Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn
Monday, December 25, 2017
A Day of Decisions . . .
So I'm listening to an interview of Stephen King along with Tabitha and Owen. Listening to these interviews always gets my gears unstuck so of course ... I've made a decision. I'll start reading in bed and writing ONE HOUR A DAY from now on I know JUST the hour to use too. I happen to agree with Stephen and seriously I'm wasting time. So starting tonight for the reading (although I may do some writing tonight, it's kind of a bad day). On we go!
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Waiting for the Shift ...
I'm waiting for the weather to change, supposed to be 44 tonight but it's hot as hell now, over 80. It just sprinkled rain and the sun came back out. I ordered more blankets for me and Mother, 2 each. Tomorrow I hope to get out and get some washing done, considering taking a sleep aid around 10 and forgoing staying up late. Not worth it anyway Hallmark has stopped the nightly showings of Murder, She Wrote in lieu of fucking christmas shows till fucking JANUARY. Ain't life grand. I am going to get all 12 seasons for myself for solstice so I don't have to depend on them. I still watch it daily on Cozi, but that's 2 episodes a day. Yes I know I'm ridiculously addicted but I just love that show I don't care how many times I've seen it. Right now I'm watching Longmire. Finished Penny Dreadful. On that I guess I'll go, in a little while I have to start cooking. I'm not hungry I made a high protein breakfast and Mother has eaten on and off all day. But we'll see.
Monday, November 13, 2017
Looking To Tomorrow . . .
Today I wanted to do a lot but really spent two hours sitting in my car waiting on the mail because I had packages due. She finally got here at 2:30. Mother is in a piss poor mood so I get to deal with that on a daily basis. It's like 90 degrees in here and she's freezing. Something I am very weary of. There is a lot around here I am very leery of.
In my packages, I got 3 books I ordered, only 1 I had to pay for and my color changing incense burner (it's really great!), and my plant I've been expecting.
So there's that. I have to do some reorganizing in here I'm running out of space. So much devoted to coloring and coloring supplies. Books. Dvds. I'll figure something out. Other things I have to figure out too while I'm at it. We'll see.
In my packages, I got 3 books I ordered, only 1 I had to pay for and my color changing incense burner (it's really great!), and my plant I've been expecting.
So there's that. I have to do some reorganizing in here I'm running out of space. So much devoted to coloring and coloring supplies. Books. Dvds. I'll figure something out. Other things I have to figure out too while I'm at it. We'll see.
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Feeling A Little Beaten . . .
I have to do something and I have to meditate on it long and hard. I've decided to leave the chatroom. Really, I've decided not to be online so much at all starting tomorrow. I have enough domestic chores to do around here to keep me busy all day every day and in my down time I can color, read and write. It's what I need to be doing. I'm being treated so poorly in chat there is no sense in my staying. So I won't. No more broadcasts either, although I will upload stuff to you tube. Set up a scene outside, and use that as my studio and upload vids about herbs, crystals, hedgewitchery, and practical things for those new to the magickal arts. I'll need to go to my you tube channel and fix that up, it'll need to be a playlist of its own. Might even use the rbarcs youtube for it, just start all over again. But that's not for right now. Right now is for organizing, thinking things out, and doing what is good for ME and doing my own thing. The group mentality always breaks down after a while, someone comes along that wants to be boss and they have this little teenybopper bitch that wants to be head keeper at the zoo and has it in for me in depth. She must be cybersucking the cock of the owner. But that's fine too, I noticed a lot of people are leaving some are coming to a couple of other chats I'm on as well, but, not enough. The alternate chats are dead and boring. I'll keep looking I may find one yet.
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Another Loss ...
Rest in peace my little man. We loved you so much and it's far too soon for you to leave us. We will miss you so much baby. Be happy and rest in peace.
Friday, October 20, 2017
Finally Fall!
Woke up today to thunder, it's been raining lightly on and off all day. Cooling some, significantly starting Sunday and will be continuously cool. 50s for lows (some 40s!) and 70s for highs. About time! The rain will be good for the garden it's time for it to be watered. First of the month I have to get another large heater for the living room. Goddess help us with these breakers, it's worse in the winter. Fortunately the robe I bought for Mother is really warm. So that's good. I intended to burn the old one before the rain but got lazy and didn't now I'll have to wait for it to dry before it will burn.
The leaves haven't really started to fall, perhaps they will, I love to burn leaves no better smell in the world!
The leaves haven't really started to fall, perhaps they will, I love to burn leaves no better smell in the world!
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Saturday . . .
Just got the race for tomorrow autotuned. Talladega, there will be a "big one". Today there is only a truck race, I guess I'll watch, nothing else on.
Need to wash again, sheets. Uggh. Will prolly take em out today wash tomorrow. Today I have to do some grocery shopping. I got my spider plant the other day but neglected to take it out soon enough and I think I killed it. I watered it and put it on the porch in the sun, that might help.
Need to wash again, sheets. Uggh. Will prolly take em out today wash tomorrow. Today I have to do some grocery shopping. I got my spider plant the other day but neglected to take it out soon enough and I think I killed it. I watered it and put it on the porch in the sun, that might help.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
A Very Nice Day ...
Got load one of laundry going that is some gowns, jeans, a blanket. Load 2 will be mostly gowns and the capris I've been wearing, and my favorite orange shirt. I need more tees. More shirts, period. So does Mother, I'll look at Amerimark and see what I can find. They usually have good ones. Tomorrow I have to wash bed linens. Mother's comforter and sheets and at least one of my comforters.
Friday, October 6, 2017
Problems Problems and More Problems . . .
I'm trying to get our televisions set up mine WAS working but now MOTHER'S is working and mine is not. So until I figure out what fucked up from the time I left to go to the store to the time I got back she has tv and I don't. I'm just fucking sick of this life I'm tired of everything going wrong I'm tired of all this being on MY SHOULDERS ALONE ... if I'd only known a long time ago things would have been done a WHOLE lot different but now everything is so locked up in chaos it cannot in the best of scenarios be fixed.
Saturday, September 30, 2017
Trying to Get Back on Track ...
Colored a little today I wanted to get farther along on this detailed piece I'm doing and it's looking good but I keep getting interrupted.
I had to bodily drag Snoopy in this afternoon and fell in the process now I'm sore, got Annie in and wouldn't you know it they were let out again an hour later. Yea.
Got a lot I want to do tomorrow I hope I have the inspiration enough to do it. Speaking of inspiration I've been watching the old Night Gallery episodes ... very inspiring to my writing.
I had to bodily drag Snoopy in this afternoon and fell in the process now I'm sore, got Annie in and wouldn't you know it they were let out again an hour later. Yea.
Got a lot I want to do tomorrow I hope I have the inspiration enough to do it. Speaking of inspiration I've been watching the old Night Gallery episodes ... very inspiring to my writing.
Monday, September 25, 2017
Today ...
Yesterday I started taking a vitamin. Today I did 2 loads of laundry and watered the garden. Some things looking good, some things dying. I got to the mailbox today right as she pulled up and Mother's robe was there so I was able to bring it home yay she loves it. It's lighter than I wanted but I think it will be ok. I'll order her one or two more just so she has back up later on.
I'm so bored lately. I took down a novel to read, The Face by Dean Koontz, but I can't get comfortable to read. For one thing I need my table setup that I have in mind for bedside. Soon. Fairly soon.
I'm so bored lately. I took down a novel to read, The Face by Dean Koontz, but I can't get comfortable to read. For one thing I need my table setup that I have in mind for bedside. Soon. Fairly soon.
Thursday, September 7, 2017
My Space . . .
Tonight I set aside a space for me, I used the laptable I bought for the laptop and on it I put my coloring books that I am currently coloring in and will next color in, two books my friend just gave me for my birthday, my reading glasses, the colored pencils I'm working with and gelpens I'm working with so when I go to bed or get tired of the computer I can sit comfortably and color, or lie back and read. I also put my clip lamp over there so all is well. I am happy.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
The Sun Is Out . . .
The sky is blue it's beautiful and everything is drying out. I let my beagle Snoopy out and he ran around that yard like a puppy dog. He was very happy. Unfortunately him and Annie and Rusty ran my little calico Cupcake up a tree I just pray she can get down. I assume she can she's come in many a night smelling of oak so I assume she has been following Sydney up the trees.
So the hurricane known as Harvey is behind us and it looks like an early fall is coming. I certainly hope so. I took advantage of the sunny day to do laundry so I'm hoping everything dries as it should. There is a breeze blowing and it is warm/cool. There is another hurricane out there, Irma. I hope she fizzles out before she gets here we can't go through this again.
Lunch today is Italian seasoned roast, white cheddar mac and cheese and rutabagas. That is gonna be tasty. Lemon meringue pie for dessert. Yum. Not really I wanted chocolate but lemon is all they had.
So the hurricane known as Harvey is behind us and it looks like an early fall is coming. I certainly hope so. I took advantage of the sunny day to do laundry so I'm hoping everything dries as it should. There is a breeze blowing and it is warm/cool. There is another hurricane out there, Irma. I hope she fizzles out before she gets here we can't go through this again.
Lunch today is Italian seasoned roast, white cheddar mac and cheese and rutabagas. That is gonna be tasty. Lemon meringue pie for dessert. Yum. Not really I wanted chocolate but lemon is all they had.
Monday, August 21, 2017
Clutter . . .
So with the recent stuff I got from Amazon and other places I find my desk and shelf space completely cluttered. I have to do something about this mess so I guess tomorrow or tomorrow night, when it's cooler, I'll see what I can do for organization.
Right now Mother is fighting Sydney off her, he will not be denied when there is a lap he wants to sleep in. Poor guy. When I try to hold him he bites my nose, chin, and claws my shoulders. Pain in the rear. But we love him anyway.
I'm still sick of the heat but I can't do anything about it. I hope to do some much needed laundry tomorrow, my new comforter already needs to be washed, and the shams that came with it. Both comforters came with dust ruffles which I don't see myself using. But that's ok.
Right now Mother is fighting Sydney off her, he will not be denied when there is a lap he wants to sleep in. Poor guy. When I try to hold him he bites my nose, chin, and claws my shoulders. Pain in the rear. But we love him anyway.
I'm still sick of the heat but I can't do anything about it. I hope to do some much needed laundry tomorrow, my new comforter already needs to be washed, and the shams that came with it. Both comforters came with dust ruffles which I don't see myself using. But that's ok.
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Can't Sleep . . .
Usual for me is to go to bed around 11 and watch, or snooze through, 3 episodes of Murder, She Wrote until 2 a.m. and then shut off the tv and fall asleep. Not happenin' much these days, having trouble sleeping. No dreams the last couple of nights that I DID sleep. Charlie, our puppy, is a little rambunctious at night so he doesn't help. Worry is another issue. Fretting. Something I haven't had to do in a while but here we go again. Allergies, today I forgot my allergy pill, no use taking it at night. Been thinking about stuff, the future and the like and I just can't get over this one hump. I THINK I'll be ok when you've got nothing to lose doing anything is better than nothing. So I'll do something. It's in the cards.
In the meantime I'm trying to get through another hot Texas summer the best way I can, and plan on doing a lot more when the weather cools off.
Well I better try that sleep thing again, I think for a few moments I'll log into chat, that's enough to put anyone to sleep!
In the meantime I'm trying to get through another hot Texas summer the best way I can, and plan on doing a lot more when the weather cools off.
Well I better try that sleep thing again, I think for a few moments I'll log into chat, that's enough to put anyone to sleep!
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Completely Sick of the Heat . . .
I am so tired of summer I can't stand it. We have air conditioners but it doesn't do a damned thing hardly. Only relief is the sun going down and that's not much better, I'm not using cover at all.
There is something wrong with the car, the check engine light has come on. I think it's transmission but we don't have the money now to deal with it. I'll see if it might be oil, and if so maybe topping off the oil will fix it. If not it'll have to be diagnosed and fixed if we can afford it, but not till next month.
There is something wrong with the car, the check engine light has come on. I think it's transmission but we don't have the money now to deal with it. I'll see if it might be oil, and if so maybe topping off the oil will fix it. If not it'll have to be diagnosed and fixed if we can afford it, but not till next month.
Friday, July 7, 2017
Kinda Mad . . .
The yard man kinda made me mad, he broke my chaise lounge. The little thing that holds the back up is gone and it's not around anywhere in case I can just snap it back on, its just GONE. I watered a few of the plants still have a few more that need it but I'm trying to get the kitchen decluttered and cleaned so I'm more working with that today. Mother's area tomorrow. Racing tonight I just now thought of it. Better go find out when and where.
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Moving Right Along . . .
I just found some lovely comforter sets at Fingerhut, we've been granted credit there, I'll try to order them next month. In the mean time I have what I have in the laundry with more coming. Probably 3 loads today, a lot of mess. I shouldn't be so damned lazy.
I did sign up for the plant of the month club so I'm anxious to see what wonderful plants show up in my mailbox. First one should get here by the end of the week if not the first of next week. The plants I repotted yesterday are looking fine, especially the gorgeous arrowhead Ivy it's SPLENDID! Can't wait till it spreads! I do need to get it in a larger pot though this one is too small. And I HAVE to get an insecticide. Even if it breaks us I'll do it next trip to WalMart.
The guy came to mow today and I asked him if they built stuff he said yes and I asked him and his son about the overhang I wanted for over the living room windows, they said they would do it for $150. They are gonna do it next month. That will help greatly, although by August, the temps should start dropping a little, right? We'll see you know Texas and our long ass summers. That's why I'm still planting! Will do seeds in a little bit.
I did sign up for the plant of the month club so I'm anxious to see what wonderful plants show up in my mailbox. First one should get here by the end of the week if not the first of next week. The plants I repotted yesterday are looking fine, especially the gorgeous arrowhead Ivy it's SPLENDID! Can't wait till it spreads! I do need to get it in a larger pot though this one is too small. And I HAVE to get an insecticide. Even if it breaks us I'll do it next trip to WalMart.
The guy came to mow today and I asked him if they built stuff he said yes and I asked him and his son about the overhang I wanted for over the living room windows, they said they would do it for $150. They are gonna do it next month. That will help greatly, although by August, the temps should start dropping a little, right? We'll see you know Texas and our long ass summers. That's why I'm still planting! Will do seeds in a little bit.
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Today . . . Meh . . .
Ok so, Mother's gowns got here today she liked them and I told her it would be a good idea to change every other day so they don't get messed up. I'll remind her. As I was going to the mailbox I heard the faintest rumble of thunder. It had been predicted we'd get afternoon showers. Not long after I rested after the present giving all hell broke loose outside with rain. Thunder and just a torrential downfall, water is still standing in the yard. Well once it stopped I ran to WalMart to get dog food, and I'd gotten some stuff for her so I gave it to her and came back here to relax a little. She called me up front because she heard something she couldn't place (I get this a lot) and turns out it's a frog. She has tried everything to get that frog away from our door. Unsuccessfully. So there's that. He's still croaking. I think it's beautiful.
I do appreciate the rain the garden I guess will like it but we have gotten a lot of rain in the last week so really we can stop for a day or two now. It still gets really hot in the afternoons so if it DOES stop, the plants' soil will dry. I worry about the fuchsia because it's in a non draining pot and by the time I got out to it yesterday it was full of water, I slowly drained some of it out but the soil is still very very wet so I hope she recouperates. I have her under a table right now.
I do appreciate the rain the garden I guess will like it but we have gotten a lot of rain in the last week so really we can stop for a day or two now. It still gets really hot in the afternoons so if it DOES stop, the plants' soil will dry. I worry about the fuchsia because it's in a non draining pot and by the time I got out to it yesterday it was full of water, I slowly drained some of it out but the soil is still very very wet so I hope she recouperates. I have her under a table right now.
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Looking Up . . .
Got the water fixed yesterday, I'm still having problems with the internet. We have to have those awful hamburgers for lunch, but tomorrow will be good. I guess I'll have a bbq potato and Mother will have the fish. I'm about ready for another one.
Otherwise it's raining, well it was just looking like it now, so I didn't get to do laundry. May not be able to get to it until Saturday because Friday being payday I'll have bills to pay and groceries to buy.
Otherwise it's raining, well it was just looking like it now, so I didn't get to do laundry. May not be able to get to it until Saturday because Friday being payday I'll have bills to pay and groceries to buy.
Friday, May 26, 2017
Trouble . . .
Have to get someone out next week to fix another broken water pipe I hope it doesn't mess up our water bill. Fucking Snoopy gets under that house and gets all that stuff undone. We need to have that line moved but it can't be easily moved I don't think. I'll call Earl to call the same guy that fixed the broken line when it froze. I have to go to WalMart I'll pick up a $4 tarp that might help him I don't know if it's going to dry out by then because it's supposed to start raining. I am so tired of this mess I don't know what to do. So I guess I'll just try to breathe and deal.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Morning of Chaos . . .
So my bff had a pepper plant she wanted to give me we agreed to meet at WalMart as she and her mother were coming this way to go to Woodville. So she calls and is nearly TO WalMart so I jump up and quickly dress and stop at mom's bedroom door and tell her "that was BFF, I'm going to WalMart, I'll be right back." And off I went. I came home to a woman who thought there was another british invasion going on. She was freaking was saying there were people here, the phones were ringing she didn't know where I was couldn't get me (I'd forgotten my cell) and was just beside herself. But she has calmed now, while at WalMart I replaced the nonworking mouse so I could have my pc back, replaced a set of headphones the dogs ate, got more laundry detergent and most importantly got a new phone for the living room so we again have our beloved caller ID. So we're set for now. I had to go into our stash, but, it wasn't good this month anyway. But I got a nice pepper plant and a pretty shrublike plant with speckled leaves, really neat!
Monday, May 22, 2017
Black Monday . . .
Dark outside and pouring rain with no sign of letting up. Flood warnings in the area, the whole 9 yards. No thunder, no wind, just rain. Has cooled it some so that's good. Mother is sitting there with the heater on. I didn't feel well when I got up but I took some ibuprofen and an allergy pill so I'm much better. Actually I just realized I'm much better :). Had some strange dreams last night no recall. Didn't sleep well though. I'll make pulled pork bbq sandwiches with fries for lunch. Quick and easy. Rain is supposed to let up on Wednesday I guess that's when my schedule will kick in to action. Nothing much I can do when it rains.
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Busy Day Tomorrow . . .
Definitely will I have to do laundry tomorrow. Hope to do a little more, some outside if I can muster the energy. I need to fill the bird feeders and clean and fill the birdbath. I guess I'll need to water plants too. One of our gardenia trees is in full bloom, just white with blooms and smells so good. I noticed a bloom on our flying dragon bitter chinese orange tree too, will go out tomorrow and take a closer look. At last count 3 persimmons remain on the tree, 1 more than last year. Still a bunch of figs on the fig tree but we sure do have a lot of bluejays hanging around. Never a good thing but fortunately enough there for everyone. Rest of the garden is faring well, I put pictures up on my garden blog, I can report, I do believe, my tuberous begonia is beginning to bloom again after her 2nd torturous fall! So happy! 2 blooms I do believe! We'll see. On that I'll go, about to tuck in and fall asleep to Jessica Fletcher solving more murders.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Lack of Sleep . . .
I feel like I got all of 2 minutes of sleep last night. I could not get comfortable, the puppies drove me nuts, first I was cold then hot, it totally sucked. Our security light has been out, I called the light company to get it fixed. They are sending someone out to fix it. I don't know anything about them so wasn't sure how to approach it but I must have done well, someone will come out to fix it.
I have a lot to do and very VERY little motivation to get anything done. It's too hot, there is too much, and I just can't get up and go. The not sleeping certainly doesn't help. My shoulders are sore I don't know what's up with that I THINK it's the way I sit up before falling asleep. I need one of those pillows with arms people get to lean against to watch tv or read. I'm also thinking seriously of taking my desk lamp back from Mother's room she's not using it and I could be. If it ain't one thing it's another.
I better go though, see about doing SOMETHING, I'm eyeing my coloring books as if I might start another coloring project, I've 2 that I've abandoned already.
I have a lot to do and very VERY little motivation to get anything done. It's too hot, there is too much, and I just can't get up and go. The not sleeping certainly doesn't help. My shoulders are sore I don't know what's up with that I THINK it's the way I sit up before falling asleep. I need one of those pillows with arms people get to lean against to watch tv or read. I'm also thinking seriously of taking my desk lamp back from Mother's room she's not using it and I could be. If it ain't one thing it's another.
I better go though, see about doing SOMETHING, I'm eyeing my coloring books as if I might start another coloring project, I've 2 that I've abandoned already.
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Not Sure About Today . . .
It's rained and is apparently not done. So laundry is out. I'll do breakfast and go from there. Had a disturbing dream that has prompted me to stop procrastinating. My back is sore, that's pretty much a morning thing now I don't know what the deal is. But I'll have a productive day today, I'm just bored enough to do it.
Sunday, April 2, 2017
Cupboard's Bare . . .
So Mom, knowing the car is broken down, knowing I can't get to the store till payday and I get a ride until the car is repaired, ate all her sausages, used up all her cream so now I'm going to be out of creamer for my coffee and she has NOTHING for breakfast tomorrow. Life is just amazing some days.
It rained a lot last night, I'm worried about Cupcake she was out in it and I don't know where she is but I'll have to wait to go out and find her. I don't think it's over yet.
So that's where we are now and well, it just ain't that great right now.
It rained a lot last night, I'm worried about Cupcake she was out in it and I don't know where she is but I'll have to wait to go out and find her. I don't think it's over yet.
So that's where we are now and well, it just ain't that great right now.
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Trouble . . .
We're being harassed by Mother's insurance company and I'm not quite sure what to do about it. I need to put a lawyer on retainer I guess.
In other news I got the internet fixed I got a 50' ethernet cord and that solved the problem beautifully. I'm resourceful that way. I'm back to my weekly broadcasts, though I had to bail on Saturday's because the race ran late and I had to grocery shop and wasn't back in time and was beat when I did get back. So that was that. Back to it on Thursday.
Otherwise the weather is just great and I want to get going on planting but I don't know we have this damned tent caterpillar infestation and that's not good I don't know when they'll die out but I can't trust them around new growth so I don't know what to do, they already defoliated my crepe myrtle. I just don't know.
So on that I guess I'll go, nothing but trouble these days please let this cycle end soon!
In other news I got the internet fixed I got a 50' ethernet cord and that solved the problem beautifully. I'm resourceful that way. I'm back to my weekly broadcasts, though I had to bail on Saturday's because the race ran late and I had to grocery shop and wasn't back in time and was beat when I did get back. So that was that. Back to it on Thursday.
Otherwise the weather is just great and I want to get going on planting but I don't know we have this damned tent caterpillar infestation and that's not good I don't know when they'll die out but I can't trust them around new growth so I don't know what to do, they already defoliated my crepe myrtle. I just don't know.
So on that I guess I'll go, nothing but trouble these days please let this cycle end soon!
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Rain and More Rain . . .
It's been raining daily and I really need it to stop so I can get some laundry done. I'll get my chance tomorrow I believe. Hope so all sheets, nightgowns, clothes all need washing.
The internet is acting up in spite of being up 24/7 now. It's slow to load and netflix has been a real pain, just now got to start watching more Midsomer Murders thought it never would start. Glad it did though I love that show.
We had a lovely dinner today, pork roast, green beans and carrots. I've been craving carrots something fierce lately. I've enjoyed them.
Well on to the morrow then perhaps the rain will stop, though it's puddly and muddy now, I'll persevere.
The internet is acting up in spite of being up 24/7 now. It's slow to load and netflix has been a real pain, just now got to start watching more Midsomer Murders thought it never would start. Glad it did though I love that show.
We had a lovely dinner today, pork roast, green beans and carrots. I've been craving carrots something fierce lately. I've enjoyed them.
Well on to the morrow then perhaps the rain will stop, though it's puddly and muddy now, I'll persevere.
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Up And Down Weather . . .
Turned cold last night. Good thing I put all the cover on. About to have my coffee and pawn my computer and get this day going. The prerace show starts at 11:30 I hope to make it back before the race is too far in. It's only Xfinity series but I enjoy it as much as Monster Energy series (hate that new name).
Anyway going to get my coffee and get started. Lots to do.
Anyway going to get my coffee and get started. Lots to do.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Wifi Woes . . .
The wifi will not stay up for any long period of time. I've gone days without being able to connect. Sucks. Today is the nicest day I've had, it's been on the longest. I hope it stays on so I can catch Ba'lith's broadcast tonight. Never know though, this is about the time every night it goes down.
It's turned off cold and windy again, didn't see that coming. Won't last though so that's good. Plants all seem to be doing well so it's ok.
Well that's life at the moment, no valentine . . . no flowers . . . no chocolate. And I'm fine with that!
It's turned off cold and windy again, didn't see that coming. Won't last though so that's good. Plants all seem to be doing well so it's ok.
Well that's life at the moment, no valentine . . . no flowers . . . no chocolate. And I'm fine with that!
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
I just started a load of laundry. Hoping to get two in, every sheet is needing washing, a few clothes. Lunch will be stroganoff hamburger helper, add-ins are mushrooms and pimento. Nums.
All plants seem to be doing well, still haven't seen anything out of the jalapeno pod I planted and my bletilla orchid hasn't come up but it's early yet. One of the lily of the valley is getting a leaf I assume the others will come along soon enough, they are still green so I'm hopeful. The strawberries look great! My bff in Cleveland just planted her some.
All plants seem to be doing well, still haven't seen anything out of the jalapeno pod I planted and my bletilla orchid hasn't come up but it's early yet. One of the lily of the valley is getting a leaf I assume the others will come along soon enough, they are still green so I'm hopeful. The strawberries look great! My bff in Cleveland just planted her some.
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Chores . . .
It's a little late but I started a load of laundry. Some sheets, some of our nightgowns, some of my clothes. I have to go to town in a few to get dog food thank Ceridwen only 2 more days to payday. Going to be a busy one. First I have to take Mother to the title loan place and get that taken care of, we pay it off in March YAY, and then up to Cleveland where we'll eat at Hartz and then to the Ledbetters for a tv they are giving us. Then back home to drop her off then I'm back at WalMart for preliminary grocery shopping. Hopefully they will have some cutting plants I can get, I think I have all the seed I want for the time being. I do have to get a couple of bags of potting soil in the worst way and will, it's just so heavy. But I'll deal. I'm reheating the turkey breast for lunch, not sure if Mother will eat that or if I'll reheat the hamburger helper for her. What I was GOING to do was reheat the hamburger helper for her and grill me a steak but I rethought it, I really like the turkey. Love smoked turkey it's so good.
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Thank Ceridwen For Spares!
My pc died or is dying or something, it won't boot up. Thank Ceridwen I have the laptop. I will have to simply replace the PC I can do that easily with a refurb from WalMart. But we'll see it might right itself. It's weird because it boots up, has a picture on it, but will not pull up the sign in screen. I was using it fine and it just shut down, when I got it back up it allowed me to sign in but said it couldn't log me in at this time and prompted me to reboot and when I did that's when it denied me the signin page. Fuckin computers I regret ever getting one of the damned things. I'm totally not using it for what I originally bought one for, that is WRITING.
Monday, January 23, 2017
New Stove . . .
So we got a new stove today. The maiden meal was seared chicken breasts with broccoli/cauliflower/carrots in cheese sauce and if I do say so m'self, it was delish. I only hope Mother doesn't go back to her usual fire setting self, I'm watching her more closely these days. Come payday we'll have to get her another television hers went out I don't know why other than it's old, one of those concave ones, she'll have to learn to deal with a flatscreen now what fun that's going to be, I'd put mine in there for a while and she just freaked completely out even though it's no different than using her concave one.
But that's for the first of the month now we just have to get through this month and at least I can cook. Now to get food to actually cook. Hmm.
But that's for the first of the month now we just have to get through this month and at least I can cook. Now to get food to actually cook. Hmm.
Sunday, January 22, 2017
It's Windy . . .
40 mph+ gusts. Ugghhh. Moved my plants last night so they wouldn't get beat to death or blown over. Now I have to ready the kitchen for the new stove. I have to move the old one out and clean out that space. Yuk. But I'll be so glad to have that new stove GODS we need it badly.
I still need to go to the vacant lot and dig some of those chinaberry saplings up and plant them over here. I WANT chinaberry trees. Too wet right now though.
I need windchimes in the trees on this side of the house. I love the music they make.
I'll be so glad when Shadow goes out of heat I won't know what to do but man that's 21 days. I'll go bonkers by then. We so need to invest in one of those crate type cages, she's too big for the carrier we have. Peanut is already knocked up nothing I can do for her.
I still need to go to the vacant lot and dig some of those chinaberry saplings up and plant them over here. I WANT chinaberry trees. Too wet right now though.
I need windchimes in the trees on this side of the house. I love the music they make.
I'll be so glad when Shadow goes out of heat I won't know what to do but man that's 21 days. I'll go bonkers by then. We so need to invest in one of those crate type cages, she's too big for the carrier we have. Peanut is already knocked up nothing I can do for her.
Friday, January 6, 2017
Year Starting Badly:
UPDATE: Suspect had gun in luggage at baggage claim, AP reports - http://bit.ly/2hYJ3rN #KPRC2
Yea, another shooting. 13 shot 5 killed. We'll be dealing with this several months a year from now on I guess. Everyone having a bad day that can get their hands on an automatic weapon can just be a douche and kill people that had nothing to do with their misery.
Reheating jambalaya for lunch getting hungry. Cereal is my breakfast these days, Capt'n Crunch, bought 2 huge boxes of it (had a craving).
Nothing new to report other than it's sleeting and very cold, I'm about to have to bring in my plants draw up water and turn ours off and drain the pipes so they don't freeze. Going to be very cold tonight, like 24. I used to love winter. Can't stand it now.
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Dying . . .
Just got back from getting my tv out of pawn, preliminary grocery shopping, and getting dinner (take away chicken). I'm exhausted. The adventure actually started when I woke up, had to go to Jack in the Box to get our breakfast and then had to take Mom so we could get our title loan refinanced and then bring her back home THEN go back to pawn shop, walmart then chicken express. So tired. So. Mother couldn't wait for me to get the shopping in from the car to start eating, it's bizarre her appetite its like every hour she harps 'did we eat anything' even soon after eating a large meal. Don't know, I imagine it's just she doesn't remember eating I can't imagine her being hungry, we eat a lot of protein. But whatevs. Right now I have to put the stuff I bought for me in the drawers and just chill a moment.
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