I absolutely hate this time of year with a passion. I'd give anything if I could just find a nice cave to move into from Nov 1 to Jan 2.
Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Just Stuff . . .
'k so I've not done much today but swept, got the trash together and to the can, watched the LAST race of the NASCAR season until <<<sobgagsobsobsob>>> February, and got to the Ms on my Neopets. I sure have a lot of those suckers. Meh I'll get em fed up and happy again, you just wait. I also prepared a fabulous bowl of tuna salad, my speciality next to my chicken pasta salad. I got the can down to the curb, being reminded the whole time to make sure I picked the lemons from the neighbors' tree which I did and they are rotten, fungus infected or something, at any rate they aren't ripe and we don't use them anyway. She just didn't want someone else to get em.
Now I'm contemplating fixing up my calendar, at least my ecalendar, for next year's NASCAR season. Lots of changes a comin there. More later gonna scope the landscape. Full moon tonight!
Now I'm contemplating fixing up my calendar, at least my ecalendar, for next year's NASCAR season. Lots of changes a comin there. More later gonna scope the landscape. Full moon tonight!
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Cold Weather Kickin In . . .
In a couple of days our low is going to hit 28. Here. In November. SO, I have to move the garden and cover the in ground plants. (sigh).
Today we went to get groceries and I tell ya, you name it, we got it to eat. Lots of goodies. Our freezer is completely filled with vegetables that our neighbor gave us so we couldn't buy frozen stuff. I bought egg rolls, but they are in the fridge. It's ok because I eat those every night. They won't go bad. I bought some chili that I can eat with my burritos which are also in the fridge so I need to get to eating them before they go bad. Had to erase a line of cat-type. She insists on sleeping on me no matter where I am. Irritating, that.
I'm to the Gs on Neopets, I've been keeping up with them well so far, nearly forgot them today but remembered and fed. I'll be glad to get them all fed up again. We were going to go to Woodville but Mater changed her mind. I'm glad it's such a drag to do that.
What else. Not much, really. The cat we took in a while back escaped and has gone back to her first home, so we're leaving her there. I would like another dachshund pup though. We thought we lost Shatzie this afternoon but she finally materialized and I got her in, she almost followed Rusty out of the fence I would have killed her. She's half blind and can't find her way around well.
Ok I guess that is all for the day, more on the morrow.
Today we went to get groceries and I tell ya, you name it, we got it to eat. Lots of goodies. Our freezer is completely filled with vegetables that our neighbor gave us so we couldn't buy frozen stuff. I bought egg rolls, but they are in the fridge. It's ok because I eat those every night. They won't go bad. I bought some chili that I can eat with my burritos which are also in the fridge so I need to get to eating them before they go bad. Had to erase a line of cat-type. She insists on sleeping on me no matter where I am. Irritating, that.
I'm to the Gs on Neopets, I've been keeping up with them well so far, nearly forgot them today but remembered and fed. I'll be glad to get them all fed up again. We were going to go to Woodville but Mater changed her mind. I'm glad it's such a drag to do that.
What else. Not much, really. The cat we took in a while back escaped and has gone back to her first home, so we're leaving her there. I would like another dachshund pup though. We thought we lost Shatzie this afternoon but she finally materialized and I got her in, she almost followed Rusty out of the fence I would have killed her. She's half blind and can't find her way around well.
Ok I guess that is all for the day, more on the morrow.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Something's Wrong . . .
I can't play Neopets using Chrome any more. Wonder why? Kind of a pain in the ass to have to leave one browser and go on another like that. But I'll persevere. It's cool and getting colder, we're about to have our first dip into the 30s in a couple of days. Gotta do something with the plants. Don't know what. But I'll figger it out, I overwintered pretty successfully last year.
Drinking a cherry coke and it's very good. I got a rim of cherry vanilla ice cream I'll be imbibing in tonight. Mmmm bout time I couldn't find it before now.
Drinking a cherry coke and it's very good. I got a rim of cherry vanilla ice cream I'll be imbibing in tonight. Mmmm bout time I couldn't find it before now.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Turning . . .
Starting today I'm turning my life around. Whatever I want to do I'm in some way going to do it. Reading, writing, exercising, spiritual alliance . . . I deserve a life and I'm going to start living it. I'm going to have to see about getting hired at WalMart but I can't for the life of me make myself make the call. I JUST DON'T want to work there I know in reason I won't be able to do the damned work. But, I've got to try. I'm back on program with my diet, I'm 2 pounds away from my alltime highest weight and I refuse to go there again. Going to start exercising tomorrow if it doesn't rain.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Damned Cable . . .
I don't know if I'm going to be able to watch the Season 4 premiere of The Walking Dead, our cable has been on and off all day. I guess because of the rain we got yesterday, I had to watch a few laps of the race using NASCAR.com (Kasey finished 2nd). Should that come to pass I'm going to be UBER pissed. Mother says "lets find another one" hell we've had every cable and satellite out there! Pain in the ass.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Ah Life . . .
First off I must pat myself on the back for my youtube playlist. It absolutely rocks and it cures all ills. Sincerely. I felt like crap when I began listening, I feel much better now. But that's a story for another time. Tonight it's about television.
Lifetime premiered a new series titled The Witches of East End. Its ok, in principal I liked it, it is a little far out. But it's entertaining, there are aspects of witchcraft that haven't been explored in film before (dreamwork for starters). Not that fond of the shapeshifting killer witch thing but ya gotta have something for entertainment value and I am stoked to see the next episode in the series.
Morning After. My theme song. I need to get this playlist on an ipod or something that I can take with me on my walks/jogs. We'll see. I can't even get my hands on a damned 10 dollar transistor radio! But I will, oh yes, I will.
Mother is still insisting that if I go to Lufkin to apply for work I need to stay in a hotel. I just can't keep up with her thought process, it's so chaotic and she just will not listen to reason. But I'll cross that bridge when I get to it I suppose. If she insists it'll be just like a mini vacate for me. So it's all good.
Another ballad, Angel of the Morning. Mmmmm. Happy. OH didn't tell you the horrible news. Stockcar race today ol' Kyle Busch bit the big one but walked away, in Indy Series, Dario Franchitti wasn't so lucky. Fractured vertebrae, concussion, broken ankle. 13 fans injured. This at the track in Houston. Oh I was so sad. Still am but at least Dario will recover and no one was killed this time. I love racing but it has a vicious temper. At least with stock cars it's almost impossible these days to kill a driver. Indy series they have nothing between them and pavement.
Lifetime premiered a new series titled The Witches of East End. Its ok, in principal I liked it, it is a little far out. But it's entertaining, there are aspects of witchcraft that haven't been explored in film before (dreamwork for starters). Not that fond of the shapeshifting killer witch thing but ya gotta have something for entertainment value and I am stoked to see the next episode in the series.
Morning After. My theme song. I need to get this playlist on an ipod or something that I can take with me on my walks/jogs. We'll see. I can't even get my hands on a damned 10 dollar transistor radio! But I will, oh yes, I will.
Mother is still insisting that if I go to Lufkin to apply for work I need to stay in a hotel. I just can't keep up with her thought process, it's so chaotic and she just will not listen to reason. But I'll cross that bridge when I get to it I suppose. If she insists it'll be just like a mini vacate for me. So it's all good.
Another ballad, Angel of the Morning. Mmmmm. Happy. OH didn't tell you the horrible news. Stockcar race today ol' Kyle Busch bit the big one but walked away, in Indy Series, Dario Franchitti wasn't so lucky. Fractured vertebrae, concussion, broken ankle. 13 fans injured. This at the track in Houston. Oh I was so sad. Still am but at least Dario will recover and no one was killed this time. I love racing but it has a vicious temper. At least with stock cars it's almost impossible these days to kill a driver. Indy series they have nothing between them and pavement.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Spend It Baby, Spend Those Bucks!
Soooooooo today was payday. We spent just about every penny we had and have very little to show for it. The main thing that's killing us BIG TIME is a car loan we have out. We cannot pay it off and paying it out is murder. Total and ridiculous. But, that's the way the mop flops. Were it me I would have lived in the dark for a week and a half before I took out a title loan. Payday and title loans should be outlawed. Absolute. I'll never go there again. We're going to try to recoup some of the money tomorrow by getting a refund on a bed Mother ordered. That should fix things for a while. Next month will be much better. I'll more than gently remind the mother person to tally utilities and query prices of stuff first then tally utilities again to make sure we don't come up short. Live and learn, and since she hasn't I have to come up with a better more aggressive plan. More on the morrow.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Cat Issues.
Having an issue with this cat. She has decided the best place to sleep is in my arms when I'm at the computer. I beg to differ. However, convincing her is another matter. If I try to get her to leave, she starts knocking everything off the table next to the computer (a lot of electronics). So, I don't know I guess I'll figure that one out later.
Today though it rained a great deal, just over 3". I'm glad it's good for the garden, the hibiscus we have in the front yard is doing beautifully now it has been doing very poorly. But now it's wet and muddy and uncomfortable to walk. But it is ushering in a front that IS going to make it more cool than it has been, as in 70s for highs and 50s for lows. I'm gonna be loving that.
So on that I'll go and find something constructive to do. Later.
Friday, September 27, 2013
O.D, Feelin'
Some time ago HBO (when I used to have HBO) had a series called The Hitchhiker. One of the episodes was titled O.D. Feelin' and starred Gene Simmons and Sandra Bernhardt. It's about this bag of heroin or coke that has a mind of it's own. It's a really freaky frolic with an 80s portrait, and I just found it in it's entirety on YouTube. Thrilled thrilled thrilled. Love it when I find gems like that.
In other news my bff stopped by today and gave me a bunch of cuttings. I have them in soil now I think most of them will make it, we'll see. It is right here at frost. Hopefully it'll be a while coming yet. Although I will be glad when cooler weather gets here. I'm very uncomfortable.
Life is the same otherwise. More later just wanted to post those two enhancements.
In other news my bff stopped by today and gave me a bunch of cuttings. I have them in soil now I think most of them will make it, we'll see. It is right here at frost. Hopefully it'll be a while coming yet. Although I will be glad when cooler weather gets here. I'm very uncomfortable.
Life is the same otherwise. More later just wanted to post those two enhancements.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Hurry Scurry
BFF is coming here Friday morning I have to clean the house tomorrow. We'll see how that goes. When Mother finds out she's gonna freak. BFF is bringing me some cuttings, some more cuttings. I've only been able to salvage a few of the last ones she brought. When I give people cuttings, I pot and root them for them. I so want to fix that area up back there but it would take money we will never have. I wanted to use some of the material we have just lying around but I'm not creative like that I guess I can't get a vision of what I can do.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Ruined . . .
I hate to see anything go to waste, particularly books. Well, we've been getting some much much needed rain and unfortunately, I forgot to bring in a bin of books I'd left outside, the cover of the bin had broken, now all the books inside are ruined. Rather than trying to salvage them I'll just dump the water out and toss the books in the garbage. I hate it. It was a bunch of Danielle Steele books someone gave me so monetarily I'm not out anything but I do mourn the loss of the books. Lesson learned. Sadly.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Long Day . . ..
Got to chat some today, it's been a long time since I've been able to communicate with anyone online like that it was really nice. A guy is supposed to buy a subscription to the chat provider and make a new P1 I hope the others come to it and we get back to "our place" I so miss that.
Otherwise man it rained a lot today. The garden will have no trouble now. It's been not that bad, the worst thing about it is Mother doesn't have anything to do so she just sits in her chair and stares out the window. I get up once in a while and let her play solitaire but I have a lot to do so I'm on the computer all day. She wants to get a laptop I like that I can do a lot with it. It will be especially helpful should I get another job. We'll see.
Otherwise man it rained a lot today. The garden will have no trouble now. It's been not that bad, the worst thing about it is Mother doesn't have anything to do so she just sits in her chair and stares out the window. I get up once in a while and let her play solitaire but I have a lot to do so I'm on the computer all day. She wants to get a laptop I like that I can do a lot with it. It will be especially helpful should I get another job. We'll see.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Ok so I had to go to Lowe's today because WalFart didn't have the smaller bags of sunflower seed. Well, it's not safe for me to go to Lowe's garden center and sure enough, a little plant needed me to rescue it. I saw a plant (sanseverua) that was in a broken pot. I asked them if I could just purchase the plant without the broken pot. Of course not BUT I got the plant for half price because it was broken so I got a NICE sanseverua for 2.50! It's actually three plants, two good size ones and a baby. SCORE! Oh and I got the sunflower seed too :)
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Up to the E's in Neopets. I'll get there. So glad I have my files back, now to get them backed up to disk. But, should something happen to this computer that is not repairable, what good would a backup do me. But at least if I COULD replace the computer I'd have a backup. What I need to do, and this would take a ton of paper, binders, and time, is print out all my beginnings, completed, novel beginnings and even my journals and every time I update, make a new printout for that thing. I can't do that.
Sick of this hot dry weather. No rain in sight but the forecast is predicting not quite so hot days and cooler nights. October can't get here fast enough. Most of my plants are still doing well, but you know, the Christmas cactus we had, even the little pieces I've been trying to keep alive, just don't stand a chance out there for some reason. I'm wanting to order some hylocereus, some Rangoon creeper, and some night blooming jasmine from Almost Eden, they have just about everything I ever wanted, also some stapelia. Hopefully in the spring we'll be doing better on funds, maybe I'll even be working. We'll see. Something has to turn around, it just has to.
Sick of this hot dry weather. No rain in sight but the forecast is predicting not quite so hot days and cooler nights. October can't get here fast enough. Most of my plants are still doing well, but you know, the Christmas cactus we had, even the little pieces I've been trying to keep alive, just don't stand a chance out there for some reason. I'm wanting to order some hylocereus, some Rangoon creeper, and some night blooming jasmine from Almost Eden, they have just about everything I ever wanted, also some stapelia. Hopefully in the spring we'll be doing better on funds, maybe I'll even be working. We'll see. Something has to turn around, it just has to.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Getting Back in the Routine
Up to the C's in Neopets. What was I thinking creating so many?! Oh well I'll get em fed up soon enough, but for today I've done ok. I get tired of everything and have to divert myself. But this too shall pass if I ever get a job. I was hoping this would be the month but now I wonder if this will even be the year. We'll see. I'm still trying. I just need to try harder. I'll get there. In the meantime, I'm still writing.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Game Addiction . . .
As I get farther along on games I get more and more into them. Farmville is coming along nicely for me, now MonsterWorld. MonsterWorld, though, is a problem because so many of the things I need it's going to be a long time to acquire without spending actual money (that I don't have). But on I go they are fun anyway.
In other news life goes on, I intended to weigh today and didn't, might be an omen . . . I've not been very good lately. But I think thinks might be coming out alright, I just need to take stock and get moving again. Hopefully Summer is on her way out and fall is just around the corner. We'll see, it is somewhat cloudy today would be nice to get a nice rain.
In other news life goes on, I intended to weigh today and didn't, might be an omen . . . I've not been very good lately. But I think thinks might be coming out alright, I just need to take stock and get moving again. Hopefully Summer is on her way out and fall is just around the corner. We'll see, it is somewhat cloudy today would be nice to get a nice rain.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Puter's Home . . .
Got the computer back and it's got all my info from my dead computer. I'm going to make my own disc backup next month when I can get some discs. In the meantime I'm back in business, now if I can just get the fuzz out of my head maybe I can get something done. Right now I'm making a good dinner. Pork chops that will be covered with corn/tomato/okra mix and on the side turnip greens. Mmm. Speaking of I need to get back to it. More later on.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Random Thoughts . . .
Know what makes me happy? The song Chewy Chewy by The Ohio Express.
Know what's good? Chicken. Chicken is good.
Know what sucks? Commercials.
Know what beauty is? A full moon.
Know what love is? A puppy or a kitten. Or both.
Know who is a good author? Stephen King.
Know who my newest bff is? Pat.
My head hurts. More when I'm unscrambled.
Know what's good? Chicken. Chicken is good.
Know what sucks? Commercials.
Know what beauty is? A full moon.
Know what love is? A puppy or a kitten. Or both.
Know who is a good author? Stephen King.
Know who my newest bff is? Pat.
My head hurts. More when I'm unscrambled.
Grinding To A Stop . . .
I'm so bored these days. I'm definitely moving my bin in as soon as I get the energy to do so (it's heavy and hot outside). First I have some rearranging to do around the couch as that is where everything is going. I have a new writing project started, not sure what's gonna happen but someone's about to do something to someone :). Otherwise I just have got to find something to do. I have an interview tomorrow with the food stamp people I assume they are either diminishing my stamps or cutting them out completely. Nothing I can do about it and I certainly can't find a freaking job. But I am going to give it another shot next month. We'll see how it goes.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Not Feeling Well . . .
Not feeling well today. I just went out to see about spending some time reading, I actually got the chaise lounge cleaned off and was relaxing out there after watering my plants. The dogs decided to dig for something under a tarped pile of stuff we have stored in the yard for lack of any other place to put it, and I found one of my old CDs . . . Every Mother's Nightmare. I didn't know if it would still play so I brought it in, cleaned it off and put it in. It plays. Missed the music sounded so good I'll be hearing more tonight when it's quiet time. My new life needs to begin soon, time's a wasting!
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Thinking About Things . . .
I'm thinking about writing longhand. For a couple of reasons, mainly, the computer thing. I lose a computer, I lose my work. If I have to keep a hard copy around I may as well be handwriting. I may try it for a while, I have to restart Wyndhaven unless I can more quickly restore my information from my old computer. If I can't every single story I've ever written or started is gone. Scary thought. Very. More later, more thinking to do.
Friday, August 16, 2013
More Work On The Turd . . .
Stephen King once wrote " you can't polish a turd." Well, that's our house. But it is getting some much needed work done to it. So far a hot water heater has been installed, so showers have ensued. A banister is being installed so Mother stops falling off the porch. The water going to the house has been repaired to an extent. Today the kitchen faucets are being replaced and fixed. So that's nice. About the only other thing that could be done as repair would be the floor, but that would require rebuilding the whole turd and that's too cost extensive. So we tread lightly. Oh and the breakers need to be replaced. All of them.
I was just out tending the garden. Pat gave me some cuttings I planted some to see if they'd take, I hope so, one is Swedish ivy that I've been trying to get more of for ages. When times are better I'm going to get some more hylocereus and angel's trumpet. None of the brugmansia though no matter how badly I want it, I just can't get it to grow here. I might cave at some time though. Miracles happen all the time, right?
In his endeavor to repair the sink the workman let Tygger out she is about to have herself a dove lunch I'm afraid. I don't know how we're going to get her ass back in. I guess she'll come back in time. Like dinner time. More later I'm bored.
It's 5:42 p.m. and Tygger is back in. When the workman came back to do the rest of the repair I put her in a carrier so she wouldn't get out again, and Sylver got out (sigh). But she was an easy catch. So all felines present and accounted for, the sink is fixed and a new toilet seat has been installed. Nice. Things are going to be a lot fresher around here I do believe. :)
I was just out tending the garden. Pat gave me some cuttings I planted some to see if they'd take, I hope so, one is Swedish ivy that I've been trying to get more of for ages. When times are better I'm going to get some more hylocereus and angel's trumpet. None of the brugmansia though no matter how badly I want it, I just can't get it to grow here. I might cave at some time though. Miracles happen all the time, right?
In his endeavor to repair the sink the workman let Tygger out she is about to have herself a dove lunch I'm afraid. I don't know how we're going to get her ass back in. I guess she'll come back in time. Like dinner time. More later I'm bored.
It's 5:42 p.m. and Tygger is back in. When the workman came back to do the rest of the repair I put her in a carrier so she wouldn't get out again, and Sylver got out (sigh). But she was an easy catch. So all felines present and accounted for, the sink is fixed and a new toilet seat has been installed. Nice. Things are going to be a lot fresher around here I do believe. :)
Thursday, August 15, 2013
What A Great Day!!!
A friend of mine called yesterday wanting me to accompany her to a plant nursery, she wanted to get a couple of crepe myrtles for her mother. I agreed as there is nothing I love more than browsing in a plant shop unless it's BUYING the plants :). So today we went, I was apprehensive at first because her mother was going to go and they tend to argue, but her mother was ill so it was just she and I, I'd weighed when I first got up and have lost ANOTHER pound :), and we went to the nurseries, and along the way stopped at a roadside resale shop, and I was looking at a television the woman had for $10, the woman said if you want that you can just have it I want to get rid of it so I got another tv! I got it home and the remote I use on my current tv works on the new one so now my mom can get a bigger set for her room. So I'm down a pound and got a free tv! Great day!
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Bleh . . .
I have a lot to do today and I don't want to do any of it. Not long ago I told a friend about a nursery down the road from us, where I got my persimmon tree and where I got my crepe myrtle. She wanted to go there one day to get her mother some crepe myrtle trees so she called today and wants to go tomorrow. The thing is she is going to be here at 8 a.m. which is WAY early for me and two, she is going to have her mother with her and MY mother doesn't want to go but I assume she will anyway because a free lunch will ensue, we have to go to Newton for her mother and so it's going to be a day long affair. So we'll see. In the meantime I need to freshen my "going out" clothes since the other two pair of jeans I have are dirty so are both of my good blouses. I can shower now the hot water heater is up and running that's nice. The place will be very nearly livable now. A few odds and ends things to get done. We'll see.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
In spite of the heat I'm starting to clean up a little. I have a lot of the junk picked up out of the kitchen and the kitchen trash ready to go, I want to do some more sweeping down the hall and get that area going then start on the living quarters, harder there because of Mother. But I'll work around her, all I can do. I have a steak thawed for dinner not sure if I'll be eating my stuff or if she's going to cook for us both. I'd' rather go my own way. But then, I'd rather go my own way on a LOT of things. One thing I have to do somehow is get water to my garden it's dying. I'll do that on my own in a little bit, I have to wait for our company to leave. I hope it rains today but don't have much hope.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Grocery Day . . .
Ok so we went today to get groceries. One of the things we got when we went to Brookshire's was a package of preseasoned preformed patties for hamburgers. I'd assumed when we got home we'd make hamburgers and fries for dinner as we don't have money for fast food right now. Good thing I bought and still have things for my diet because apparently those patties are for Mother to eat. I've not had dinner yet because I don't have anything thawed. I'll make a ham and cheese sandwich in a few and be done with it I suppose. Tomorrow starts a whole new day.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
60 Days
Just think. 60 days from today MAYBE it'll be cool enough to step outside and not get hit in the face with heat and melting with every step. Ahhh the thought. I'm not worried about overwintering the plants I'm getting really good at that, so bring on winter! I'm so ready. I'm waterlogged I'm drinking so much cold water but thank goodness I have cold water to drink.
In other news, well it's pretty quiet, tomorrow is my "payday" so we'll go grocery shopping and get some grub, I don't know what the dogs are going to do for the rest of the month but something I'm sure. Birds and squirrels are going to be on their own till the first of the month. I wish on the third I could just take Mother's card and do what needs to be done to keep this house running smoothly for a month. The way she does things we run out of everything, including money, by the end of the month and she spends weeks whining about it. But ah well. I'll be working soon, so things will improve, at least on that front, when that happens.
In other news, well it's pretty quiet, tomorrow is my "payday" so we'll go grocery shopping and get some grub, I don't know what the dogs are going to do for the rest of the month but something I'm sure. Birds and squirrels are going to be on their own till the first of the month. I wish on the third I could just take Mother's card and do what needs to be done to keep this house running smoothly for a month. The way she does things we run out of everything, including money, by the end of the month and she spends weeks whining about it. But ah well. I'll be working soon, so things will improve, at least on that front, when that happens.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Have I Told You Lately . . .
How hot it is outside? And INSIDE??? Our internal temp got up to 91, the air conditioner didn't cool well enough. It's getting better now that the sun is setting. I was just looking at temps in Seattle and in Burlington. 50s to 80s. I'm fucking moving. When I win the lottery, or when I retire I'm fucking moving north to HELL with this hellish heat!
Otherwise a quiet day, everyone pretty much ignored my mother on her birthday, so she's morbidly depressed but she'll get over it. I'm trying to convince myself that it's a matter of life and death to get this house clean but it's not working. Can't fool me! Going to go though, going to find something less constructive to do. Rizzoli and Isles is on so I'll be watching that. Toodles!
Otherwise a quiet day, everyone pretty much ignored my mother on her birthday, so she's morbidly depressed but she'll get over it. I'm trying to convince myself that it's a matter of life and death to get this house clean but it's not working. Can't fool me! Going to go though, going to find something less constructive to do. Rizzoli and Isles is on so I'll be watching that. Toodles!
Sunday, August 4, 2013
An Alright Day . . .
First and foremost Kasey won at Pocono! That's two wins this season with a few top 5s and a few top 10s. My guy is on a roll!
Otherwise not too much to report, I'm liking the computer a lot more, although the cats knocked it off the table last night, I thought this morning it wouldn't start up but it did, I was just pushing the wrong button. I don't know if the dvd player still works I assume so it accepted a dvd I put in it earlier but there is nothing on it so I don't know if it will read them or not. The housing is skewed but if it will just continue to work I'll get the guy to fix it when I take both computers in to get information transferred over from one to the other. It should just snap back in place, I could do it but I can't get the screws to unscrew.
It's hot as all get out both indoors and out. Makes life miserable. Life is about to get a lot more miserable if they won't let us defer the telephone payment, they will turn off the phone, tv and internet. Me personally I wouldn't mind I could keep occupied other than the internet I have a lot of reading and transcribing to do I also have another story started so I need to be writing. Mother on the other hand has nothing but the television. Also we can't pay our car insurance, so we're going to be looking for more insurance first of the month. But this too, shall pass. I have lost 2 pounds that's a good thing. Trying to watch what I eat although it's not that easy. Having to go back to the skillet dinners, hamburger helpers, jambalaya and other boxed/bagged meals because if we don't eat them, Mother will starve herself. (sigh).
Ok so on to other things, you've seen enough. :)
Otherwise not too much to report, I'm liking the computer a lot more, although the cats knocked it off the table last night, I thought this morning it wouldn't start up but it did, I was just pushing the wrong button. I don't know if the dvd player still works I assume so it accepted a dvd I put in it earlier but there is nothing on it so I don't know if it will read them or not. The housing is skewed but if it will just continue to work I'll get the guy to fix it when I take both computers in to get information transferred over from one to the other. It should just snap back in place, I could do it but I can't get the screws to unscrew.
It's hot as all get out both indoors and out. Makes life miserable. Life is about to get a lot more miserable if they won't let us defer the telephone payment, they will turn off the phone, tv and internet. Me personally I wouldn't mind I could keep occupied other than the internet I have a lot of reading and transcribing to do I also have another story started so I need to be writing. Mother on the other hand has nothing but the television. Also we can't pay our car insurance, so we're going to be looking for more insurance first of the month. But this too, shall pass. I have lost 2 pounds that's a good thing. Trying to watch what I eat although it's not that easy. Having to go back to the skillet dinners, hamburger helpers, jambalaya and other boxed/bagged meals because if we don't eat them, Mother will starve herself. (sigh).
Ok so on to other things, you've seen enough. :)
Friday, August 2, 2013
Yet Another Computer
Just paid 323.00 for a brand new computer. Gods I hope this one lives longer than a few years. It's a Gateway, Walt once told me they weren't really bad computers, I do know this, it's heavy! I'm trying to keep it healthy, we'll see how it goes. I do believe the bagging works. No word processing package though, if I can find my Word 97 I'll put it on there and then see if I can update. No telling. But I'll persevere. Back to gaming though!
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Another Interview . . .
Monday I have another interview at the prison. I'd like to get the job just to be employed but I don't really think it's the job for me. So much darkness there. But I need it badly, should I get it I'll make the best of it. Mother on the other hand is absolutely beside herself thinking I'm going to get it. Talking as though I'm already working there, calculating my paychecks. I got some big news for her should I get the job, things are gonna be a WHOLE lot different. But that's in the future. I'm still looking for other jobs and will go back to Express as soon as we get paid to get reassigned with them, they are really advertising jobs now. So I'm a little bit uplifted on the job front for now. We'll see how it goes.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Back In The Game . . .
Ever since I got my new to me computer I've been updating my games. In Spellbound City, a new one I'm playing, the game moves along by supplying buildings with food and life force. I'd forgotten I needed to plant plots to obtain food and was neglecting that game till I remembered how to do it now it's swimming along. I sure need crystals though. Those, of course, you have to actually pay for. So I wait till I get more in leveling up. Otherwise I'm playing Potfarm, Dragon City, Astrogarden, Forbidden Garden, Candy Crush occaisionally, Pet Rescue occasionally, a few others. Zombinis. Life goes on, I'm waiting to hear from the prison for my interview but not holding my breath. They asked for a couple of papers I didn't provide, so they probably won't call me. More later though I'm about to have to go to town Mother wants fast food and I think today I'll have Taco Bell.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
My Own Place . . .
I have a job interview in a little while. I wish if I get the job (which I'm not likely to), I could get an RV to put on the lot, or one of the prefabricated cabins we saw that I could furnish and live on my own yet still be here in case something happened to Mother, which could happen any time now as she is royally pissing me off. It's even worse when I have a job interview. Last night she wanted to take my blood pressure and again this morning because she thinks they are going to give me a physical and I'm going to not pass because of my blood pressure. I don't have high blood pressure, unlike her I don't blow up at every little thing, I am trying to cut back on salt and sugar, and am trying to get more exercise and get back on my weight loss program. Most of the times that I've gone to a doctor for one thing or another they tell my BP us "slightly elevated" which could be because I'm nervous when seeing a doctor. She told me hatefully that as overweight as I am I probably have VERY high blood pressure. I think if that were true I'd be dead by now (I'm not that lucky) and I'm so overweight because she makes it harder for me to stay on program. But, whatever. This too shall pass. Just not soon enough.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
It's Cool!
Woo Hoo a man installed our air conditioner! It's awesome already! Yay! No more hot sleepless nights! In other news I just pulled a hangnail and it hurts like hell.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Grocery Day . . .
Went out today to buy groceries, bought mostly junk. I will be dining on mostly pizza and hot pockets this month. Also got some chicken tenders, and some fish sticks. Forgot eggrolls. I'll remedy that in a day or two. I love eggrolls. With sweet and sour sauce and hot Chinese mustard. Mmmm!
In other news it rained today a little. Thundered mostly. Cooled things off outside a little. We're going to be very uncomfortable until the first of the month. But I'll persevere, I always do.
In other news it rained today a little. Thundered mostly. Cooled things off outside a little. We're going to be very uncomfortable until the first of the month. But I'll persevere, I always do.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
New To Us TV Surprise
My cousin's wife helps out a cat rescue and is helping to rehome the kittens Sylver had last month. So we went there to bring her the kittens, and we had to bring Sylver so they could test her for potential diseases she could pass to her young, and my cousin gave us a 19" tv, which is significantly bigger than the tv we've been watching, so that's a nice surprise. Mother is trying to get the old one set up in her room but the telephone company has to come out and program a remote for her. We'll see how it goes.
Friday, June 7, 2013
They Were Right . . .
It rained hard yesterday and cooled off excellently. I didn't sleep well last night but I was at least cool. I was watching creature features on TCM (thank you guys!) until about 1 a.m. including The Creature From The Black Lagoon, which I know I've not seen in 20 years. Excellent memories. In other news nothing new same old crap, although I am losing weight again. This is good. Hoping to keep it going down this time, I'd like to see 230 sometime soon. That would prove to me I can really do this.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Ups And Downs
I finally found the backup disk I made so I have my journal up to 2012 but I have to recoup the last year of my life (as it's so eventful dontcha know). Sad part is I didn't move my Tales file over dammit to hell. But I'll talk to that guy tomorrow probably about the recovery, we'll see how it goes.
Later. 3:41 p.m. OH MY GODDESS IT'S HOT IN HERE. Cool outside but temperature rising. Storm coming they say. Bullshit I say. We'll see who's right.
Later. 3:41 p.m. OH MY GODDESS IT'S HOT IN HERE. Cool outside but temperature rising. Storm coming they say. Bullshit I say. We'll see who's right.
Monday, June 3, 2013
New To Me
Got my new to me computer today. Might have been a mistake but we'll see. Anyway, it's a computer, slower than mine so I wonder if I'll be able to play my games. So far, no. Not fast anyway. Now to get my shit moved back over. Nice change, this one plays dvds!
Later, 8:53 p.m. I'm liking the thing better and better. Pot Farm is ssssssssssssssssllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww loading, but not bad when loaded and playing. All games load slow. I wonder if I can add more RAM or something to make it faster, or update the processor. I'll ask when I go get the information retrieved from my old hard drive. Mother's learned to play Solitaire already, she'll have to do it a time or two to get the hang of it. 'k I gotta go. Getting late.
Later, 8:53 p.m. I'm liking the thing better and better. Pot Farm is ssssssssssssssssllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww loading, but not bad when loaded and playing. All games load slow. I wonder if I can add more RAM or something to make it faster, or update the processor. I'll ask when I go get the information retrieved from my old hard drive. Mother's learned to play Solitaire already, she'll have to do it a time or two to get the hang of it. 'k I gotta go. Getting late.
Monday, April 22, 2013
A Glimmer of Hope
I have a job interview this morning with the prison system. I doubt I get the job, I can't provide some of the paperwork they require, but one never knows. I have to take the interview anyway. I didn't want to start getting up until 7 a.m. but Mother was up at 6 expecting me to go ahead and get up I could have killed her. I'm not 4, I can get myself up and ready for interviews/work. But whatever, it'll be over soon enough and life can fall back into a complacent stupor. I'm used to it.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Ok so Pot Farm has made changes in that when you are playing and you're given a gift, you don't have to stop the game to claim the gift, that's pretty cool. As is I'm about to finish a quest and get a little cocoa tree which will repeat cocoa pods, which I can use in my chocolate maker to keep chocolate made. I wish I'd finished the quest to get the rose bush I'm out of roses. But, maybe they'll repeat it next February. I have the chocolate maker, the love potion maker and the champagne maker, I just need a rose repeater.
In other news, life goes on, the family is feuding, it's about to rain and turn cold again, my garden has two new plants reviving, my hosta and my closet plant. So two out of three ain't bad I guess. Gonna go now and make sweet love!
In other news, life goes on, the family is feuding, it's about to rain and turn cold again, my garden has two new plants reviving, my hosta and my closet plant. So two out of three ain't bad I guess. Gonna go now and make sweet love!
Sunday, April 14, 2013
I planted my Pot Farm TOTALLY in killer tomato seeds. BAD IDEA. I have over a dozen mystery seed, about 5 or 6 surprise seed, and a ton of freebie seed I need to plant and I can't until TUESDAY!!!! Plus I need to get my chocolate maker and love oil press out of storage to make that stuff. C'mon Tuesday!!!!!! BRB I have to find something for Mother. Back. (sigh). So anyway, it's a nice day today I wish I could break ground on my garden but we need to mow and the mower is not working. We can't get it fixed right now and we need to buy a push mower but can't until the first of the month. I so wish I could get a job. I applied for three on Friday, hoping to hear back from a law office downtown. I have exactly the skills they are looking for. We'll see. While I'm down there I might look up Today's and see if they are still accepting applications, although they are not advertising. I think I'll go and see if they have an online app. Bye!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Another Freakishly Cold Day . . .
A strong line of thunderstorms came through last night and it rained heavily and brought in a cold front. I have to get some energy to walk out and pick my crepe myrtle up from the wind blowing it down. If we ever get this yard under control I'll plant my flower garden. At the moment you wouldn't be able to see the flowers for the weeds. There is milkweed out there as tall as I am. No thistle though, go figger. Anyway just been playin my games, I found out how to go full screen on Pot Farm and am kicking pot butt over there, have another egg hatching at Dragon City, got to feed my cat twice at AstroGarden, wish I could do better there I have a lot of seed to plant, some hybrids, those are great to plant. I need to plant wheat too to complete a quest. I sure am bored I wish I could find a job locally. I need to have a heart to heart with The Lady one of these nights. 25th is full moon, maybe then.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Growing Weary . . .
Good race day today, Kasey finished 5th I do believe. Ran as high as 2nd. Otherwise, not so good. I'm so tired of everything these days. No privacy, no autonomy, no freedom other than to go out and look for work (which I can't find) or do Mother's shopping. Not going to change any time soon either. I want to live healthier, get out more, but I can't. I'm stuck. But, whatever, I just roll with it. I can't very well sit back and say "well, I'm sick of this I'm going to leave and start all over". Would be nice if I had actual work to back that up rather than live under a bridge until something finally came my way. We'll see. Maybe something better is just over the horizon. I'll keep my eye on the sunrise.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Been playing Neopets for years and for years have been led to believe you can't search specifically for Omlettes. Guess what? YOU CAN. You just type in the specific type, like sausage omlette, choose identical to my query or whatever that says, and search and BOING there ya go. Omlettes. So now I know. I'm good to go.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Game On!
Game time is getting to be a blast. Shame on me for forsaking Neopets, but I'll get around to it. I started a new one I like quite a lot, Dragon City. Pot Farm, I'm trying to complete a quest to get a little red dragon, I hope I get him. I need five pizzas good luck getting those anytime soon. Pretty much all I've done today is plant Red Dragon so I can hurriedly complete the quest. In Astrogarden, I'm finally researching materials and can soon make my own glue! Alright! Better go plant some more Red Dragon, I need 750!!!!!!
Thursday, March 14, 2013
She Escaped Again . . .
Tygger escaped again today, she's not gotten out in a while now, doesn't even attempt to get out by the stove anymore, but today she waltzed right out the door when I was holding it open to try to get my mom's little terrier and my dachshund back in from their poops and peeps. It's not that bad for Tygger to get out, she stays in the yard and the dogs don't bother her that much, but SHE bothers the squirrels and birds and we just can't have that, that's why our cats are indoor.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Terrible Tuesday . . .
Bad day today. First, I get up early to attend some lame-assed "class" that's required for me to keep public assistance, for some reason my clock or watch was incorrectly set and I was all of 10 minutes late for the damned thing and they wouldn't let me attend, so NOW I have to reschedule and they will deny my fucking SNAP benefits. Jerks. Then I start to harvest plants on Hemp Tycoon and before my eyes they wither and die, and won't let me harvest them because they had less than 20 seconds to go . . . I don't know I should have just said screw it and got off benefits or something this whole system is pathetic.
Monday, March 11, 2013
A Monday In The Life . . .
I am doing better with Pot Farm, they fixed a lot of the problems and the game loads now and doesn't crash any more. That's good. I'd like to get a throwaway debit card though and use it for AstroGarden, I can't do a lot without actual money and that kinda sucks. The game would be a lot more fun if I could afford a lot more gold. Ah well. I persevere. Otherwise I hope this is the last of our cold weather, it's to be 34 tonight and that's not good, it was at least that last night I hope my plants persevere. I may go out later and cover them though. Thanks to DST the days are way way way WAY longer. (sigh) I hate DST. With a passion. On that I'll go my merry way and do something constructive (write?). Oh another thing. I hope to soon have a portable dvd player on the way but in the meantime I hooked up the cd player we'd bought for Mother up by my bed and can listen to my audio books when I go to bed. Worked great last night though I snoozed through a lot of it! But I loved it! I can also listen to it when on the computer. Yay!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Getting Well . . .
Getting my olfactory back, can smell and taste a little bit. Just ordered something from a catalog that said I'm preapproved for monthly payments, lets see if they're lying, because, I think they are. I ordered a portable dvd player. Holding breath. Not. Gotta go, want soup.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Maybe Spring Is Truly Springing . . .
I was a little downhearted when I went to the garden today and saw that the wind had blown the cover off my plants last night. But I think they will recover. It's going to be warm until Tuesday then I'll cover them again but after that it's warm all the way with rain forecast. Awesome. I do hope for a little rain this spring, it'll keep summer from doing so much damage. Guess what? I'm putting down an in ground garden this year :) I will be planting bellflower, nasturtiums (I think), lots of stuff also the lily of the valley and gladiola bulbs. Will be colorful when they bloom hopefully this year :)
In other news, well, I just had to stop so I could reconnect the air conditioner for her royal highness even though it's fucking 61 degrees outside. Whatever. Racing is smoothly running along for the new season, Kasey has a slow start but will do well this season I do believe. My weight is steady, I've remained out of the 250s, a personal best for me and am I ever glad. I'd like to weigh tomorrow we had a heavy meal yesterday (Jack in the Box) but hopefully it won't be much of an issue I've been REALLY regular so I should be shedding a pound anyway. Will be glad to see. I need to get more water though I'm out.
So on that I'll pause this life for now to finish watching today's race, then I have to take the garbage can to the curb and some other tasks to task. Blessed Sunday my friends :)
In other news, well, I just had to stop so I could reconnect the air conditioner for her royal highness even though it's fucking 61 degrees outside. Whatever. Racing is smoothly running along for the new season, Kasey has a slow start but will do well this season I do believe. My weight is steady, I've remained out of the 250s, a personal best for me and am I ever glad. I'd like to weigh tomorrow we had a heavy meal yesterday (Jack in the Box) but hopefully it won't be much of an issue I've been REALLY regular so I should be shedding a pound anyway. Will be glad to see. I need to get more water though I'm out.
So on that I'll pause this life for now to finish watching today's race, then I have to take the garbage can to the curb and some other tasks to task. Blessed Sunday my friends :)
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
What I wouldn't give for my olfactory back. I can't smell, I can't taste and I just bought Southern Buttered Pecan coffee creamer. Oh well maybe it will come back before it's all gone. I've had a cold for a week, which I hate to begin with, and it's just not going away. I'm eating but it's like going to a museum blind.
In other news it's about to freeze again. Tonight I'm covering the garden and not uncovering it for 6 days. I hope it doesn't kill my plants but the freeze certainly will. I just don't feel like going out every day to uncover them only to go back out before dark to cover them again to save them from frost. But one day the low will be 27 so they must be covered. What I wouldn't give for a greenhouse. Seriously.
Other then that all is quiet, I was going to sign up with a legal employment agency in Houston and sign up for work but Mother is dead set against me going back to Houston so I sit here. Maybe something will come along more local. And maybe monkeys will fly out my butt on the next full moon. (sighsnufflesigh).
In other news it's about to freeze again. Tonight I'm covering the garden and not uncovering it for 6 days. I hope it doesn't kill my plants but the freeze certainly will. I just don't feel like going out every day to uncover them only to go back out before dark to cover them again to save them from frost. But one day the low will be 27 so they must be covered. What I wouldn't give for a greenhouse. Seriously.
Other then that all is quiet, I was going to sign up with a legal employment agency in Houston and sign up for work but Mother is dead set against me going back to Houston so I sit here. Maybe something will come along more local. And maybe monkeys will fly out my butt on the next full moon. (sighsnufflesigh).
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Yay . . . Maybe . . .
I got a call today from a legal placement agency I'd sent a resume to some time ago. I think I've finally talked Mom into letting me take the interview, we agree I have to get back to work and soon, or my social security will suffer. I hope this gets me a good job, if I get it I WILL play the game and hold on to it. I'm just looking forward to getting out of the house. I hate going back to Houston but that's where the work is so, off I go. I just hope they find me something. I'll speak to The Lady tonight for reinforcement.
Monday, February 25, 2013
6:00 this morning I had a scare. I've caught cold and have been taking OTC meds for it and not eating, well this morning my chest hurt BAD. Never felt a pain like it and it wouldn't let up. I woke Mother because I was afraid I needed to go to ER but I settled down after getting sick, she made me a bowl of soup and I took two aspirin, in a few moments it got better and I'm fine now. Still have the cold but the chest pain is gone. Man that scared me I have got to start taking better care of myself.
Monday, February 18, 2013
What's the Problem???
I'm not able to play Pot Farm lately, my internet keeps crashing. Wonder what's up? I don't hardly play it anymore because I have to restart it so often. (sigh) I love that game too :(. Oh well I'll persevere. Hoping for an active busy day tomorrow, we'll see how it goes. Spring is springing and time for a change. I'm ready!
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Gypsy was sick and not eating. She started eating cat food last night, this morning she ate a good amount of dog food, and she's back to hopping around and playing and barking. Thank goodness I was so worried! I guess she just had a little tummy bug, she was throwing up but is just fine now! It's a nice day I'm SO glad the NASCAR drought is over, first race tonight at 7 p.m., the Shootout. I'll miss the Duels on Thursday because we don't have SPEED but that's ok, the first Nationwide series race is Saturday and the Daytona 500 is Sunday so I can wait with the Shootout to tide me over. Can't wait go Kasey!
Friday, February 8, 2013
Another Dark Day . . .
Got some sun today not much though. It's about to turn cold again. Sick of cold. Never thought I'd say that because I've been a self proclaimed chyld of wynter for the longest time. Now I simply can't tolerate it. Gardening has changed me I guess. All I want to do is grow things. Can't easily do that in the middle of winter not even here. I've been thinking about my situation lately, actually for lots of months now, and not coming up with anything but wishes. But we'll see what happens, one never knows.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Disappointed . . .
Ok so as you all know or maybe you don't, I NEED a portable dvd player. Well, I have a dvd player that I hook up to the tv, and that's great but, my roommate HATES horror movies and anything sexually explicit SO a lot of my movie collection I can't watch (and I just bought two collections, 28 movies in all, that I'm still waiting to watch!). I thought I had a solution with my computer monitor. I could have sworn it had the connectivity I needed to hook it up to my computer but it doesn't. So I still need a portable dvd player, the least expensive I've found is 80.00 which I don't have and as yet cannot earn.
In other news I've gained weight and am being too lazy and hoggish to start losing again but I am trying to get back on track. I'm not overly concerned about it as is. I do wish I could get another job though it's ridiculous no one will hire me and if it's just because of my weight that IS pathetic because I'm such a good worker. Their loss though. I don't know what I'm going to do.
In other news I've gained weight and am being too lazy and hoggish to start losing again but I am trying to get back on track. I'm not overly concerned about it as is. I do wish I could get another job though it's ridiculous no one will hire me and if it's just because of my weight that IS pathetic because I'm such a good worker. Their loss though. I don't know what I'm going to do.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Seriously I need to get into some daily routine of movement. Not only exercising my body but my mind as well. I need to read daily, move daily, write daily . . . do something besides sit in front of this screen 8 hours a day. That is, of course, in lieu of finding a job. One of these days, I'll find a job and when I do man, it's gonna be something else! In the meantime, I'm doing well on Astrogarden, Pot Farm and Hemp Tycoon. I also play Buggle, Lost Bubble, and one other one, Pet Rescue Saga pretty regularly, they're a nice distraction.
Friday, January 25, 2013
A Good Start To The Weekend
Today I applied for two jobs and at another employment agency. I hope I hear from ANY of them at this point. Its a pretty day, warm and to be warm in the foreseeable future so that's all good. Homelife still not great but I can't do anything about it so I'll just roll with it. Had more to say but forgot it. Bye.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
I Feel Awful . . .
I've had a toothache for a couple of days now and I mean a BAD one. It's a tooth on the front so it's exposed to everything. I don't feel good I don't want to eat but have to, I don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow because I have to cook. I hate this crap. I've not had a toothache in ages and ages, now it's going to become a regular thing unless I get the tooth fixed which I can't afford. I'll just suffer I guess.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Problematic Kitteh . . .
I have a problem with one of our cats getting out. Tygger has figured out the cabinet by the stove has no wall and she gets into that space that has holes in the outer wall where she can get out. She's been out most of the week. I finally get her where I can catch her, usually by her tail and have to grab her by the scruff of the neck to get her back in but at least I get her back in. Right now Snoopy's out he's been running the neighborhood all day I don't know why he won't come in it's freezing out there. But I don't know what to do about Tygger, eventually her sisters will follow her and then we'll have a big problem.
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