Tygger (aka Hellcat)

Tygger (aka Hellcat)
Satan's Spawn

Thursday, December 31, 2015

I'm Not Big On Resolutions, But . . .

I am going to spend more time outside.
I am going to begin a daily meditation routine.
I am going to be more active in my spirituality.
I am going to read more (inside and outside).
I am going to write more.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

OMGs REALLY????????

Alright so I went to town to sell some cans and get cat/dog food with the spoils.  Called mom and asked her to remove a sleeve of ground beef so I could make us a hamburger helper when I returned as I knew it would take some time.  She did.  I come home and smelled something had been cooking I didn't think anything of it and went to my room to rest.  Kept hearing something like a sizzling noise so got up and asked if she was cooking something and the closer I got to the kitchen the louder the sound became.  She had put the sleeve into a skillet with water, which I knew she would do, but had turned on the heat which I didn't know she was going to do and of course forgot about it.  FORTUNATELY it didn't burn nor ruin the beef, so I'm simmering the hamburger helper now.  I SO have to watch what I tell her or this is what happens and I just never know.  Otherwise it's been pretty crappy as usual I just hate this time of year I dread it so.  Maybe next year will be better, I know after February our finances will improve.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Strike One . . .Denied

They denied our loan app for the trailer, kinda figgered they would.  My whole train of thought, and I'm about to magickally back this up, is to get a job and just get Mom into care and take back my life.  It's all I can do at this point, it's gone as far as it can.  I've gone as far as I can, I cannot do it any more.  So hopefully by month's end I'll be reemployed, for good this time.  I have an app out I hate to start another one till I hear from the first one, but I'll keep ya posted.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Shoppin' . . .

About to go look at trailers, this one has outlived it's usefulness.  New home for us yay.  Pain in the arse, though the last move wasn't TOO bad, this one could prove to be, well, we'll see.  I'm sick of chaos and ready for peace.  So mote it be.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Day Trippin

I really can't afford to go places, though I need to get out now and again.  My bff and I went to Old Town Spring to look at the shops out there and the new Luciferian church, yanno, just to see it.  Best part about that was there is a metaphysical shop next to it and I bought a couple of black candles, something I'd have to order online otherwise.  I really couldn't afford the money I spent there and regret it.  I just hope everything turns out ok.  I nearly cancelled but at the last moment decided to go ahead and go. This will probably be my last outing unless I can get a job.  Still going to try for Domino's but I don't know, I can't even go to the store safely.  We'll see.  Something may turn up.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Was Hoping for a Good Day But . . . .

I got up this morning thinking . . . no problem gonna get the stuff done today I couldn't do yesterday.  So I set out to do two things, go to WalMart and go to Pizza Hut.  I preordered the pizza, and off I went.  Decided to go ahead and see if I could get the car inspected and registered so I went out to the car inspection place and the inspection went way easier than I thought, then went to town to get the registration.  They don't take debit cards so I had to go get cash then come back.  Got that done and the sticker affixed and started off to WalMart.  At a redlight the vehicle in front of me rear-ended the vehicle in front of her.  Got around that and finally hit the WallyWorld.  Got a phone card and paid for it and it fairly quickly added the minutes and I phoned home to check in . . . the phone rang a LONG time.  Finally Mother answered and she let me know she was outside, she'd nearly burned down the house (again), and had let all the little dogs out.  I feared for Peanut.  She is new to our home and if she leaves the premises, she's history.  Freaking out and mad as hell I left the stuff in my cart and ran home.  Peanut was inside safe but Gypsy had been let out.  I put her and the big dogs back in and left to get our food.  I brought the pizza home and fed Mother then left again to complete the errands.  I had to then get gas, go to pay our title loan, go to WalMart and get the stuff I started to get earlier.  By then I had a headache the size of Houston and was just burnt.  I drug around the store and got the stuff I'd been sent there for and ended up spending $185 dollars.  That is just ridiculous.  All I got for me was another coloring book and a $5 movie (Wrong Turn 6, the only one I've not seen yet).  So we'll see how the rest of the month plays out.  Tomorrow I'm going to lock Peanut up in my bedroom with a bowl of water and some treats for when I go to Spring with my friend, which I need to cancel on.  I'm HOPING Mother will go with me and keep Pat's mother company.  I'm gonna pretty much insist on it. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Should Have Been Housecleaning . . .

But just had to get out for a while, ended up spending MOST of the day outside feels so good!  I messed around where my garden is going to be this spring, clearing and preparing and gauging.  Going to be a great growing season.  I hope.  You know the handicap I have.  I think it will go well though she seems to be getting her groove on that way.  I'm working on everything very slowly trying to get into habit of doing certain things.  Doing things in spurts helps me get more accomplished.  I actually get more done.  Tomorrow is going to be pretty busy, we're not going to get going until late, she has an appointment with her kidney specialist at 2:15 so we're not getting out until after 1, will go to WalMart on our way back from the doc.  I want to eat pizza tomorrow but don't know we may just eat burgers.  I'm sick of burgers though I'd really rather have pizza.

Man there is a breeze blowing that is blowing straight in here from the hall window!  I love it!  :D

To mark this day in history, mass shooting in San Bernadino, California.  Yes, another one.  I guess this is just a thing now.  Makes me fear the malls, and WalMart.  But can't live life that way.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Getting Going . . . Slowly . . .

Got clean counter space now, still have some to go, got the kitchen floor ready for mopping #2 now that I have a new mop. ($8 worth!)

About to start lunch, bbq chicken, augratins and broccoli/cauliflower.  MMMMMMM love that stuff.  And I'm hungry!  We have our pies to consume, Mother's coconut and my strawberry creme.  Had a slice last night it was tasty.  Its a terrible day, rainy, cold, dreary, not worth a damn.  And so much to do by way of taking out trash before the pickup on Monday, it's supposed to rain all weekend.  Bleh.

Don't know if I mentioned it but a few days ago they built us another door for our kitchen so no more dogs busting out.  We let them out several times a day though, we can't keep them in.  It's best we don't, just the little ones.  Peanut, Gypsy, and Oreo.  Sparky is so ensconced in home now he comes in the door most of the time when called, I hardly ever  have to go out and get him.  Sometimes I still do though.  We're down to 5 cats after losing Romeo, I'm almost sure a pack of dogs killed him but he got out of the yard so that's his fate.  It could be someone took him in but it's doubtful.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Stepping Up!

To the best of my ability the kitchen is coming together, one more appliance to wipe down and still need to do the counters.  Starting on the living room that's a living hell as that is Mother's lair.  But it's all about to be a lone fading dream.  One never to be repeated.  We're expecting a stipend in a bit I'll see if that is forthcoming, if so there is much I can do.  Fun much!  Mostly though I'm getting blankets, a simple one for me, an electric one for Mother.  And a small heater for her room.  We'll see about the rest later.  Pet food is the most important.  We're out and not enough public assistance to help them.  But I have spare change, and with that, I can go a little farther.  Mother let Gypsy out a little while ago I'm damned lucky she didn't get killed.  There is a pack of stray dogs at the end of our subdivision that is roaming these streets.  Our dogs must have friended them because they are not fighting, but will bark at them.  Gypsy came flying home thank Ceridwen I was out there to get her.  I WISH Mother would stop letting her out and if she ever lets Peanut out again I'll kill her.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Chaos Ensues . . .

About to have to kick the projects into high gear on a day I really don't feel like it.  Mother is on the phone to a contractor so again chaos ensues.  We'll see how it goes.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

As The Week Ends . . .

And another begins life is once again chaotic.  Things weren't ending all that badly for today but now they are.  Ah well, tomorrow starts anew.  Lots to do and so I won't be online until late day, will be filling the hours with movement and responsibility.  A lot of responsibility.  We'll see how it goes, it may very well kill me.  I had a horrible thought last night, but it's not even close to being a reality.  But it gave me pause.  Things must change, in one way or another, things must begin to change.  Still looking for work, but I know the only thing I can do is go into business for myself and I can't do that right at the moment.  Surely something in the fast food field will fall into my lap.  I really don't think I can do WalMart.  I watched Julie and Julia again last night.  Was going to watch The Car but digging it out seemed not worth the effort.

Well I seem to be babbling more than making any sense so off I go to do something else.  Just turned on the ac thankfully I will have my comforter tonight I'll need it, the weather can't make up its mind hot or cold.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Back to the Local WalMart . . .

Ok so our WalMart is back open.  The renovations are ok I guess, I didn't see anything wrong with it before, but whatever.  Now the aisle that housed books and magazines is a quarter of the size it was and still not selling the new King book.  I was able to start on the adult coloring books collection though, and got my first colored pencils to use.  I'm loving it but that's a whole nother blog.  Today I got some scented tealights for the room, not that I needed them scented, they are for my wax warmer.  But they are kind of nice.  I'd gotten vanilla scented votives to burn for broadcast, forgot to light em last time.  But I'll remember tonight.  Ok gonna go just saying hi!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

A Day . . .

I guess it's best I didn't go to work for Chicken Express, I guess they wanted to hire idiots.  Well they got em.  Hope they crash and burn.  Anyway  . . . on to today.

Nothing much going on I woke not feeling well and decided to go to the chicken place rather than cook.  We could ill afford it but I assumed all would be well and I was looking forward to the rolls they make but, alas, they didn't put our rolls in there so we just had chicken and potatoes.  For the price it was disappointing because you only get one side with a family box, so, I guess we'll keep to Popeyes, it's not that much further and you get 2 sides and those great biscuits (every time!).  So meh, there you are.

Snoopy is improving left and right and oh did I tell you?  We have another dog.  I went to the dollar store to get pet food and this and that and a woman came in just frantic and had nearly run over this little chihuahua.  She thought it had gotten out of someone's car so she brought it in asking if anyone owned it.  A man in the store said it belonged to someone that had been staying with him, and they left and left the dog, which he didn't want, so he was dumping her in the parking lot.  They were just going to put her back out there and I said NO I'd take her.  So here Isis is.

Home with us.  She is an absolute angel.  Young, frisky, loveable, loves to be loved.  I'm so glad I could be there for her.  Also, Thor is on his not wanting to come in but wanting to come in thing again.  Had to fuss with him last night finally got him in but it took time.  He just came in when I got back with the food so Rusty is the only one to worry about now and we may get by with keeping him out.  We'll see.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

About To Be Heading Out . . .

Payday, we're about to go to Cleveland to WalMart.  I didn't want Mom to go but she is, wants to get stuff for herself.  We're about to spend way much more money than we can afford.  After bills we'll not have that much so we need to conserve.  But we can't, not with the princess.  Have to hold back for the cable install.  We can't really afford to do that.  I don't know this whole situation just sucks goat's nads.  Why can't she be reasonable?!  WHY?!

I worry about leaving Snoopy here alone but I'm sure he can't get out with his leg so messed up.  On closer inspection it looks like he may have a dislocated shoulder.

More later I have to go.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

It Goes . . .

Snoopy made it through the night.  He ate a half can of dog food tonight, but that's all.  He drank a little water earlier.  He won't stand long or walk.  He did make it into my bed sometime this morning I was glad to see that, I knew at least he was comfortable.  His feet are cold to the touch, I'm still worried.  He really needs to get more animated or he's not going to make it.  But for right now he seems so be a little better, at least he's eating.  I didn't want to turn the ac back on but have to it's so hot in here.  Perhaps if he gets cold he'll come back to bed like he usually does.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

So Sucks . . .

Snoopy came home and seriously he's badly hurt.  He's muddy all over, a lot of one ear is gone he's all bloody, I see bites on him so he's been fighting, I guess with a pit bull.  That means the neighbors.  Great.  I hope he makes it ok he couldn't jump over the partition, truth is when I saw him at the door I didn't even think it was him at first.  He's shivering and very sad.  He won't put weight on his front leg.  But he ate a little and drank water so I have hope, maybe he'll be better tomorrow and not want to go out.  This is the end, we're building him a run, no more fooling around he is not leaving this yard again under ANY circumstance.

12:04 a.m.

Snoopy really looks bad I'm worried.  I hope he gets feeling better soon.  I do hope he won't be trying to get out anymore any time soon.  He's so pitiful.  I'm about to go to bed I don't know if I should leave the air conditioner on or not he's so cold.  I have him covered with a quilt.  He's moving around more but his eyes just look so forlorn.  I'm worried.

Terrible Day to Begin . . .

It's been pouring rain since late last night, the dogs want out but can't get out because they'd get caked in mud and want back in so it's a fight.  Haven't begun THE TASK as of yet so I don't see it happening anytime soon I have to again set the install back.  But I have to get this done.  I'm tired of it myself and now is the only time I'm going to have if I start to work, which I doubt the man gave me no indication he has any desire to hire me.  So probably Monday I'll be calling Dominoes to see if I can deliver pizzas.  I don't really want to.  They are putting in a Stripes convenience store but I absolutely do not want to work there.

We'll see.

Just rescheduled the cable install to the 9th to give us a little more time.  Mother is using the tools right now I'll wait till she lights to get the serious work done.  I'm ready to get this over with.  I just hope it works out and lasts.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Dog Gone!

Snoopy and Annie busted out just before feeding time I was like hasta la vista baby, good luck.  I'd let Sparky out earlier today he just wouldn't stop barking so I don't know if or when we'll see him again.  Snoopy and Annie will be back in a couple of hours, I saved them food.

I'm feeling very detached today, like just gone from feeling, from my body . . . just not all here.  Hope I'm better tomorrow I have a lot I want to do.  A whole lot of my detachment/angst of course is my Mother.  Not much I can do there.

Anyway I really don't want to do this either just jotting this down in case the dogs never come home so I can mark the anniversary of their disappearance.  Back to watching Paranormal Witness, it's really dumb. 

Sunday, October 25, 2015

He's Baaaaaaaaaaaaack . . .

I just got up and first thing I do is call out the door for Sparky, and sure enough I heard his bark, so rain be damned I hurried out to retrieve him.  Harder this time because he wanted to run, but ultimately he came back to me and I picked him up, brought him in, dried him off, and fed him some dry.  He's re-assimilating now.

It's been raining since day before yesterday.  Houston is beginning to flood and because of the hurricane that hit Mexico they are evacuating the Boliver peninsula.  Close call this time.  But hurricane season is nearly over (Nov 1) so there won't be any more.  Till June.

We had another bad night last night, Snoopy once again busted out the door at nearly 2 a.m. taking Annie, Rusty, and Thor with him.  This resulted in cussing, threats, and general verbal malice.  Starting tonight I will just put Snoopy out and keep the rest of the dogs in so no more chaos ensues.  If they'd just go out, do their business and keep quiet it would be alright, but they bark, and bark, and bark some more, which doesn't bother me but it upsets Mother.  Everything upsets Mother.

Oh hey guess what???  I got a tweetback from a celebrity!  David Coverdale of Whitesnake had posted a picture and I replied "I hate snakes but LOVE Whitesnake!!!!" to which he tweeted back a picture of a snake, but instead of the deadly fangs, this one had dentures!  It was awesome!  A bazillion people have favored that tweet.  I was stoked! 

Saturday, October 24, 2015

A Night of Misery . . ..

Just before 2 a.m. Snoopy broke out again.  I was so furious I couldn't fall back asleep, so at 3 a.m. I was up watching The Curse of Frankenstein.  Christopher Lee played such a piteous part in that movie and Peter Cushing such a bastard.  But a good film nonetheless.  As they led Frankenstein to the guillotine I finally got sleepy and began drifting off.  So here I am bleary eyed and pissed off because I've not slept enough.  Annie returned home, Snoopy still hasn't but I'm not worrying about him.  Sparky is still gone as well, someone keeps taking him in so eventually he will be gone for good.  As for Snoopy I'm so pissed at him right now I don't care of his fate.  That may change after I get home later, but right now I'm indifferent.  As I've said before there is simply nothing I can do about it.  I despise getting up early for anything other than a job so this crap is really unsettling to me.  My friend continually finds these festivals and things as far away from home as possible and I always have to get up early to attend them and I never enjoy them.  Today is no exception.  I will, however, eat.  I am packing a lunch and snacks so even though I'm broke I can have something to eat at my will. I just hope I survive.  Sucks I'm missing the Good Witch marathon, don't think I've forgotten about that either.  Thank Ceridwen there's no racing today, but there is tomorrow.  Talladega.  Boom.

7:47 a.m. update:  Snoopy came home and it's raining, probably why he came home.

5:05 p.m. Update:  Mushroom festival was dumb, I had to endure a sermon and a 'being prayed for' session to get a free walking staff.  But it can be paganized, and will be :D.  The dogs were still in when I got home, sans Sparky, of course.  He won't be back anytime soon, if ever.  We walked all over out there in the rain, I hope I didn't catch cold that's all I'd need.  We had to stop at these people's house that she knew, and one of their chihuahuas had had 7 puppies, that were the MOST adorable little things I've seen in a long time thank Ceridwen they were selling them and not giving them away or we'd have a couple more dogs by now :|  I can't help myself.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Well Hell . . .

We'd finally gotten Sparky in yesterday, got him fed last night and thanks to Snoopy and a busted door, he's out and gone again.  So . . . well.  I hope he comes back, there is nothing I can do if he doesn't.  I have no idea where he goes, no one will give him up to me if I went looking for him, so he's just gone until he either comes home or doesn't.  If I try to walk down the street and call him there will be a parade of cats following me (my cats, they are ridiculous) so I can't risk their lives by doing that.  So I wait.

There is a jerk bothering me in the chat GODS I wish he'd leave me alone.  As a room mod I can't tell him to, he's just completely attention starved but that doesn't mean he has to leech onto me every time I come in there.

I will be at a mushroom festival tomorrow, not a penny to spend no real reason to go but my bff asked me to and I couldn't really refuse.  THEN I find out they are playing a "good witch" marathon that I'll be missing.  PISSED at this moment.  We got rain and I'd hoped the bottom would fall out tomorrow but it ain't happenin' so I have to go.  Shit.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Very Elated To Report . . .

It started to significantly rain and I opened the door to try to get our terrier Rusty in and heard Sparky bark.  I FREAKED, ran out in the rain calling him and ZIP there he was!  I picked him up and loved him and hugged him and brought him safely in and fed him (he's finicky though he didn't eat much) and he's safe and sound.  For now.  Until next time.  Until then I'm so glad he's home.  SO glad!

Sadness . . .

I'm pretty sure we'll never see Sparky again.  He was gone most of the day and all night last night and that is just not like him.

It was difficult for me to be really attached to him he stayed out and away from home most of the time.  He was only in over night and mostly these days slept in the living room rather than with me like he did when I first brought him home.  But he was either taken in by someone or hit by a car, I got him from the middle of the road.  I'll miss the little thing.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Closer . . .

Ok so the people who were looking at me for a manager decided not to go that way but said I still stand a chance at a team member (which is what I applied for in the first place) and I said I am very interested to do that so I have to turn in my app around the 25th which I will do and bug the dude to death until he hires me.

In other news I've been out and about today paying property taxes, paying our title loan, I went to Dollar General to pick up paper goods we need and junk food we didn't.  Still have two outstanding bills and hopefully we won't go FLAT broke but I'm kinda thinkin we will.  I better mosey over there and see.  More developments as developments develop!

Friday, October 2, 2015

An Unexpected Surprise! Good? Well . . . Maybe . . .

Ok so sadly we reported the loss last month of Tippy, the little black puppy.  A few days after she went missing, Annie, our little brindle puppy, vanished without a trace.  

Today after a FULL day of travel and spending money we don't have, I was home resting and Mother excitedly called me into the living room and into the kitchen where she was trying to take the blockage away from the door (I'll explain in another post).  When she did and opened the door, in flew Annie!  I was so glad to see her!  She's so exuberant, so joyful, so playful, that it's a little annoying.  She is settling in some but oh the chaos here.  Oreo is in heat and has been for a while now and we think Annie may be as well.  The males are just humpalumps, they won't stop and we don't want MORE pups so we're fighting tooth and nail to keep them apart.  Well I am anyway Mother gives out.  The only real choice we have is to put the males out in the yard, pray they stay close and take whatever happens.  I wish we could get a kennel built it would be so easy and really the only thing we can do.  I have the perfect idea.  The old porch, board it up and cut like portholes in the wood so the dogs have a view but make it impenetrable so they can't get out the holes, and if they are being annoying here put them over there and trade back and forth until they are used to it and like it.  We can put blankets down for them to sleep on, and put their food bowls in there and it would be a nice pen for them.  But we have to DO it and stop TALKING about it.  But we'll see.  I have to go I have a pizza in the oven I don't want it to overcook.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Good News . . .

Shortly after midnight last night Snoopy came home.  He slept peacefully with me the rest of the night in spite of Oreo being there and in heat.  She's in a cage right now because Tiny Tim and Sparky are fighting over her.  I had them outside but Mother keeps letting them back in so this is the only option.  Mother also let Snoopy back out this morning so he's gone again.  I hope he comes back soon I don't know where he disappears to.  But thank Cerridwen he always seems to come home.  I'm making dinner now and soon will begin the TO DOs that I posted earlier.  Gonna do it!  Really gonna do it!

2:59 p.m.  Snoopy has come home thank goodness I'll try not to let him get out anymore today.  About time for me to tackle that To Do list though.  I think I'll procrastinate and wait till tomorrow.  Shit.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

I Just Can't Believe It :(

Pretty sure we've lost Snoopy this time.

I wish now I'd not photographed him.  I knew in time he would disappear and now it's happened.  There is nothing I can do, we can't afford a reward even if he's still alive and someone has him.  I wish things were more harmonious and far less chaotic here.  There is no sense in living like this . . . with so much loss and pain.

Sunday, September 27, 2015


Sparky and Snoopy finally came home last night.  I wasn't horribly worried but was a little.  I'd drove around looking for Snoopy and found no trace of him.  He finally came home I guess around midnight.  Sparky was out there and allowed me to pick him up and bring him in.  Sparky ate, Snoopy didn't.  As for today, well after the box died last night I thought we'd be without cable until the 5th but low and behold, it started working again this morning after I reset the box.  Praise Cerridwen!  Thank you Goddess!  Just as if it were nothing Mother had asked, 'do they come out here or do we take this back in?'  I stared at her dumbfounded.  She said 'we HAVE to get it working again'.  She doesn't even WATCH tv, so WHY could it not wait?!  Ah well the 5th they'll be out here and we'll get switched over and the equipment will come in my room so its safer, there will be a box in Mother's space but we'll fix some other place for it to go rather than keep it there where she can ruin it.   Otherwise I'm going to go later on and get us some chicken for dinner, looks like rain.  So more as developments develop.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Early Night . . .

Thor came in early and Snoopy had gotten out after they ate but he's in safe and sound now so I'm a little sleepy so I'll be tucking in early.  Found out today we have two new channels on our tv, good ones:  ID and Oxygen.  We're still switching come the 5th.  I'm a little worried, but, we'll see how it goes, we can always come back.  More later, sleepy and I hit one of them.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Random Thoughts On A Boring Monday Afternoon . . .

Ok so since I've gotten my tv back on in here and can watch absolutely whatever I want I've been keeping it primarily on SyFy and Chiller.  I swear they have not made a decent horror movie since 1975 (Trilogy of Terror).  All they do these days is see how much fake blood they can splash on the screen.  I don't get it.

I don't get the room these days either.  I'm checking out some other pagan chat sites if I can get reestablished in another room I'm leaving Occultus.  Pomegranate runs those rooms, not the admins that created it.  We can't keep people decent in there because of her.  I'm sick of it so, like Allison, I'm leaving.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Cable Trouble . . .

So both Friday and Saturday RIGHT AT 50 laps into each race, we lost our cable AND internet.  Come to find out it's our boxes, not an area thing.  Friday I also missed a Stephen King interview.  I removed the cover I had on the cable box to see if the issue might be overheating.  But it's peculiar that 1) it happens at the exact same time every night and 2) that is takes out both cable AND internet, when in the past only the cable was affected and 3) it won't reset on its own until the following morning.  The man associated with the cable company was COMPLETELY RUDE so in order not to have to deal with them in the future we're going to move to Suddenlink, we have to anyway because we have to have FS1 which our cable company refuses to provide.

In racing news, Kasey didn't make the chase that means he can't go for a championship this year but he's still a good driver in my book I don't know what his problem is when it comes to getting points.  He had one REALLY good season back in 'o4 and it's just really been downhill from there so, maybe his heart's just not in it.

Monday, September 7, 2015

The Daily Dog . . .

I guess it's going to be a thing every day that the dogs get out she lets them out without thought every single morning.  Even little Gypsy and we're going to lose her if that keeps up and that WILL keep up.  Prayerfully Cerridwen will continue to smile and allow me at some point to capture Thor.  Rusty scratched last night and when the door was open he came in so not much fuss there.  There is nothing I can do about it.  The man is back to hopefully finish the day I told him we couldn't afford to pay him more than 8 hours so I hope he doesn't go over 4 today I've already paid him for 4.  Mother is of course back out there chewing his ear off, pretty expensive conversation.  Anyway I've not had coffee yet so I'll do that and start the neofeeding, THOSE pets I can keep alive.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Well . . .

I was pretty sure it was a bad idea to hire someone to mow our lawn for two reasons.  One, we can't afford it and two, she won't leave them alone long enough to get the work done.  The man today was here LESS than 4 hours and spent at least one and a half talking to HER but I had to pay him for 4 hours anyway.  She also let the dogs out, I got them back in then the bitch turned around and let them out AGAIN and this time I can't catch Thor.  I am so furious right now it's not even funny.  I can't take this anymore, I just can't.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Ah Shit . . .

Mother let EVERY dog out this morning.  As is I had to get out today and try to capture Rusty, but now THOR has been thrown into the mix.  I'll see what I can do, I can't sit up all night again.  Thank Cerridwen Gypsy didn't leave, she was on the porch to come in when I opened the door and figured out what she'd done, and she's not even the slightest concerned.  Ah gods.

12:08 p.m.:  Thor came up on the porch as I was coming out to look for Snoopy.  He paused long enough to pee on one of my flowerpots and I pounced with catlike grace and captured him!  He's back in!  Now to get Rusty . . .

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


I'm so furious right now I can barely see straight!  I applied for a job through Snagajob for an administrative assistant in a town close by.  Sounded good, $19 an hour no experience necessary.  I received the following email from them:

Nicholas Walker  Sep 1 at 3:30 PM
Dear Applicant
Zenith Healthcare Limited Employment Experts & Recruitment terms, Received your Resume Application to our Database and we are pleased with your qualification,we believe you have the required qualification to undergo an online interview with us Tomorrow Morning 8am.(INTERVIEW POSITION :Administrative Assistant).

Your resume was shortlisted for an online interview with the Personnel Hiring Manager Mr.Nicholas Walker.You are to set up a screen name with yahoo instant messenger at (WWW.messenger.yahoo.com) OR (WWW.Gmail.com)and add up the Personnel Hiring Manager Mr.Nicholas Walker,Booth via Yahoo IM OR Google hangout with the following email address(Nicholaswalker070@yahoo.com OR Nicholaswalker070@gmail.com)Add to your buddy list ASAP,He will be online waiting for you to conduct your interview.
Your verification code is (Z630),this would serve as your identification number throughout the online hiring process. Your timely response matters a lot.
We Look Forward To You Joining Our Team.
Interview Scheduled : Online.
Time/Date: (8am-4pm)Wednesday, 2 September 2015
Venue: Online Via Yahoo IM OR Google Hang out ..they are mostly needed ..
Training is Available
Human Resources
Your swift and timely response matters a lot in this beneficial position.
Please feel free to contact the Hiring Manager if you are not comfortable with the DATE and TIME also for any questions or comments. Thanks.
Kind regards:
Thank you for your consideration,
Hiring Manage

As there are NUMEROUS spelling, grammar and punctuation errors I was INSTANTLY suspicious, so I googled the company.  Guess what?  JOB SCAM!  I'm SO FUCKING PISSED OFF RIGHT NOW FUCK YOU FBI WHAT THE GODDAMNED HELL GOOD ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PLEASE be leary of crap like this.  Matter of fact ONLY use LEGITIMATE employment agencies!  I will in the future!  AAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Every Day Something New . . .

But not always good.  Mother had to go to the doctor today to get bloodwork done (I think they are about to admit her to hospital).  I put Snoopy, Tiny Tim and Sparky out because though they run around outside the yard, they come home and eventually come in.  Ok so I have to bribe Sparky but still, he allows me to capture him and bring him back in.  So on the way out to the doctor's, I heard a dog that sounded  a lot like Sparky barking at my car as I drove down the street.  Sure enough, it was him following us.  I tried to get him but he kept running, sometimes in front of oncoming cars.  I wanted to stay and attempt to capture him but Mother started her whining so I had to leave him, I was sure when we returned he'd be dead in the street.  Though he wasn't, he still isn't home.  But there is hope he is with Snoopy and when they come home he will.  I'm not really worried, not YET, but I am apprehensive, that is as far away from home as he's ever gotten.  From now on if he DOES come home, he can't be out if we leave.  I'm getting him a harness I think and he's only going to go out with me.  Shit.

Also, Mother's keyboard stopped working so we're sharing until we can get a new one for her to ruin.  It just keeps coming, you know?

12:11 p.m.:  One sausage later, Sparky is home and inside safe.  Praise Cerridwen!!!!!!

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Thor . . . Revisited

Ok so the last you heard, our hero, me, was working hard watching Dark Shadows and trying to retrieve Thor, the 3 legged wonderdog.  At 3 a.m. Mother tells me, he won't come in don't worry about it.  I tell her, but he'll scratch on the door.  She tells me, that's ok it won't bother me go to bed.  So I did.  An hour later you'd think Jade Helm was invading our house from the ruckus Thor was making, Mother got up screaming curses and cursing ME, so I had to get back up and was up until after 6 a.m. making sure he didn't scratch on the door the rest of the night.  I got about 6 hours sleep.  Today I was determined to get him in, I just had to somehow outsmart him.  Well, he snubbed sausage, now, what dog in his right mind would snub SAUSAGE?!  As I was out anyway I did some domestic stuff around the yard, filled the squirrel feeders, filled the hummingbird feeder and just lounged on the porch and watered my plants.  As I was cleaning the hummingbird feeder Thor started hanging around me on that side of the porch, got into some high weeds, lost sight of me and I caught his tail.  He's in now!  We'll get some sleep tonight!  WOOT! 

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Thor . . . .

Thor is our 3 legged dog.  Some years ago something happened to him, we don't know what, that injured one of his front legs, we couldn't vet him and figured he would pass away from the injury, but being a true fighter, he lived.  The leg healed misshapen and he can't use it but he's just as frisky and feisty as any dog out there.  There's just one thing.

When he gets out, he will NOT come back in, not easily.  It's not like he really wants to stay out all the time either, he will scratch to get in, trouble is, you open the door and off he runs.  In order to get him in you have to open the door and walk away from it, ensuring ALL the other dogs get out while trying to get him back in.  He's out tonight and I'm in charge of trying to persuade him to come back in.  Last night it was fairly easy, I had a chicken wiener and he finally gave up and let me catch him.  I gave him the wiener.  So tonight with nothing to bargain with, I can't get him in, can't go to bed . . . so stuck.

Ever have a dream that you have to go to the bathroom and IWL you have to go to the bathroom and nearly have an accident?  Happened to me this morning.  I woke in time, but it was close.  Ick.

The weather is cooling, at least at night.  Tonight is full moon and she is GORGEOUS.  I was outside trying to catch Thor and heard something I've not heard in about a month (since our last rain).  Wind.  FABULOUS!  Can't WAIT till Samhain and full moon in October!  I wish it was windy all the time!  Going to go now, going to take another stab at getting Thor in.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Another Interview

I interview at Pizza Hut Wednesday at 4:15 for a delivery driver position.  I hope it works out.  I read bad things about it but hear good things.  I pulled cards on it and got a very positive reading, and used my aventurine pendulum and was told I would get the job and it is a good thing so I'm going with that.  I don't have a lot of choice.  I have to do something I have to regain my autonomy and do something about getting this property secured, barring that finding my own.  Which is what I'm leaning toward.  But we'll see, the main thing I am trying to accomplish is get out of debt and STAY out of debt.  It's enough already!

More sadness, Mother, as usual, let all the dogs out this morning and now Tippy is missing, she didn't come home all day and is still not home.  I drove around and didn't see her dead, so I'm hoping someone took her in, that's fine as long as they are good to her.  Also while the dogs were out being pests someone took a shot at them.  So there's that.  I didn't mind Mother putting most of the dogs out but I wish she'd held Tippy back and tried to keep her in, she was gone a long time yesterday but finally came home, tonight she didn't.  But, typical.  We still have Oreo and she's more mine now so.  We will see how it goes with the job, I know my first day at WhatABurger, though my last, was a disaster on the home front.  Came home to chaos which I expect with this job too but if I'm on the road I can call her a couple of times a day and check in that's something at least.

But going for now, just updating my life, and all it's ups and downs.  More on the morrow, have to go to town hope to see Tippy come home.  But won't hold my breath.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

I Was Excited But Now . . .

I had to quit, could not stand on my feet that long, had no idea my back was that bad.  Do you think I could get disability?!  OH HELL NO!  So on that maybe delivering pizzas will give me the funds I need.  It's just a little scary.  But it's sitting in a car all day and that's good.  Mother is driving me absolutely batshit.  Anyway going to go do some looking.  More later maybe.

Monday, August 10, 2015


Today was a day of 'good'.  The interview turned into a job, the car has been taken care of, and all, this far, is right with the world.  I will be working at WhatABurger here in town, so that's good, orientation is Wednesday so there will be that, I have my shirt and cap I need to purchase a pair of pants and they are charging me $30 for the shoes :|.  Anyhoot I have a job and people can stop calling me a freeloader now.  Though it's only part time I sense I will get many hours, very close to 40 a week, and it's more than minimum wage so that was very good.  I will be getting off public assistance, at least as long as the job pans out and I don't know why I would possibly lose it.  My only fear is Mother she is already making waves about her doctor's appointments as if my company is supposed to work around HER schedule rather than us working with THEIRS.  I got news for her, she's about to get all the doctor care she can stand.  But that, in time.  I'm feeling very productive at the moment so I'm doing a lot of catch up, tomorrow will be doing a lot of physical stuff.  I have to do something about getting the tv turned back on.  Anyway going to go nearly time for Ba'lith's broadcast.  Later!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Win10 . . .

At nearly 2 a.m. this morning after two days of trying I finally got Windows 10 to upgrade.  I like it ok, it's better than 8.1 for sure.  Kind of a mix of 7 and 8.1.  When I put it on Mom's computer it was pretty much hassle free, but mine was a pain in the arse, I guess because I have so much more on my computer.  I was worried about my media player but it seems to be intact.  I better check it.  Yea it's still there.  All my playlists.  Awesome.

Otherwise we're waiting on word to go pick up a 10,000 btu air conditioner for the living room, the 6500 we have in there just isn't cutting it on these triple digit afternoons.  I got cold last night with mine on but slept well once I went to bed.  Woke up with a slight headache, hate when that happens.  I'm going to prepare for Suddenlink to come in sometime in September.  More later.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

An Entertaining Blast from the Past . . .

Hulu and YouTube are so great in finding old, rare programming.  Hulu has the old Dark Shadow series from 1966 and I'm rewatching them, haven't seen them since I was a child, running home from school in time to catch it.  It was so thrilling!  Even today it's an interesting time killer, I'm trying to catch all the flubbed lines, stagehands walking onto set, the little screwups so common in such a show back then.  Hulu also has the Masters of Horror series I just watched one I hadn't seen before 'Pelts' man that was gross.  And the one I liked with Fairuza Balk about all the serial killers, reminds me of a story I tried to write a while back titled Night of the Knife about two serial killers that just happened to victimize each other.  Of course I love the selection of movies I can watch on Hulu as well, the old Elvira's Movie Macabre.  Fun!  So as I continue to try to feed up my neopets (I've started at the bottom and working up), I find wonderful things to keep me entertained!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Not Good . . .

Calling and calling until your throat is sore then getting in your car and scouring the streets in the vicinity of your house looking sadly for a dog you realize FAR too late, never escaped to begin with.  My mom's dog Gypsy, it looked to me like she got out when three of our other dogs escaped.  Two of them came back, I got one other in, but she was not among them.  I called and called, took up vigil in a lawn chair on the porch, my eyes glancing first at the huge quarter moon, then to the gate where surely any minute she'd come bouncing though.  Got in the car and drove around where I thought she'd be wandering around, saw nothing but cats, black and white cats.  Finally, heart broken, I opened the door to the trailer next to ours, in case she came home and wanted to go in there to stay sheltered, then came into the house, only to find the little fart on the couch wagging her tail and glad I'd come in.  I was not mad, just so GLAD to see her.  My heart can stop thumping in my throat now.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

OOooofff So Totally Full . . .

Just wolfed down a Texas Double Whopper with fries and drink and am STUFFED.  I actually fed about 1/4 of it to the dogs and cats, I just couldn't eat another bite.  I was so disappointed with the service at that shop MAN how rude!  I'm about to go to their site and give them an eyeful.  On Twitter as well.  I want to stop buying there completely, it's just not worth it.  I prefer WhataBurger, it just costs more.

My thing now is chips and dips.  I've always been a chip lover but I've gone hog wild on dips.  Must have dips these days.  So Brookshire's actually had their large bags of chips 3/5.00 so I got those and three jars of tasty dips.  The sweets drawer is full as well.  Hostess has flavored twinkies; strawberry, banana and chocolate.  So I got one of each, and candy, and pinwheels.  So snackwise, I'm all set for  awhile.

I have to send some stuff to my bro tomorrow, not a problem I think I have everything.  I've started doing the hanging out of the clothes, Mother just can't hold out to do it so that's my afternoon sunbathing.  Well, early afternoon anyway.  Anyway off I go, to the Cs on Neopets.  We'll see how far I get now.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Well . . .

Since discovering the purple jubjub morphing potion, I've discovered faerie eyrie morphing potion, and now have a faerie eyrie.  Beautiful!  AND today I bought a tyrannian paint brush and painted a scorchio tyrannian.  It's neat looking!  Different, anyway!  So I now have many colorful painted and morphed pets!  I'm working on a spreadsheet that lists my pets, their species and color so that when I want to find one I can easily find it.  Sad, huh?  Well that's OCD for ya.

In other news I finally got squirrel and bird seed around here so I can watch the wildlife munch.  All I've seen so far is a baby fox squirrel and man did he eat.  THE BIRDSEED!  Little fart.  I think he finally found the squirrel feed jar though.  He sure made a mess of the table though.  I heard redbirds out there so I suppose they found the birdseed.  I also left a large bowl of clean water for them at the base of the tree.  Need to mow back there though.

The race last night was great, but the wreck at the end was horrible.  Austin Dillon came close to being killed when his car flew up and into the catchfence.  13 spectators were hurt.  He was bruised but otherwise fine.  Jr. won, Kasey, I do believe, DNF'd but did lead 5 laps.

Friday, July 3, 2015


Ok so today was payday and we went to Cleveland to buy groceries.  I KNEW Mother shouldn't have gone, she just can't hold out to do it.  Tomorrow I have to get some prescriptions filled for her and already we're running out of money.  It cost $162 at WalMart just to buy enough food to last us to the 9th.  We're going to need more midmonth.  Sooner more than likely.  I did order Mother another monitor though that we just had to do.  It was shipped same day so hopefully it will be here next week.  I added a tarot deck for me and a movie, both drastically reduced so it wasn't much.  I came home so tired and my back just killing me but I'm a little better now and glad I have snacks.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Going NUTS!!!!

Ok so in playing Neopets I was looking for something and I've gotten into the bad habit of checking people's paintbrush offers.  Well today I came across . . .

PURPLE JUBJUB MORPHING POTION!!!!!!  Two of my jubs are now purple!!!!! SO cute!  One account I have has all painted pets (purple jub, purple yurble, striped scorchio) and a red Tonu (used to be a blumaroo).  I'm going NUTS with this stuff but I love it!  Never have I been able to paint my pets before and I've adopted so many painted pets!  Today a brown Techo, she's really pretty!  The striped scorchio?  GORGEOUS!

Ok I have to prepare for my broadcast, I'm a little nervous about it I don't really have a set topic tonight.


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Shit Happens . . .

So just when you think you've got it all figured out and most of your troubles are behind you, shit happens.  I figured we would be way ahead this month until yesterday and BLOOEY pthththththththtth out goes my air conditioner.  Have to invest another $135 dollars for one.  ARRRGGGHHH !!!!!!!!

But the rain has stopped, the sun is out things are drying up and the heat is coming on so good for the mosquitoes.  I have to do some work on my plants soon they're looking neglected.  I'd gotten a nice size container to catch rain water in found it in the yard UPSIDE DOWN so none of the recent rainwater got in there, it's to be used to water my plants.  I'll fix it though, get stuff moving forward again.  This place has just disintegrated into chaos, and you know what?  It's for the most part MY fault.  Working on that.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Waterlogged . . .

The rain just will not stop.  Woke us up this morning raining so hard and the wind so fierce we thought we were gonners.  But soon enough it stopped.  It's been thundering still in the area but the sun's come out right now.  Forecast is more rain over the next 10 days at least.  So we're not out of the woods yet.

I got a pink shoyru on Neopets.  Thrilled but I really need to do something I cannot catch up feeding on so many accounts.  I will figure it out I suppose.  Got more land on two games of Astrogarden that's so great in all the time I've been playing that game never got to do so well, now I have tons of neighbors and that is so helpful.  Got a mystery seed generator on Pot Farm that's pretty cool.

Anyway just checking in and seeing how the land lays.  More as developments develop as long as we don't float away.

Friday, May 1, 2015

A Failed Experiment . . .

 Not only did we spend MOST of our money today we had to go out of town to spend a lot of it.  They have closed our local WalMart and well, life just about sucks here now, if you don't or can't shop at Brookshire's or HEB, your only choice is to go to Cleveland, Woodville, Huntsville or some other town that still has a WalMart.  We're going to be making do with Brookshire's.  Nothing much we can do, I can't keep going out of town that was just MISERABLE.  Anyway, we added a fridge to our already bloated Aaron's bill, to be delivered Monday, they brought us out a loaner washer till they fix the one we were paying on, about a month from now.  I invested in flea stuff for the dogs they are really covered, early this season.  I was so tired by the time I got home all I could do was nearly collapse.  I was glad to see Snoopy though, he had gotten out on our way out and I was so afraid something had happened to him, we had to leave him out because we didn't have time to coax him back in.  But when we got home he was on the porch, tail wagging, whining, so happy someone came home.  So all is safe and sound now.  More on the morrow I am so tired.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

A Bad Day Indeed . . .

It came to our attention last night that Max was sick, VERY sick.  I've called a vet here in town I thought would let us bring him in and pay them the 3rd, how absurd that is.  I knew Dr. Theil wouldn't do it I tried that with Gypsy when she got pregnant.  Area Wide or whatever that place is flat said no, so, if he gets better he gets better if he dies he dies, we are flat broke and no one will help us.  I can't believe people these days.  I have to go to town in a little bit I'll get some apple cider vinegar if  I can some people have said they've given that to their cats when they got UTIs and it helped them so I'm praying I can do that and it's effective.  He did show interest in water this morning I don't know if he drank, I had to leave him to get the litter pans clean.  We tried to get an extension on our loan but we can't do that until the 3oth and mother wants every cent they'll loan us rather than just going for the $500 I was going to get to get Max vetted and the refrigerator fixed.  But oh well whatever happens happens.  We manifest our destinies, but when we are coupled with a dead weight we can't fly very high.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Ok So . . .

Watching racing, sort of.  I've been updating some of my facebook games, they have shut down Hemp Tycoon and are closing down Atlantis Fantasy which I HATE.  I've restarted some of them on a second facebook account I have that is friends only, no family so I can be ME without repercussions.  I've not been in chat all day and I'm about tired playing games, I may start cleaning or . . . not I don't know tomorrow is looking good for that kind of thing.  The rain has stopped for a while, no more expected till Thursday, everyone is flooded, it's trending on Texas FBs.  We're broke again but seeing what we can do.

This week I started broadcasting for the chat, I'm enjoying it I hope to keep stuff to talk about.  I've generated interest in tiger's eye and orange, I think I did quite a lengthy tirade on both this week.

Everything is green and leafy out here I'm going to try to get my ass in gear this week and get some seed planted and stuff moved around where I can garden.  Going to take a lot of work but about time I used my muscles.

Anyway more later, going to check on this game they are long to load or crashing outright don't know what's up with that.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Monday, March 9, 2015

It's Raining . . .

And apparently appears to be set in until at least tomorrow so sayeth the weather channel. It's been raining steadily since night before last.  SO I'm about sick of rain.  BUT, after this it's planting time!  Lots of good stuffs for me I'm so excited!

In other news either the cats pulled the cable connection device out of Mother's television or it finally came out on it's own, either way we're screwed for television in there.  1st of the month we'll get a flatscreen it may have to come into my room and the one in here to the living room, the cats will kill a flatscreen.  But we'll see.  In the meantime I have to make lunch.  More later.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Still Cold . . .

I do believe it's going to be winter until July.  So far, seriously, until mid March, it's going to be cold, even as far as the upper 20s at night.  If this doesn't break and I don't see some 80s pretty quick I may just go stark raving mad.  I had intended on getting some planting done but I can't until I KNOW it's going to stop freezing.  Winter, get outta here already!

Otherwise I'm watching all the Good Witch movies and preparing for the new series, and also waiting for racing to start, I'll have to deal with all that online.  NASCAR was really heartless to move so much racing onto FS1, not every cable system carries that channel.

Alright I don't have as much to say as I thought so I'll be on my way.  Boring day today that's for sure.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Dogs, Cats, and Spring

Ok so as luck would have it 4 of our dogs and 2 of our cats got out this morning so I've been out in a freezing gale trying to collect them all before we have issues.  I got them all in finally.

Last night I ordered us some goodies from Swiss Colony and cannot wait for it to get here.  Little cakes and some gummy butterflies and some toffee MMM!  I love toffee, and this comes in a pretty ladybug tin I can keep for things.  I guess it will be here in about 2 weeks.

So, it's cold, it is it's about 45 right now, the wind is blowing about 20 mph in gusts but the sun is out and it is warm.  It's supposed to be warming tomorrow so I am putting the plants back out that are in here, repotting the two miniature roses in an effort to save them because they are not faring well at the moment.  I am going to be super sad if I lose the white one, the yellow one I fear is done for.

So that's my day so far, more as developments develop.  OH I've started another novel, I really like this one!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

No Visual Racing . . .

Sucks I can't watch the first Xfinity race today but listening to it on MRN Radio, almost as good.  I can keep up with the leaderboard at NASCAR.COM thank goodness we have internet and everything is so accessible.  WHY can't FS1 stream the race for those that don't have the channel?!  Jerks.

Other than that the day is quiet, my gum feels a little better, the sun is in and out and I bought more seed to plant.  Veggies.  Cukes, for one.  So we'll see how this girl is at growing food.

Kitties and pups are all fine and life goes on in it's slow as molasses rhythm.  Sparks will fly when I can start broadcasting, at least I'll have something to do getting two broadcasts per week ready.  Starting on the first one now!

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Looks Like Rain . . .

So woke up this morning it was chilly and it's only been partially sunny.  Mother rethought the ribs, decided to eat a heat and eat sandwich instead so I'll be lunching on soup and later on I'll munch something else, not sure what.  But something.

I changed the date for the cable install to the sixth, that will give us a little more time, come to find out we have to pay up front for our first month BEFORE they can do the install so I can't complete the order until the 3rd.  I'm seriously contemplating applying at WhatABurger for night shift.  I'm up most of the night anyway.  Only problem is Mother won't let me sleep during the day so I don't know its still a tossup.  Perhaps in better times, we'll see.

I'm in prep for full moon, I am going to be doing some cleansing and possibly a binding.  At least a measure of protection anyway.  I'll have to see what my meditations guide me to.  Binding is last resort kind of stuff.  But life goes on and times they are a changin'.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Early Spring???

This is what we're dealing with these days.  Well, and this too:

Oreo and Tippy.  Gypsy gave birth the 9th, originally 4, two didn't make it, these two are ginormous.  I think they are Thor's rather than Sparky's.

I have chicken baking and it's heating up the kitchen something fierce, I want to get an oscillating fan on a stand for in there this summer.  Since I'm the one doing ALL the cooking these days.

So spring comes forth and I'm ready to plant.  Got great ideas and it's gonna be a GORGEOUS growing season I cannot wait!  Going to have veggies, and pretty pretty pretty plants and flowers.  I'm going to get some more hylocereus started, some stapelia, and some euphorbia millii and I'm so thrilled!

Saturday, January 24, 2015


We are in the throes of getting the house in order because on the 4th a new cable company comes in to convert our cable system.  The new NASCAR schedule makes it necessary as our cable company does not now nor never intends to carry FS1, where most of racing is going to be broadcast this year god damn it to hell.  But what can I say, money talks NASCAR fans are doomed to follow.  One good news is Gordo is semi-retiring after this year.  Maybe Kasey will step up and do better.  I sure hope so.  So on that off I go, much to do and no motivation to get it done, but gotta anyway.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Brand New Year

Ok so it's now 2015 and we're not doing too badly.  Just one common problem, what to do with myself.  I really need to get some kind of work going on, mostly to defend myself against an inevitable attack.  I also need some type of legal representation for myself, I'll be looking into that.  But for now it's clean house and eradicate all negativity.  And that I intend to do.