Snoopy came home and seriously he's badly hurt. He's muddy all over, a lot of one ear is gone he's all bloody, I see bites on him so he's been fighting, I guess with a pit bull. That means the neighbors. Great. I hope he makes it ok he couldn't jump over the partition, truth is when I saw him at the door I didn't even think it was him at first. He's shivering and very sad. He won't put weight on his front leg. But he ate a little and drank water so I have hope, maybe he'll be better tomorrow and not want to go out. This is the end, we're building him a run, no more fooling around he is not leaving this yard again under ANY circumstance.
12:04 a.m.
Snoopy really looks bad I'm worried. I hope he gets feeling better soon. I do hope he won't be trying to get out anymore any time soon. He's so pitiful. I'm about to go to bed I don't know if I should leave the air conditioner on or not he's so cold. I have him covered with a quilt. He's moving around more but his eyes just look so forlorn. I'm worried.
Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Terrible Day to Begin . . .
It's been pouring rain since late last night, the dogs want out but can't get out because they'd get caked in mud and want back in so it's a fight. Haven't begun THE TASK as of yet so I don't see it happening anytime soon I have to again set the install back. But I have to get this done. I'm tired of it myself and now is the only time I'm going to have if I start to work, which I doubt the man gave me no indication he has any desire to hire me. So probably Monday I'll be calling Dominoes to see if I can deliver pizzas. I don't really want to. They are putting in a Stripes convenience store but I absolutely do not want to work there.
We'll see.
Just rescheduled the cable install to the 9th to give us a little more time. Mother is using the tools right now I'll wait till she lights to get the serious work done. I'm ready to get this over with. I just hope it works out and lasts.
We'll see.
Just rescheduled the cable install to the 9th to give us a little more time. Mother is using the tools right now I'll wait till she lights to get the serious work done. I'm ready to get this over with. I just hope it works out and lasts.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Dog Gone!
Snoopy and Annie busted out just before feeding time I was like hasta la vista baby, good luck. I'd let Sparky out earlier today he just wouldn't stop barking so I don't know if or when we'll see him again. Snoopy and Annie will be back in a couple of hours, I saved them food.
I'm feeling very detached today, like just gone from feeling, from my body . . . just not all here. Hope I'm better tomorrow I have a lot I want to do. A whole lot of my detachment/angst of course is my Mother. Not much I can do there.
Anyway I really don't want to do this either just jotting this down in case the dogs never come home so I can mark the anniversary of their disappearance. Back to watching Paranormal Witness, it's really dumb.
I'm feeling very detached today, like just gone from feeling, from my body . . . just not all here. Hope I'm better tomorrow I have a lot I want to do. A whole lot of my detachment/angst of course is my Mother. Not much I can do there.
Anyway I really don't want to do this either just jotting this down in case the dogs never come home so I can mark the anniversary of their disappearance. Back to watching Paranormal Witness, it's really dumb.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
He's Baaaaaaaaaaaaack . . .
I just got up and first thing I do is call out the door for Sparky, and sure enough I heard his bark, so rain be damned I hurried out to retrieve him. Harder this time because he wanted to run, but ultimately he came back to me and I picked him up, brought him in, dried him off, and fed him some dry. He's re-assimilating now.
It's been raining since day before yesterday. Houston is beginning to flood and because of the hurricane that hit Mexico they are evacuating the Boliver peninsula. Close call this time. But hurricane season is nearly over (Nov 1) so there won't be any more. Till June.
We had another bad night last night, Snoopy once again busted out the door at nearly 2 a.m. taking Annie, Rusty, and Thor with him. This resulted in cussing, threats, and general verbal malice. Starting tonight I will just put Snoopy out and keep the rest of the dogs in so no more chaos ensues. If they'd just go out, do their business and keep quiet it would be alright, but they bark, and bark, and bark some more, which doesn't bother me but it upsets Mother. Everything upsets Mother.
Oh hey guess what??? I got a tweetback from a celebrity! David Coverdale of Whitesnake had posted a picture and I replied "I hate snakes but LOVE Whitesnake!!!!" to which he tweeted back a picture of a snake, but instead of the deadly fangs, this one had dentures! It was awesome! A bazillion people have favored that tweet. I was stoked!
It's been raining since day before yesterday. Houston is beginning to flood and because of the hurricane that hit Mexico they are evacuating the Boliver peninsula. Close call this time. But hurricane season is nearly over (Nov 1) so there won't be any more. Till June.
We had another bad night last night, Snoopy once again busted out the door at nearly 2 a.m. taking Annie, Rusty, and Thor with him. This resulted in cussing, threats, and general verbal malice. Starting tonight I will just put Snoopy out and keep the rest of the dogs in so no more chaos ensues. If they'd just go out, do their business and keep quiet it would be alright, but they bark, and bark, and bark some more, which doesn't bother me but it upsets Mother. Everything upsets Mother.
Oh hey guess what??? I got a tweetback from a celebrity! David Coverdale of Whitesnake had posted a picture and I replied "I hate snakes but LOVE Whitesnake!!!!" to which he tweeted back a picture of a snake, but instead of the deadly fangs, this one had dentures! It was awesome! A bazillion people have favored that tweet. I was stoked!
Saturday, October 24, 2015
A Night of Misery . . ..
Just before 2 a.m. Snoopy broke out again. I was so furious I couldn't fall back asleep, so at 3 a.m. I was up watching The Curse of Frankenstein. Christopher Lee played such a piteous part in that movie and Peter Cushing such a bastard. But a good film nonetheless. As they led Frankenstein to the guillotine I finally got sleepy and began drifting off. So here I am bleary eyed and pissed off because I've not slept enough. Annie returned home, Snoopy still hasn't but I'm not worrying about him. Sparky is still gone as well, someone keeps taking him in so eventually he will be gone for good. As for Snoopy I'm so pissed at him right now I don't care of his fate. That may change after I get home later, but right now I'm indifferent. As I've said before there is simply nothing I can do about it. I despise getting up early for anything other than a job so this crap is really unsettling to me. My friend continually finds these festivals and things as far away from home as possible and I always have to get up early to attend them and I never enjoy them. Today is no exception. I will, however, eat. I am packing a lunch and snacks so even though I'm broke I can have something to eat at my will. I just hope I survive. Sucks I'm missing the Good Witch marathon, don't think I've forgotten about that either. Thank Ceridwen there's no racing today, but there is tomorrow. Talladega. Boom.
7:47 a.m. update: Snoopy came home and it's raining, probably why he came home.
5:05 p.m. Update: Mushroom festival was dumb, I had to endure a sermon and a 'being prayed for' session to get a free walking staff. But it can be paganized, and will be :D. The dogs were still in when I got home, sans Sparky, of course. He won't be back anytime soon, if ever. We walked all over out there in the rain, I hope I didn't catch cold that's all I'd need. We had to stop at these people's house that she knew, and one of their chihuahuas had had 7 puppies, that were the MOST adorable little things I've seen in a long time thank Ceridwen they were selling them and not giving them away or we'd have a couple more dogs by now :| I can't help myself.
7:47 a.m. update: Snoopy came home and it's raining, probably why he came home.
5:05 p.m. Update: Mushroom festival was dumb, I had to endure a sermon and a 'being prayed for' session to get a free walking staff. But it can be paganized, and will be :D. The dogs were still in when I got home, sans Sparky, of course. He won't be back anytime soon, if ever. We walked all over out there in the rain, I hope I didn't catch cold that's all I'd need. We had to stop at these people's house that she knew, and one of their chihuahuas had had 7 puppies, that were the MOST adorable little things I've seen in a long time thank Ceridwen they were selling them and not giving them away or we'd have a couple more dogs by now :| I can't help myself.
Friday, October 23, 2015
Well Hell . . .
We'd finally gotten Sparky in yesterday, got him fed last night and thanks to Snoopy and a busted door, he's out and gone again. So . . . well. I hope he comes back, there is nothing I can do if he doesn't. I have no idea where he goes, no one will give him up to me if I went looking for him, so he's just gone until he either comes home or doesn't. If I try to walk down the street and call him there will be a parade of cats following me (my cats, they are ridiculous) so I can't risk their lives by doing that. So I wait.
There is a jerk bothering me in the chat GODS I wish he'd leave me alone. As a room mod I can't tell him to, he's just completely attention starved but that doesn't mean he has to leech onto me every time I come in there.
I will be at a mushroom festival tomorrow, not a penny to spend no real reason to go but my bff asked me to and I couldn't really refuse. THEN I find out they are playing a "good witch" marathon that I'll be missing. PISSED at this moment. We got rain and I'd hoped the bottom would fall out tomorrow but it ain't happenin' so I have to go. Shit.
There is a jerk bothering me in the chat GODS I wish he'd leave me alone. As a room mod I can't tell him to, he's just completely attention starved but that doesn't mean he has to leech onto me every time I come in there.
I will be at a mushroom festival tomorrow, not a penny to spend no real reason to go but my bff asked me to and I couldn't really refuse. THEN I find out they are playing a "good witch" marathon that I'll be missing. PISSED at this moment. We got rain and I'd hoped the bottom would fall out tomorrow but it ain't happenin' so I have to go. Shit.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Very Elated To Report . . .
It started to significantly rain and I opened the door to try to get our terrier Rusty in and heard Sparky bark. I FREAKED, ran out in the rain calling him and ZIP there he was! I picked him up and loved him and hugged him and brought him safely in and fed him (he's finicky though he didn't eat much) and he's safe and sound. For now. Until next time. Until then I'm so glad he's home. SO glad!
Sadness . . .
I'm pretty sure we'll never see Sparky again. He was gone most of the day and all night last night and that is just not like him.
It was difficult for me to be really attached to him he stayed out and away from home most of the time. He was only in over night and mostly these days slept in the living room rather than with me like he did when I first brought him home. But he was either taken in by someone or hit by a car, I got him from the middle of the road. I'll miss the little thing.
Monday, October 5, 2015
Closer . . .
Ok so the people who were looking at me for a manager decided not to go that way but said I still stand a chance at a team member (which is what I applied for in the first place) and I said I am very interested to do that so I have to turn in my app around the 25th which I will do and bug the dude to death until he hires me.
In other news I've been out and about today paying property taxes, paying our title loan, I went to Dollar General to pick up paper goods we need and junk food we didn't. Still have two outstanding bills and hopefully we won't go FLAT broke but I'm kinda thinkin we will. I better mosey over there and see. More developments as developments develop!
In other news I've been out and about today paying property taxes, paying our title loan, I went to Dollar General to pick up paper goods we need and junk food we didn't. Still have two outstanding bills and hopefully we won't go FLAT broke but I'm kinda thinkin we will. I better mosey over there and see. More developments as developments develop!
Friday, October 2, 2015
An Unexpected Surprise! Good? Well . . . Maybe . . .
Ok so sadly we reported the loss last month of Tippy, the little black puppy. A few days after she went missing, Annie, our little brindle puppy, vanished without a trace.
Today after a FULL day of travel and spending money we don't have, I was home resting and Mother excitedly called me into the living room and into the kitchen where she was trying to take the blockage away from the door (I'll explain in another post). When she did and opened the door, in flew Annie! I was so glad to see her! She's so exuberant, so joyful, so playful, that it's a little annoying. She is settling in some but oh the chaos here. Oreo is in heat and has been for a while now and we think Annie may be as well. The males are just humpalumps, they won't stop and we don't want MORE pups so we're fighting tooth and nail to keep them apart. Well I am anyway Mother gives out. The only real choice we have is to put the males out in the yard, pray they stay close and take whatever happens. I wish we could get a kennel built it would be so easy and really the only thing we can do. I have the perfect idea. The old porch, board it up and cut like portholes in the wood so the dogs have a view but make it impenetrable so they can't get out the holes, and if they are being annoying here put them over there and trade back and forth until they are used to it and like it. We can put blankets down for them to sleep on, and put their food bowls in there and it would be a nice pen for them. But we have to DO it and stop TALKING about it. But we'll see. I have to go I have a pizza in the oven I don't want it to overcook.
Today after a FULL day of travel and spending money we don't have, I was home resting and Mother excitedly called me into the living room and into the kitchen where she was trying to take the blockage away from the door (I'll explain in another post). When she did and opened the door, in flew Annie! I was so glad to see her! She's so exuberant, so joyful, so playful, that it's a little annoying. She is settling in some but oh the chaos here. Oreo is in heat and has been for a while now and we think Annie may be as well. The males are just humpalumps, they won't stop and we don't want MORE pups so we're fighting tooth and nail to keep them apart. Well I am anyway Mother gives out. The only real choice we have is to put the males out in the yard, pray they stay close and take whatever happens. I wish we could get a kennel built it would be so easy and really the only thing we can do. I have the perfect idea. The old porch, board it up and cut like portholes in the wood so the dogs have a view but make it impenetrable so they can't get out the holes, and if they are being annoying here put them over there and trade back and forth until they are used to it and like it. We can put blankets down for them to sleep on, and put their food bowls in there and it would be a nice pen for them. But we have to DO it and stop TALKING about it. But we'll see. I have to go I have a pizza in the oven I don't want it to overcook.
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