Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Friday, October 23, 2015

Well Hell . . .

We'd finally gotten Sparky in yesterday, got him fed last night and thanks to Snoopy and a busted door, he's out and gone again.  So . . . well.  I hope he comes back, there is nothing I can do if he doesn't.  I have no idea where he goes, no one will give him up to me if I went looking for him, so he's just gone until he either comes home or doesn't.  If I try to walk down the street and call him there will be a parade of cats following me (my cats, they are ridiculous) so I can't risk their lives by doing that.  So I wait.

There is a jerk bothering me in the chat GODS I wish he'd leave me alone.  As a room mod I can't tell him to, he's just completely attention starved but that doesn't mean he has to leech onto me every time I come in there.

I will be at a mushroom festival tomorrow, not a penny to spend no real reason to go but my bff asked me to and I couldn't really refuse.  THEN I find out they are playing a "good witch" marathon that I'll be missing.  PISSED at this moment.  We got rain and I'd hoped the bottom would fall out tomorrow but it ain't happenin' so I have to go.  Shit.

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