Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Sunday, October 25, 2015

He's Baaaaaaaaaaaaack . . .

I just got up and first thing I do is call out the door for Sparky, and sure enough I heard his bark, so rain be damned I hurried out to retrieve him.  Harder this time because he wanted to run, but ultimately he came back to me and I picked him up, brought him in, dried him off, and fed him some dry.  He's re-assimilating now.

It's been raining since day before yesterday.  Houston is beginning to flood and because of the hurricane that hit Mexico they are evacuating the Boliver peninsula.  Close call this time.  But hurricane season is nearly over (Nov 1) so there won't be any more.  Till June.

We had another bad night last night, Snoopy once again busted out the door at nearly 2 a.m. taking Annie, Rusty, and Thor with him.  This resulted in cussing, threats, and general verbal malice.  Starting tonight I will just put Snoopy out and keep the rest of the dogs in so no more chaos ensues.  If they'd just go out, do their business and keep quiet it would be alright, but they bark, and bark, and bark some more, which doesn't bother me but it upsets Mother.  Everything upsets Mother.

Oh hey guess what???  I got a tweetback from a celebrity!  David Coverdale of Whitesnake had posted a picture and I replied "I hate snakes but LOVE Whitesnake!!!!" to which he tweeted back a picture of a snake, but instead of the deadly fangs, this one had dentures!  It was awesome!  A bazillion people have favored that tweet.  I was stoked! 

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