Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Saturday, October 31, 2015

So Sucks . . .

Snoopy came home and seriously he's badly hurt.  He's muddy all over, a lot of one ear is gone he's all bloody, I see bites on him so he's been fighting, I guess with a pit bull.  That means the neighbors.  Great.  I hope he makes it ok he couldn't jump over the partition, truth is when I saw him at the door I didn't even think it was him at first.  He's shivering and very sad.  He won't put weight on his front leg.  But he ate a little and drank water so I have hope, maybe he'll be better tomorrow and not want to go out.  This is the end, we're building him a run, no more fooling around he is not leaving this yard again under ANY circumstance.

12:04 a.m.

Snoopy really looks bad I'm worried.  I hope he gets feeling better soon.  I do hope he won't be trying to get out anymore any time soon.  He's so pitiful.  I'm about to go to bed I don't know if I should leave the air conditioner on or not he's so cold.  I have him covered with a quilt.  He's moving around more but his eyes just look so forlorn.  I'm worried.

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