lot to do today and I don't want to do any of it. Not long ago I told a friend about a nursery down the road from us, where I got my persimmon tree and where I got my crepe myrtle. She wanted to go there one day to get her mother some crepe myrtle trees so she called today and wants to go tomorrow. The thing is she is going to be here at 8 a.m. which is WAY early for me and two, she is going to have her mother with her and MY mother doesn't want to go but I assume she will anyway because a free lunch will ensue, we have to go to Newton for her mother and so it's going to be a day long affair. So we'll see. In the meantime I need to freshen my "going out" clothes since the other two pair of jeans I have are dirty so are both of my good blouses. I can shower now the hot water heater is up and running that's nice. The place will be very nearly livable now. A few odds and ends things to get done. We'll see.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
In spite of the heat I'm starting to clean up a little. I have a lot of the junk picked up out of the kitchen and the kitchen trash ready to go, I want to do some more sweeping down the hall and get that area going then start on the living quarters, harder there because of Mother. But I'll work around her, all I can do. I have a steak thawed for dinner not sure if I'll be eating my stuff or if she's going to cook for us both. I'd' rather go my own way. But then, I'd rather go my own way on a LOT of things. One thing I have to do somehow is get water to my garden it's dying. I'll do that on my own in a little bit, I have to wait for our company to leave. I hope it rains today but don't have much hope.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Grocery Day . . .
Ok so we went today to get groceries. One of the things we got when we went to Brookshire's was a package of preseasoned preformed patties for hamburgers. I'd assumed when we got home we'd make hamburgers and fries for dinner as we don't have money for fast food right now. Good thing I bought and still have things for my diet because apparently those patties are for Mother to eat. I've not had dinner yet because I don't have anything thawed. I'll make a ham and cheese sandwich in a few and be done with it I suppose. Tomorrow starts a whole new day.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
60 Days
Just think. 60 days from today MAYBE it'll be cool enough to step outside and not get hit in the face with heat and melting with every step. Ahhh the thought. I'm not worried about overwintering the plants I'm getting really good at that, so bring on winter! I'm so ready. I'm waterlogged I'm drinking so much cold water but thank goodness I have cold water to drink.
In other news, well it's pretty quiet, tomorrow is my "payday" so we'll go grocery shopping and get some grub, I don't know what the dogs are going to do for the rest of the month but something I'm sure. Birds and squirrels are going to be on their own till the first of the month. I wish on the third I could just take Mother's card and do what needs to be done to keep this house running smoothly for a month. The way she does things we run out of everything, including money, by the end of the month and she spends weeks whining about it. But ah well. I'll be working soon, so things will improve, at least on that front, when that happens.
In other news, well it's pretty quiet, tomorrow is my "payday" so we'll go grocery shopping and get some grub, I don't know what the dogs are going to do for the rest of the month but something I'm sure. Birds and squirrels are going to be on their own till the first of the month. I wish on the third I could just take Mother's card and do what needs to be done to keep this house running smoothly for a month. The way she does things we run out of everything, including money, by the end of the month and she spends weeks whining about it. But ah well. I'll be working soon, so things will improve, at least on that front, when that happens.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Have I Told You Lately . . .
How hot it is outside? And INSIDE??? Our internal temp got up to 91, the air conditioner didn't cool well enough. It's getting better now that the sun is setting. I was just looking at temps in Seattle and in Burlington. 50s to 80s. I'm fucking moving. When I win the lottery, or when I retire I'm fucking moving north to HELL with this hellish heat!
Otherwise a quiet day, everyone pretty much ignored my mother on her birthday, so she's morbidly depressed but she'll get over it. I'm trying to convince myself that it's a matter of life and death to get this house clean but it's not working. Can't fool me! Going to go though, going to find something less constructive to do. Rizzoli and Isles is on so I'll be watching that. Toodles!
Otherwise a quiet day, everyone pretty much ignored my mother on her birthday, so she's morbidly depressed but she'll get over it. I'm trying to convince myself that it's a matter of life and death to get this house clean but it's not working. Can't fool me! Going to go though, going to find something less constructive to do. Rizzoli and Isles is on so I'll be watching that. Toodles!
Sunday, August 4, 2013
An Alright Day . . .
First and foremost Kasey won at Pocono! That's two wins this season with a few top 5s and a few top 10s. My guy is on a roll!
Otherwise not too much to report, I'm liking the computer a lot more, although the cats knocked it off the table last night, I thought this morning it wouldn't start up but it did, I was just pushing the wrong button. I don't know if the dvd player still works I assume so it accepted a dvd I put in it earlier but there is nothing on it so I don't know if it will read them or not. The housing is skewed but if it will just continue to work I'll get the guy to fix it when I take both computers in to get information transferred over from one to the other. It should just snap back in place, I could do it but I can't get the screws to unscrew.
It's hot as all get out both indoors and out. Makes life miserable. Life is about to get a lot more miserable if they won't let us defer the telephone payment, they will turn off the phone, tv and internet. Me personally I wouldn't mind I could keep occupied other than the internet I have a lot of reading and transcribing to do I also have another story started so I need to be writing. Mother on the other hand has nothing but the television. Also we can't pay our car insurance, so we're going to be looking for more insurance first of the month. But this too, shall pass. I have lost 2 pounds that's a good thing. Trying to watch what I eat although it's not that easy. Having to go back to the skillet dinners, hamburger helpers, jambalaya and other boxed/bagged meals because if we don't eat them, Mother will starve herself. (sigh).
Ok so on to other things, you've seen enough. :)
Otherwise not too much to report, I'm liking the computer a lot more, although the cats knocked it off the table last night, I thought this morning it wouldn't start up but it did, I was just pushing the wrong button. I don't know if the dvd player still works I assume so it accepted a dvd I put in it earlier but there is nothing on it so I don't know if it will read them or not. The housing is skewed but if it will just continue to work I'll get the guy to fix it when I take both computers in to get information transferred over from one to the other. It should just snap back in place, I could do it but I can't get the screws to unscrew.
It's hot as all get out both indoors and out. Makes life miserable. Life is about to get a lot more miserable if they won't let us defer the telephone payment, they will turn off the phone, tv and internet. Me personally I wouldn't mind I could keep occupied other than the internet I have a lot of reading and transcribing to do I also have another story started so I need to be writing. Mother on the other hand has nothing but the television. Also we can't pay our car insurance, so we're going to be looking for more insurance first of the month. But this too, shall pass. I have lost 2 pounds that's a good thing. Trying to watch what I eat although it's not that easy. Having to go back to the skillet dinners, hamburger helpers, jambalaya and other boxed/bagged meals because if we don't eat them, Mother will starve herself. (sigh).
Ok so on to other things, you've seen enough. :)
Friday, August 2, 2013
Yet Another Computer
Just paid 323.00 for a brand new computer. Gods I hope this one lives longer than a few years. It's a Gateway, Walt once told me they weren't really bad computers, I do know this, it's heavy! I'm trying to keep it healthy, we'll see how it goes. I do believe the bagging works. No word processing package though, if I can find my Word 97 I'll put it on there and then see if I can update. No telling. But I'll persevere. Back to gaming though!
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